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Since athena is often depicted with a shield, have you thought about the shield brace feat?

avr wrote:

If you're getting a 16 strength then you probably want a magic weapon. Or at least a masterwork one.

I'd probably make the chain shirt +1 spell storing instead of just +1. Clerics have plenty of good touch spells to load in spell storing armor.

Some scrolls of useful spells which don't have saving throws, and a wand of cure light wounds should be on your equipment list.

You might not have the money now but a circlet of persuasion is worth getting when you can.

What would I have done differently? I'd probably have got combat reflexes and a longspear rather than shield proficiency. Or maybe a +1 buckler and a one-handed weapon - since a +1 buckler has a zero armor check penalty you don't need proficiency to use it. That would leave you a feat free. Also, I'd have put the racial bonus into wisdom rather than strength.

I like the buckler idea. I could get something, that doesn't feel like a waste of a skill instead. Also i'll change stats to:

Str 14
Dex 11+1 lvl 4
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 16 +2 racial
Cha 16
As a weapon I want to use my rod as a light mace, Can I give it a +1? Also I have a light crossbow.

I already play a reach cleric and don't want to feel to similar. This new cleric was the appointed constable of a town that relies more on the rules of decency than law an he had to come to terms with tat ande took control of the defense against the demonic invasion that happens in our campaign. He's kind of a straight laced but likeable character and I want to reflect that in some way in his feats.

To start this is my first post here and I can't get the format right, because i'm on my phone, so please forgive me if I made any mistakes. Also English is my not my natvie tongue, so please be kind.

So our gm told us to make backup characters and since my reach cleric of shelyn is quite fun, I want to stay cleric.

We are only allowed to use books, that our gm has read and he's very cautious of adding new material. So I'm only able to use core, apg, unchained and ultimate combat.
We roll stats and I did quite well:

Str 14 +2 racial
Dex 11+1 lvl 4
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 16
Cha 16
Alignment: LG
Race: Human
Class: abadar cleric(evangelist) 6, nobility domain
1.H shield proficiency
1.spell focus conjuration,
3. Augment summoning
5. Lingering performance

Mz skills are all over the place, 1 point every class skill and 3 in umd and perception

Equipment:(the important stuff)
Chain shirt +1
Heavy wooden shield +1
Headband of inspired wisdom +2
lesser Extend Metamagic Rod

This leaves me with around 6000gp

Spell wise I want to focus on buff and summoning monsters. Mostly earth elementals which will be buffed with inspiring words and inspire courage.

So, I think I made the best with the resources I have. But I don't know, what to spend my remaining money on. Also I would like to know what you would do differently.