Zachin's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


Hey, noticed that tml#grappling-hook
has the price of 1,0001 g for a mithril grappling-hook. Guessing from other mithril items that this should be 1,001g

The rules for the NPC would be the same as in Core though correct?

No, and no. As is, it is possible for familiars to "transmit" touch spells to the desired target.

I would say that the player is not able to specifically replicate the sounds a crab makes because of anatomy. If they wanted to push the issue with a spell, I would either make the wand go of randomly or go off in random directions, or just not work at all because animals do not get skills.

We made it the same as a crit threat (just in reverse) in combat because we all agree that if a delta sniper missed 5% of the time he wouldn't be a delta sniper anymore.

Thanks Riveos, I thought that was the case. I guess we will have to work out a fair failure penalty. I personally do not think that if my dc is lower than my bonus that I should suffer the full penalty of failure as if I rolled 5 less than the dc with bonuses.

btw if you fail by 5 or more you have 1d4 added to unrest and if you have above that its just a point. A success removes a point.

What would the difference be if you had to touch them to buff them? If you are exploiting a loophole in the spell storing of a blade, I personally would rule that its an auto-success, but I might have you roll with negatives to see if you hurt your comrade too. Your party members know what you are doing and it would be no different than if you were going to lay on hands or touch them for the buff.

Do you know where specifically it says this?

The specific place you are looking for is at the bottom of the page.


basically the answer is yes.

I currently have a kingdom with a control DC of 24 (yes its just starting), and my stability bonus currently is at 29. If I roll a 1 on my check, is that a failure? If so, by how much? I have looked for the text specifically for rolling ones and did not find anything.
My playing group takes turns as GM and decides collectively on house rules so some type of documentation would be helpful.