Verik Vancaskerkin

Zachary Arimaz's page

34 posts. Alias of SOLDIER-1st.

Full Name

Zackary Arimaz


Human (Varisian)


Barbarian 1 | AC 15, TAC 13 | HP 20/23 | Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +4 | Perception +4












Taldane, Varisian

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Zachary Arimaz

Glaive +4, 1d8+3 slashing damage (+2 positive damage when Raging) (Traits: deadly d8, forceful, reach)
Dagger +4, 1d4+3 piercing damage (+1 positive damage when Raging) (Traits: agile, finesse, thrown 10ft, versatile S)
Unarmed +4, 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage (+1 positive damage when Raging) (Traits: agile, finesse, non-lethal, unarmed)

When Raging, gain 4 temp hp, and lose 1 AC

Acrobatics: -2, Untrained
Arcana: +1, Trained
Athletics: +2 Trained
Crafting: -1, Untrained
Deception: -1, Untrained
Diplomacy: -1, Untrained
Intimidation: -1, Untrained
Lore (Esoteric Order): +1, Trained
Medicine: +3, Trained
Nature: +3, Trained
Occultism: +1, Trained
Performance: -1, Untrained
Religion: +3, Trained
Society: +1, Trained
Stealth: -2, Untrained
Survival: +1, Untrained
Thievery: -2, Untrained

Feats and Abilities:
Rage (Traits: Barbarian, Concentrate, Emotion, Mental, Divine*, Necromancy*, Negative/Positive*)
Requirements You can’t be fatigued, raging, or wearing heavy armor.
You begin raging. You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your level plus your Constitution modifier and enter a state of pure rage that lasts for 3 rounds. While you are raging, you are affected in these ways:
• Gain a +2 conditional bonus to damage rolls with melee weapons and unarmed Strikes. The bonus is halved if your weapon or unarmed Strike is agile. This bonus increases by 1 at level 3 and every 4 levels thereafter.
• Take a –1 penalty to AC.
• You can’t use actions that have the concentrate trait unless they also have the rage trait. The Seek basic action gains the rage trait while you’re raging. After you have stopped raging, you lose any remaining temporary Hit Points from using the Rage action, you can’t use Rage again for 1 round, and you are fatigued for 1 round. You can’t voluntarily stop raging. If you stop raging before its usual duration expires, you are fatigued and can’t Rage again until after the end of your next turn.

Spirit Totem
Whether you are emotionally sensitive to the activity of spirits around you, belong to a shamanic tribe that worships ancestors or apparitions, or are haunted by aspecter of an ancestor, relative, friend, or foe, your rage takes the form of a spiritual possession.

Disrespecting corpses or spirits that are in your presence is anathema to your totem; however, defending yourself against undead creatures is not.

Spirit Rage (Totem Ability)
When you are raging, you can make your conditional bonus to damage deal negative or positive damage, rather than your weapon or unarmed attack’s usual damage type (you choose which type each time you Rage). If you choose to do this, your weapon or unarmed attack affects material and incorporeal creatures and objects equally. This makes your weapon overcome incorporeal creatures’ resistance to physical attacks (as the ghost touch property rune). If you choose to deal negative or positive damage, your Rage action gains the divine and necromancy traits, plus the negative or positive trait, as appropriate.

Raging Resistance
The resistance from your raging resistance class feature applies against negative damage, as well as all damage dealt by the attacks and abilities of undead creatures, regardless of the damage type.

Acute Vision (Traits: Barbarian)
When you are raging, your visual senses improve, granting you low-light vision and darkvision.

Quick Identification (Traits: General, Skill)
Prerequisites trained in Arcana, Nature, Occultism or Religion
You take only 10 minutes when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 1 hour. If you’re an expert, it takes 5 minutes; if you’re a master, it takes 1 minute; and if you’re legendary, it takes 3 rounds.

Skilled (Traits: Human)
Your ingenuity allows you to train in a wide variety of skills. You become trained in two skills of your choice.