About YukimuraName Yukimura, Yuki........................Race Human
Campaign and Character Traits *Westcrown Firebrand
Offense Base Attack: +0, CMB: +2
Defense HP 8(1d8+1), current 8
Ability Scores: STR 10 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 13 (+1), INT 14 (+2), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 16 (+3) Feats: Agile Maneuvers (DEX bonus for CMB), Extra Performance (6 additional rounds per day) Class Features: Bardic knowledge, bardic performance, cantrips, countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1 Skills: ________________________________Total_____Abiltiy_Ranks_Misc. [x]Acrobatics...................................._2__=DEX_2_+___+___ [x]Appraise......................................_2__=INT_2__+___+___ [x]Bluff............................................._7__=CHA_3_+_1_+_3_ [x]Climb..........................................._0__=STR_0__+___+___ [x]Craft............................................_2__=INT_2__+___+___ [x]Craft............................................_2__=INT_2__+___+___ [x]Craft............................................_2__=INT_2__+___+___ [x]Diplomacy...................................._7__=CHA_3_+_1_+_3_ [ ]Disable Device.............................._2__=DEX_2_+___+___ [x]Disguise......................................._3__=CHA_3_+___+___ [x]Escape Artist................................_2__=DEX_2_+___+___ [x]Fly................................................_2__=DEX_2_+___+___ [ ]Handle Animal..............................._3__=CHA_3_+___+___ [ ]Heal.............................................._1__=WIS_1_+___+___ [x]Intimidate...................................._3__=CHA_3_+___+___ [x]Knowledge(Arcana)....................._3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Knowledge(Dungeoneering)........_3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Knowledge(Engineering)............._3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Knowledge(Geography).............._3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Knowledge(History)......................_3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Knowledge(Local)........................_3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Knowledge(Nature)....................._3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Knowledge(Nobility)__Main__....._7__=INT_2__+_1_+_4_ [x]Knowledge(Planes)....................._3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Knowledge(Religion)..................._3__=INT_2__+___+_1_ [x]Linguistics..................................._6__=INT_2__+_1_+_3_ [x]Perception..................................._1__=WIS_1_+___+___ [x]Perform__Kyomai_(dance)__......_7__=CHA_3_+_1_+_3_ [x]Perform__Shigin_(sing)__..........._7__=CHA_3_+_1_+_3_ [x]Perform__Oratory__..................._7__=CHA_3_+_1_+_3_ [x]Profession__Blacksmith__.........._5__=WIS_1_+_1_+_3_ [x]Ride............................................_2__=DEX_2_+___+___ [x]Sense Motive.............................._6__=WIS_1_+_1_+_4_ [x]Sleight of Hand..........................._2__=DEX_2_+___+___ [x]Spellcraft....................................._4__=INT_2_+___+_2_ [x]Stealth........................................_6__=DEX_2_+_1_+_3_ [ ]Survival........................................_1__=WIS_1_+___+___ [ ]Swim............................................_0__=STR_0__+___+___ [x]Use Magic Device........................_3__=CHA_3_+___+___ Spells:
Spells known: 1st level: 0 = 4, 1 = 2 Spells per Day: 0 = cantrips, 1 = 1 0 Lvl Spells Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. Ghost Sound: Figment sounds. Light: Object shines like a torch. Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. 1 Lvl Spells Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level. Undetectable Alignment: Conceals alignment for 24 hours. Equipment:
Hand-made Hair Blades Bamboo QuarterStaff Leather Slippers Performance Kimono Sack 2 Kimonos 19 Tea Bags 2 Tea cups Tea Kettle Fan Inkpen Ink (1 oz. vial) Spellbook (diary) Soap Bedroll Rope, Silk (50 ft) Lantern, Hooded Rations, Trail/ 7 Days Oil (1-pint flask) Waterskin Money PP
One of the many times telling stories at a tavern...
...a group of drunken listeners were curious to know her story... "Do you see this? Silvery-white hair, the omen of greatness in all of Tian-Xia. Many knew of this silvery-white hair I have since I was born. Everyone kept an eager eye on me. 'What great things will she do?', they would wonder. 'Maybe she’ll become an influential leader like Ruby Emperor Shing La Po of Wan, or perfect herself in a skill as did the Perfect Swordswoman, Setsuna Kuga.' Oh, there were so many possibilities of how I’d bring great honor to my people. I was so sure I was destined for greatness; I mean, I have an omen of greatness! I was doing an extraordinary job on my studies and my extracurricular activities. I even had appointments set up for me to speak in front of many people about various topics. They wanted to know what the child destined for greatness had to say. And my family, they were so proud. I brought them an increase in wealth and rank, they were practically nobility. And the best of all, I brought them honor. But, something went terribly wrong, my whole life up to age 15 was a lie. All of it. I overheard a conversation between my parents and one of my mentors at the time. They, of course, didn’t know I was there. I saw my father hand the mentor a nice sum of cash and muttered disappointingly 'We don’t know what we’d do if everyone knew our child were average in everything. It would completely destroy our family name.' I couldn’t believe what my eyes and ears were perceiving! 'I wasn’t great? Just average? There was nothing I was great in? Why? It’s impossible, I have an omen of greatness!' , I exclaimed in my thoughts. A gasp escaped me and traveled from the hallway into the room where the dirty transaction was being done. All three of them quickly turned their heads toward me with guilty looks on their faces. I yelled, 'How could you?!' and ran out of our beautiful house into the streets of Tian-Min and screamed, 'I’m average! It was all a lie! I’m not destined for greatness!' Obviously I caught the attention of the surrounding poor, but once the authorities saw me, I told them everything. They investigated it and found it to be true; my grades didn’t add up correctly and a couple of my paid mentors confessed. My parents’ ranks were taken away from them, so their wealth deteriorated. Many believed I was in on it, but couldn’t take the guilty conscience, and therefore 'exploded.' No one wanted anything to do with the corrupt family. The Yukimura family instantly became a social outcast, and not even the poor would talk to us. Shortly after, I left. I wanted to go somewhere else and start over. Somewhere where I wasn’t thought of as corrupt. Where I would be able to find my calling, my destiny. Where I would be able to gain great honor, and prove to myself that I am destined for greatness." More About Yukimura:
Usually, the first noticeable thing is her style of clothing. The most worn, her performance outfit, has a kimono style to it. Her long sleeves are diconnected from her short dress. Underneath, she wears a strapless leather dress for armor. The outfit is mainly light blue with black as the subcolor. It used to be a regular kimono, but she shortened it for easy getaways, either because of horrible performances or, most common, very pushy men. Her other two kimonos are full length. One of them is pink with accents of yellow. The other is a deep navy blue with lavender here and there. She has beautiful lavender eyes with an asian shape. Her silvery-white long hair, which looks like shining snow, is held in a bun, but then drops to almost floor length. Her bangs are flipped to her right side and slanted, getting shorter towards the back. She created 5 blades to wrap around her hair, also, for quick getaways from men. She just does a swift head movement as she turns, and runs.