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Thanks for all the help. I fully intend on helping her resolve this issue. It may be a learning expierience for her and thus a good thing. This was an attack on paladins by the GM. If it were me ....no big deal but why do it to a new player?

Yes he "made her take possesion". We came across a "grave knight" and the knight forced her to take the weapon and kill him. She in no way could have avoided this.

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I recently started to play Pathfinder and my daughter asked if I would show her how to play. She plays WoW and her favorite character is the paladin. She chose to play a paladin in our Pathfinder group. I explained to her that paladins follow certain codes and are different than the ones in WoW. She has been doing a great job roleplaying her character but our GM decided to pick on her by making her take possesion of an itelligent sword. The sword has caused her to change alignments to NG and so she will loose her paladinship. This really pisses me off because she has been following the rules of paladinship to the letter and almost came to tears when she found out about the sword and what it did to her. I really hoped that playing this game would bring us closer together she is 14 and getting older every day and spending time with dad is getting less apealing. I dont know if she will be able to shake this off. Any suggestions other than jerking the GM up baldheaded?

I'm sure the GM will level the playing field. Thanks for the suggestions/advice.

4th level(yea it was an oversite by the GM). A tithe was given already. Lastly not many items already owned(only 4th level and all)

I have recently acquired 500,000 gp and was wondering what the best items I could purchase for my cleric of Sarenrae might be.

Personally I think they should do away with alignment. What true purpose does it serve that couldnt be explained by other means?

Ok then explain the spell undetectable alignment

If I were to ask another character what his alignment was would he be able to tell me?

Thanks,I didn't know if there was any documented information reguarding

I have recently been awarded a +2 holy symbol of my deity. What spells or abilities would this benefit and how?

When I started playing with the group I didnt know them from Adam. They have been playing together for years and I answered a post on the local gaming clipboard. The GM seems to be "ok" but one of his long time players is a bit of a jerk. I have seen 3 other players quit the group because of the way they play. I just started playing Pathfinder and it is really hard to find groups at all. I have started a group on another night at my home(with 2 of the players that quit the group). I enjoy the new group more because we are more "rules" oriented but being new to "roleplaying" I find the old group much more challenging from a "roleplaying" perspective(during 1 of our 5hr. sessions I rolled only 1 20sided dice the entire time). I realize I'm just being their "huckleberry". Should I feel bad about this?

I was told that spells like Detect Evil and Holy Smite only related to evil "outsiders". I know this is bunk but if the GM says so....

Yea I know the GM will come up with "some way" of defeating my intentions but I will at least have him scrambling for answers. Thing is I have just been introduced into this gaming group and was instructed to make "as good aligned of a character as I can". I've been with the group 7 sessions now and I am left with my deity and temple not allowing me to speak with them(even though I still pray for my spells) because of the group I'm running with. I've also had "visons" of the world coming apart if I dont run with them. Very frustrating!!

Thanks for the reply. Thing is the GM of the group I play in wont let me cast detect evil to identify evil members in my group(out of character I know they are evil). But if I cast Holy Word....HA!

I know its been almost a year since this post but I play a cleric and might be available for sundays. I am also looking for a player or 2 for a friday night campaign. I live in far south OKC. If interested contact me Jim Hampton at jhamp10@yahoo.com.

If I were to cast Holy Word and the rest of my party was say neutral or evil aligned and in range, would they be affected?