Sian Daemodus

Ysder's page

17 posts. Alias of BastianQuinn.

Adam Koebel wrote:
The only mechanical shift that I definitely want to include is that if you roll a roll with exactly three sixes, something really f#@$&% metal happens. -and maybe I’ll make a table, but I’ll definitely make guidelines for when you roll the Devil’s Crit. If you get three sixes on a roll… Satan’s here for you. Your goat-legged after-lord will come f#@$ s@$& up for you.

On October 12, a playtest may be released by Adam Koebel, co-creator of Dungeon World which is a Science Fantasy, Heavy Metal, Satanic, Drug-induced hack of Blades in the Dark.

The Development process is being streamed on twitch, and re-posted on youtube starting here.

I have played a few games of Blades in the Dark and am currently DMing a playtest of another hack called Girl by Moonlight, and I’ll be following the development of this hack in the meantime. I was just wondering if there were any others hereabouts who were as excited for this as I am.

[Sheets] [Map]

Players who have been approved may dot here for updates.

[Sheets] [Map]

Opening the Discussion thread...

Neo Jimazan, seat of Erohin, garden of youkai
a grand cosmic order - avenge and ancient wrong - authoritarian, class struggle - privilege, tradition - gender, love

Neo Jimazan is a replica of the kingdom of the heavens carved from a mountain of strange lavender marble with gold veining. It is the seat of power for the spirits from beyond the Veil. Since the Cataclysm, these eerily familiar God figures have dominated the earth, breaking down human social structures and uniting humanity under them as cherished, wayward children. They call themselves the Erohim, and they have reshaped culture in twelve short years. They didn’t like how we characterized them. How we insisted, once, that they would conform to either masculine or feminine ideals which were, admittedly, more fluid than we ourselves cared to admit. Not so now. These days it seems the individual has been completely sublimated into the collective.

Any rights you have are assigned, along with your role and your attendant youkai, without any consideration given to those traits engendered in you. You’re expected to ‘grow into’ your role. These changes have brought about paradise. Discrimination is uprooted. Engineered scarcity is a thing of the past. They provide for us everything our heart desires, but there’s no suppressing human nature. Your role, your uniform, and how you’re expected to act don’t reflect who you are, how you think, or how you wish to be seen. You are terminally ill-suited to the role Gods have asked you to take, and your life-long youkai attendant knows this. Your daily life is plagued by dysphoria, and you can only feel like yourself when you’re in your hideout, among like-minded individuals. In what ways do you all transgress against privilege and tradition?

Recently, there have been… incidents. Youma, horrible monstrosities of Darkness have attacked Jimizan from within. Libraries, shrines, and gardens have also sunk into Darkness, corrupting those who visit them, and bringing about the strife that we thought to leave behind us. The Erohin are unable to protect us from these attacks. A conspirator was captured. A man, of all things, with a heavy, fire-belching weapon of tubes and hoses. You were drawn to the scene to see this man’s clothes, intrigued by his stubborn rejection of the wisdom of the Erohin. While you were there, you each found an oddly shaped, jade trinket, like a claw with a hole drilled through the base.

After some experimentation, you each find that these trinkets allow you access to a place outside of this world where the youkai cannot find you. As you spend more and more time escaping to this peaceful place, you find each other, talk, and become friends. One of you finds that these trinkets also allow you to Transcend.

Each of you chooses one or two (you may overlap)
Royal Heir - Loyal Knight - Hopeful Suitor - Secret Lover - Demanding Mentor - Forgotten Child - Lowly Servant - Enemy Turned Friend - Fledgling Mystic

What's all this then?
This is an open recruitment thread for Girl by Moonlight, a hack of Blades in the Dark focused on Magical Girls (EG: Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Madoka Magica) This game will be a second season of Kawaii Cataclysm. I'm looking for five or six players with a reputation for long-term commitment.

Expectations and Authority
First and foremost, I write a lot. Don’t let this intimidate you. If you’ve hit a block in writing, or you’re just not a prose writer, I can still use a simple, out-of-character post about intentions to give you a few options about how your character might achieve those ends. If I wrote too much, or you need a summary, ask. I can post an ooc summary, no problem.

Next, don’t shy away from describing your intentions in detail. We have some tropes like Daydream Surprise where we can snap out of a daydream to face the tempered reality of those intents.

Also, my word is neither final nor authoritative, especially if I’m describing your character. Don’t shy away from stopping to correct or tweak how I represent the flow of action. Often, I’m just trying to weave everyone’s actions together in a way that makes sense and gives everyone a sense of where they are in-fiction.

I’m not really here to ‘beat’ you or tell a planned story. My style is a feedback loop of creativity, and a love for random chance. I ask questions and take notes, and if it’s not clear what follows, I roll dice.

Bonus die from help: If you want to help someone (even if I’ve described the outcome of the roll) feel free to describe how your character might help and roll the die yourself.

What is Known About the End of Season 1
A small town called Obusa reported strange lunar activity and a devastating tsunami. This would be awful if any of it were true. Meteorologists across the country reported no such activity. The media scare displaced hundreds of people in an evacuation, and the town has since gone dark. Those who evacuated, without exception, refuse to return, and those who may still remain are not making contact with anyone outside the town limits.

Possible Plot sheets
Before we begin creating characters, we need to decide on a plot, and get acquainted with the setting. All of these are flexible depending on where we want to go. These are just the hooks I thought of when going over the rules.

Darkest Night
This is GbM sad-mode. We play this knowing everyone is doomed, and waiting to see who will fall when. The mechanics are taxing, but if we do push through to the end, it’ll be epic. This would be most similar to Season 1. No one paid Death’s toll, and the world is ending.

In a Starlit Kingdom
Traditional GbM with a clear and unambiguous Evil and uplifting stories of redemption. Kiyomi struck a deal with Death, and the rules of magic have shifted.

On a Sea of Stars
GbM in spaaace! In this one you get mecha. This option focuses on the not-so-distant future, and Airi’s dilapidated space ark.

In a Maze of Dreams
GbM in dreamland! In this option, Tenshi paid Death’s toll, and we explore her ever-expanding domain, working to uncover a conspiracy.

Playbook PDF
Character sheets

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Dot here

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Before a small crowd of would-be Tenderpaws, Orator Kent coaxes a large beetle into the center of Lockhaven's archive, carrying a book too large for any mouse. When the beetle has moved to the center of the room, Kent scampers up and over the back, grabbing a long ribbon, and pulling the book upright. The pages open in a flutter of color, and Kent fumbles for a moment with a series of ribbons and stones until he has the great tome open to a pleasant illustration of Lockhaven. Taking a moment to smooth his fur, Kent begins his story...

Here, we will continue character creation...

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Dot here.

Bry: 0/2 ~ Peiter: 4/8

Before a small crowd of would-be Tenderpaws, Orator Kent coaxes a large beetle into the center of Lockhaven's archive, carrying a book too large for any mouse. When the beetle has moved to the center of the room, Kent scampers up and over the back, grabbing a long ribbon, and pulling the book upright. The pages open in a flutter of color, and Kent fumbles for a moment with a series of ribbons and stones until he has the great tome open to a pleasant illustration of Lockhaven. Taking a moment to smooth his fur, Kent begins his story...

Here, we will continue character creation...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Mouse Guard is an RPG based on a graphic novel series by David Petersen, with a simplified system based on Burning Wheel. You play an anthropomorphic mouse in a low-fantasy world of feudal survival, pitted against your own mouse nature, you fellow mouse, the baby-eating weasels, the giant forest animals, and the hazards of the season itself.

I'm looking for 3-4 players. I'm also willing to host two tables of three and run them in the same setting. I own the first edition rulebook, and generally play character-driven games (I don't have a plot in mind, and I build off of what my players contribute) I love crunch, but I try to keep as much of it as possible behind the screen and out of the way of the story. I use Google Docs to manage Sheets, Notes, and Maps, but if we're all on Roll20, I can also manage those there. You're welcome and encouraged to hunt around in my profile to get an idea of my posting habits. I will be doing so for any potential players so that I can avoid any early drop-outs. I don't expect you to have a copy of the rules. I can help anyone who doesn't.

Character building is also team/world building, all you would need coming in is a central conceit (war vet, loose cannon, arbiter, tinkerer, nimble loner, naive kid, etc.) and your desired Rank in the Guard (Tenderpaw, Guard Mouse, Patrol Guard, Patrol Leader). Questions are welcome and encouraged. When I've identified a group that's ready, I'll direct you to a discussion thread where we will continue with character creation.

Generally speaking, Mouseguard is set in a territory of loosely associated mouse settlements protected but not governed by The Guard: a collection of Knights/Rangers somewhat like King Arthur's court. The matriarch of the Guard is Gwendolyn and her view of The Guard's role in the territory is one of protection and service. To the south west is weasel territory, and there have been wars fought between the two species. The Guard maintains a scent border around the territories to ward off larger predators.

Conflict resolution is based on Success/Fail results on each of a pool of dice compared against a threshold of successes. Skills include combat, diplomacy, profession, and knowledge in equal measure. There are single-roll conflicts as well as drawn-out conflicts, which are abstract games of rock/paper/scissors that could potentially involve any skill. It's not what skill you have, but how you propose to use it.

Right now, the goal here is to complete a year in-game, and see where we want to go from there.

Mouse Guard is an RPG based on a graphic novel series by David Petersen, with a simplified system based on Burning Wheel. You play an anthropomorphic mouse in a low-fantasy world of feudal survival, pitted against your fellow mouse, the baby-eating weasels, and giant forest animals.

I'm looking to host a PbP game here on the Paizo forums for 3-4 players. I'm also willing to host two tables of three and run them in the same setting. I own the first edition rulebook, and generally play character-driven games (I don't have a plot in mind, and I build off of what my players contribute) I love crunch, but I try to keep as much of it as possible behind the screen and out of the way of the story. You're welcome and encouraged to hunt around in my profile to get an idea of my posting habits. I will be doing so for any potential players so that I can avoid any early drop-outs.

Character building is also team/world building, so while it's okay to get an idea of what kind of mouse you want to play, nothing's set in stone until we start. Generally speaking, Mouseguard is set in a territory of loosely associated mouse settlements protected but not governed by The Guard, a collection of Knights/Rangers somewhat like King Arthur's court. The matriarch of the Guard is Gwendolyn and her view of The Guard's role in the territory is one of protection and service. To the south west is weasel territory, and there have been wars fought between the two species.

Conflict resolution is based on Success/Fail results on each of a pool of dice, compared against a threshold of successes, and skills include combat, diplomacy, profession, and knowledge in equal measure. There are single-roll conflicts as well as drawn-out conflicts, which are abstract games of rock/paper/scissors that could potentially involve any skill. It's not what skill you have, but how you propose to use it.

In the beginning there was this post.

*creates thread*

Twitter Pitch
Distorted reality world-building survival game using hacked Funnel World (derivative of Dungeon World) ruleset.

The story begins…
You are a group of villagers struggling to survive after a mysterious event which has put the whole of the cosmos in a state of flux. Now, the very laws of physics fissure and fracture moment to moment until suddenly, at seemingly random intervals, the cosmos BEATS like a living heart, and reality reasserts itself. Some of you remember a scientist… or a sage… or a hive mind named Heisenberg who had a theory that reality is an array of dimensions plucked from probability by those observing it, and that it only exists by consensus. Something has happened to cause this instability, and you’ll get to the bottom of it… just as soon as your friends stop dying.

For the purposes of forum play, I’ve come up with this system:
Some GM posts will begin with [BEAT]. Between this post, and the next [BEAT] you are allowed, and encouraged to make three (3) rolls without being prompted. Think of them as your hands, head, and feet. In games like pathfinder and DnD, they would be Major, Minor, and Move actions, respectively. Feel free to self-DM these rolls within your post. Because of the way [BEAT]s work narratively, when I post, I will make any corrections needed. This game is practically about retconning.

Feet: This will usually be a Defy Danger roll, and usually with DEX. If there is a threat between you and what you want to do, or you want to get out of danger before or after your main action, that is what this roll is for. It’s especially useful for melee attackers who need to get into and out of range for their weapons.

Head: This is any of the mental stats, Spout Lore (INT), Discern Realities (WIS), Parley (CHA). Some classes will have moves that use other stats, but make sense as Head actions, like the Barbarian’s “What are you waiting for?” All of these moves are usually utilities.

Hands: Usually your physical stats: Hack and Slash(STR), Volley(DEX), and Defend(CON), there will be tons of moves that make sense here that use other stats, especially those moves that say you can Volley or Hack and Slash with another stat.

There is a lot of lenience here, and mostly I want to allow posters who aren’t on-board often to get the most out of one post. Feel free to spread your rolls out over more than one post, especially if you want feedback on a Discern Realities before you pick a target or something.

What this means is, you can post your character’s intentions in full without fearing that you’re over-reaching, or worrying about whether or not a move will trigger. Characters can pop in and out of existence randomly, time can flow at different rates for different characters, and all of it neatly explained by the [BEAT]s.

The [BEAT] will generally come on Fridays or Saturdays. If everyone has made a move, I might post a [BEAT] in the middle of the week as well. When things get slow, feel free to rp and develop backstory. It will keep the forum active. Flashbacks to camp are great.

Funnel World is built for death. Until you reach level 1, you don’t get a Last Breath roll. When you do die, your character will be reincarnated. You’ll get to keep a number of stats, attributes and/or moves equal to your level, but everything else is re-rolled and you start back at level -2. It’s up to you if you want to keep the same alias or make a new one.

Rolls and DM Fiat
I have final say on what stat a roll used, or whether a roll was even triggered. If you aren’t sure if what you did counts for a roll, or what stat to roll, but you’re willing to take a risk to get things done, drop a 2d6 roll at the end of your post and I’ll figure it out. If you want to be sure that you are not taking risks, just don’t post a roll. Rules-as-written, it is my job to tell you when and what to roll.

Because you can technically see your roll before you submit your post, we are going to embrace that as a mechanic. Successes will be what you want, failures are the only way to advance, but don’t be afraid to leave a 7-9 in your post, I will always give you a choice on what will happen with at least one “out”. I’ll also do everything I can to make sure you get some use out of the +1 Forward from Discern Realities.

Multiple choice moves
If you can choose more than one, you can always choose the same thing more than once, either for different reasons, or to double the effect. This is especially true of Discern Realities and the question “what here is useful or valuable to me?” or Defend and the “deal your level in damage to the attacker.”

Spout Lore
I do Spout Lore a little differently than most DMs. Before you roll, your character literally says what they remember. This is your opportunity to make something up about the world without me asking. If I decide the move triggers (I like the idea, but want to leave it to chance, or introduce a twist) a 10+ means that what they said is totally how this world works. On a 9 or less, someone else in the party remembers differently. (That doesn’t mean either of you are right.) If I decide the lore spouted is too big a change, I will probably require multiple rolls (breaking the lore down into smaller parts), but there is a small chance I just won’t trigger the move. Usually it will be because I like the idea so there’s no ‘risk of failure’. If you don’t have an idea and just want info, you can have your character trail off… I’ll fill in the facts as normal. I will not override a Spout Lore just because it contradicts my prep or even canon. Although, if it’s a big change to recent canon, you might need to Defy Danger CHA to convince the rest of the party that they’re remembering it wrong.

Aid Another
The statute of limitations on Aid rolls is the second [BEAT] after a move is rolled. If Jim rolls a 6 on Thursday, and the [BEAT] occurs on Friday, you can still roll to Aid that same move any time before the next [BEAT]. Just… don’t roll a 6-.

Beyond the objects described on a person or in a room, you can loot rooms and bodies by Discerning Realities and choosing “what here is useful or valuable to me?” if you get three choices on your roll, you can choose that question once, twice, or three times, and I will give you more or better stuff if it’s reasonable for there to be stuff to loot. I totally do nasty traps sometimes, so be careful. (I roll a lot of dice to help figure things out and to keep the variety of challenges fresh)

Loot will be a bit random, but all items you see on a creature you can grab without rolling, and all sweet loot that enemies carry they will probably use on you, but hey, then you’ll know what it does! Otherwise, you find out an item’s tags through use or by Spouting Lore. (Cursed items exist.)

Available Classes
We will be playing by the Dungeon World rules and working primarily with the Funnel World rulebook with an expanded set of tables. For advanced moves, the use of the core, Inverse World, and Grim World playbooks is acceptable and encouraged. Basically, if you have a playbook just PM me and I’ll try to make it work. Anything you can build with Class Warfare is game. I’ll even help you with theming. Feel free to cherry-pick moves.

Leveling is a tiny bit different. You’re starting at level -2. This will speed up initial leveling, and allow us to take single moves to build up to our classes before we reach level 1. Each level (in addition to increasing a stat by 1) you may gain one move (sometimes two or three, depending on requirements. I wouldn’t make someone take Spellbook, Prepare Spells and Cast Spells separately) So that at level 1, you will have a full complement of starting moves. Xp requirements are still 7+Level. This means that your first level costs 5 XP.

Don’t…. uh… don’t specialize too much on combat. It’s not going to be a focus of play.

The moves you choose should reflect your character’s resources and play. You cannot learn to Cast Spells until you have found a spellbook, Call Shots without a ranged weapon, or Turn Undead before you’ve found a holy symbol. I mean, these are strictly abstractions, and not specific requirements. The point is that your advancements need to be telegraphed in play. There will be plenty of stuff to pick up. I plan to leave you making hard choices between valuable artifacts and rations.

How do I start?
Your characters will start with an occupation. It comes with the following move:

Know Your Stuff
When you Spout Lore or Discern Realities about something related to your occupation, tell the GM why you deserve it and take +1 to that roll if the GM agrees.
In addition, when you have the resources (time, materials, etc.) to do something you know how to do, you do it.

Other than that, you will get your Stats, Occupation, Race, Gear, Personality trait, Physical trait, and Gender by rolling dice. You can take the stats in order, or rearrange them if you like, and you can veto any gender/trait/name etc. that you’re not comfortable with, but let’s see what the dice give us before we start making adjustments.

Go Here...

...and post on this forum a 3d6 roll for each stat, and a roll on each available table. The dice to roll are listed in the tab name. If you don’t want to look at the tables, just roll...
dice=Constitution]3d6 [/dice]
dice=Intelligence]3d6 [/dice]
dice=Name, Quirk, Trait]3d100[/dice]
...and I’ll introduce you to your character.

[Sheets] [Map]

The scene opens on the city of Obusa at twilight. The swollen red-tinged moon casts an eerie light which glitters like diamonds in the placid bay. The sky is dotted with the first few stars. The silhouette of Kirakira bridge, bespangled with its titular glittering lights, fills the horizon from your vantage at the old abandoned Bay Street shopping mall. Chills run up and down your back as you feel eyes upon you. This mall is supposed to be abandoned, but you can't shake the feeling you're not alone tonight. It wouldn't be a problem, except you're here tonight to investigate a rumor. For the past three months, on the night of a full moon, a silver train has been passing through old Obusa town. They say that from the second floor of the mall, you can see that there are no passengers, and no conductor.

There are four entrances to the mall: The Grand foyer on the south side facing Bay Street, the Arcade on the west side, the bookstore on the east side, and the food court on the north side facing the tracks. Describe how you arrive, why you’re here, and what you’ve brought with you. Everyone may bring a bag or backpack containing three items that don’t have to be described until you use them; otherwise, if you don’t describe it now, then you won’t have it inside.

Jo and her companion:
For all the time you’ve been in and out of here, this is the first time you’ve gotten lost. This doesn’t look like any part of the mall you've been in. The two of you stand in a very drab, very dark hallway. The only light in the hall comes from a flickering exit sign sitting over a large door which is blocked by a heavy-looking filing cabinet. A smaller door is seated in the opposite end of the hall. A third door leads into a room with a huge window, but it seems like the glass is a two-way mirror, and the room beyond is pitch black. Must have been ages since anyone’s been here because you haven’t ever seen a pane of intact glass in the mall. What do you do?

[Sheets] [Map]

Here we can finalize our normal characters, figure out character sheets, and talk about team theme (or at least call dibs on colors and themes.) You don't have to make two aliases for this game, but if you can that would be appreciated.

This would also be a good place to figure out if any of your normal characters know each other.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The scene opens on the city of Obusa at twilight. The swollen red-tinged moon casts an eerie light which glitters like diamonds in the placid bay. The sky is dotted with the first few stars, and the silhouette of Kirakira bridge, bespangled with its titular glittering lights, fills the horizon from your vantage at the old abandoned Bay Street shopping mall. Chills run up and down your back as you feel eyes upon you. This mall is supposed to be abandoned, but you can't shake the feeling you're not alone tonight. It wouldn't be a problem, except you're here tonight to investigate a rumor. For the past three months, on the night of a full moon, a silver train has been passing through old Obusa town. They say that from the second floor of the mall, you can see that there are no passengers, and no conductor.


Hello, all.

I don't like wasting people's time, so the very first thing I'd like to get out of the way is that this will be a game with genderqueer themes which is LGBT+ friendly. If you came here totally interested in playing a senshi, but are uncomfortable with the idea of a guy turning into a little girl and coming to terms with the very real ramifications of gender confusion, then maybe give this one a pass. There might not be any dudebro senshi, but I'd totally love for there to be at least one, and I want my players to be comfortable exploring that possibility.

For those who don't know: Magical Fury is a rules-light Magical Girl RPG, inspired by the Apocalypse World engine, and built to support darker themes like the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica. For those of you not sure what a magical girl is, think Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura. Players will have a "normal world" character, who can be literally anyone, male, female, young, old, as long as they are normal and non-magical. When these normal individuals encounter magic for the first time, they are transformed into magical girls with powers that fit a theme like water, time, or fear. Your normal character is a reincarnation of your magical girl, and memories from your past lives will surface through gameplay.

Character Creation

To start, give your character a name, describe their appearance (clothes, height, build, eyes, hair, features... blood type... as much or as little as you want) and answer the three questions below. Some examples are included for inspiration, you can answer however you'd like.

What does being a girl mean to you?
• A subtler kind of strength.
• Always being judged.
• Being vulnerable.
• Having amazing potential.
• Having to look beautiful.
• Having to work harder.
• or something else...

What are you most afraid of?
• Death
• Ghosts
• Loneliness
• Public Speaking
• Spiders
• The Dark
• or something else...

What is your dearest wish?
• For my friend to be alive again.
• For my mom to be there for me.
• To be beautiful.
• To be loved by everyone.
• To fix the injustices of the world.
• To live forever.
• or something else...

If you don't know an answer for one of these, you can roll 2d6 and I'll give you a random answer. You can use it as inspiration, or you can take it as-is.

Also, think about what changes in appearance your character will undergo when transforming into a Magical Girl, what color will represent them, what theme you will take, and what flowery name she will have. However, we will be doing some character development before the magic happens, and working together to build a team theme, so you might change your mind. Just something to think about.


How do I even Paizo?

Formatting and tags:

All the special formatting is listed when you click the button below the post area marked "Show".

The most important tag is the dice tag.
label: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 1 = 9
{dice=label}2d6+1{/dice} with [ instead of {.
If you type the tag and hit preview, it will show you the roll. That way you can fully roleplay around it if you'd like.

If you want to keep things sneaky, you can use a spoiler tag. If the party is split up, like it will be at the start, you can put your posts in spoiler tags
{spoiler=Matsuo and GM}A little pee comes out{/spoiler}
A spoiler just means other characters shouldn't know about what's happening. All players are welcome to read spoilers. If you really want to keep something secret, PM me. It's totally a option to turn evil and try to kill the party... or just get into a cat fight and destroy a city block.

Usually on this forum, what people say is in bold and what they think is in italics but you're welcome to use the {b} and {i} tags however you'd like.

To create an alias:

click on My Account at the top.
Put in your password if asked.
Scroll down to the grey box that says MessageBoard Aliases.
Click Create New Alias.
Type the name of your normal character.
Choose an avatar image by clicking Change.
Then click Save Changes.

To create your character sheet:

Click on your account name at the top of the page.
Click on the Aliases tab.
The Gender, Race, and Classes/Levels boxes are what will appear at the top of every post.
In Classes/Levels, please type:
Hope: 0 ~ Magic: 0 ~ Trauma: 0 ~ Fate: 0
In the big About ____ box, copy over your three answers to the questions and your character description.

Later, you'll put your Magical Girl descriptors and Shifts here, unless you want a second alias.

When you post:
There is a dropdown in the bottom left to choose what Alias to post under. You may also want to set your character alias to be your default alias so you don't have to do this. This option is in the My Account options.


Where are all my sick stats goed?:

This game only has three stats, you can think of them as something between hit points and experience points.

You gain Hope by helping others. When you have three or more Hope, you may choose to make a Hope Shift, and something wonderful will happen. I'll give you a list of options, and you may choose one, writing it down in your character sheet. After four Hope Shifts, you'll get to choose a Great Hope, something good which will change the world.

Magic accumulates whenever you are exposed to magical phenomena, even if it's your own magic. When you have three or more Magic, I will tell you you are having a Magic Shift. You'll pick from the options I give you, and something weird will happen, changing the nature of your magic forever.

Trauma can come in the form of physical wounds, emotional trauma, or even deep embarrassment. Any time you have 3 or more Trauma, I can make you have a Trauma Shift. This is the path to the dark side. Again, you'll still have a choice of what happens.

If you have a fifth Magic or Trauma Shift, it will be an Extreme Shift. This will change both aspects of your character permanently.

Fate is an extra stat I am adding. At the end of an episode, we’ll look back at your character’s actions and if their belief, fear, or wish made things complicated or interesting, you will gain one Fate. One Fate point can be used to re-roll. Two Fate points can be used to add +3 to a roll.


For everything in this game, players roll 2d6. There are five results:
2-: Something bad happens.
3-5: Something goes wrong and you don't get what you want.
6-8: You get what you want with a price, or have to make an ugly choice.
9-11: You manage to get what you want without too much trouble.
12+: Something spectacular happens.

The game, like an anime, shifts from scene to scene, focusing on different characters. At first, I’ll be guiding you through some scenes to flesh out your characters and railroad you into the first battle. After that, we’ll take turns framing scenes.

Battles are special scenes that anyone can trigger, and sort of take up multiple turns. While in a battle, players have three options:

Attack Something
Describe how you are attacking and roll 2d6. At the very least, you might embarass yourself, but at the very least you'll give the next player an advantage. You might even perform a bonus attack.

Protect Something
If the Youma is about to blast Sempai with its fluffy bunny death ray, he'll probably be made into a smear on the sidewalk unless you intervene. It still might not work, and you'll probably get hurt, but there's a good chance he'll get away safe.

Run Away!
Someone will probably get away, but something will probably be left behind. If you manage to escape, you aren't going to be included in the casualties. You are least likely to take Magic or Trauma from this move.

Bold Move:

Change The World You have magic! Surely you can make the world a better place… for you. Whether fighting mundane crime, or murdering someone normal who’s getting in the way, this is the scene you’re looking for. Roll 2d6. The stakes are Magic or Trauma on a failure, and Hope on a success.

Sorcery When you use magic to solve a problem, describe a spell you weave that fits your magical Theme and roll 2d6. You gain Magic no matter what.


Past Lives When you spend time investigating your past lives, roll 2d6. You might find something traumatic, or you might find insight into how to wield your magic.

Search When you need to search for something or someone, or just want to find out the truth, roll 2d6. One way or another you’ll find something.


ComfortWhen you spend time making another player’s character feel better, you may remove one Magic or Trauma from them, and their player may add one Hope to your character.

Help Someone When you help someone, you roll 2d6. If you manage to help them, you’ll gain 1 Hope.