Yirrixees's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Below are 50+ pages of warlock-y goodness!

The warlock base class remains very similar to the 3.5 version. There are now, however, 10 different pacts to choose from each with unique flavor and properties (and perhaps more to come). Next is the invocations page, some are new, some are removed and many are changed. Last is the feats page, adding new feats, listing possibly useful feats and consolidating others.

While this is not a WIP, I am very eager to hear feedback, especially when it comes to adding more content or balance issues.

Please enjoy!

Warlock base class

Warlock pacts

Warlock invocations

Warlock feats

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

ok, to quote the rules for it that confuses me:

"- The subject can lick her own wounds in this way to regain half as many hit points as she lost that round. If the bleeding effect is stopped or the spell's duration ends, the subject's blood no longer heals those who drink it, though in the latter case the subject continues to bleed until the bleeding is stopped via magical healing or a successful DC 15 Heal check."

Because this is a spell, therefor "magical healing", does that mean if the person sups their OWN blood, the spell effectively ends and the subject no longer bleeds? i ask because on a defensive standpoint in makes a lot of sense, on an OFFENSIVE standpoint, it makes the spell nigh useless. so, is my interpretation correct or has it been errata'd/FAQ'd?

(btw, long time lurker, first time poster, thanks for the time)
