
Yantuk Kutnay's page

49 posts. Alias of Kazmanaught.


Swashbuckler 5||HP:39/39|BaB:5|AC:2527 T:17 FF:19|CMB:3 CMD:18|Fort:3 Ref:10 Will:4|Init:+7|Perception:11|Speed:30ft|

About Yantuk Kutnay

Yantuk, CG Kobold Swashbuckler Inspired Blade [favored class bonus HPx5]
|HP:39|BaB:5|AC:25 T:17 FF:19 |Fort:3 Ref:10 Will:4|Init:+7
Str: 10-4 -2
Dex: 15+2+1+2 +5
Con: 12-2 +0
Int: 14 +2
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 9 -1

Racial features:
+1 Natural Armor
Crafty: Craft trap and stealth are always class skills, +2 to craft traps, perception, and profession Miner checks
Day-Raider(Swaps out darkvision and light sensitivity): Low Light Vision

Class Features
Panache equal to cha+int(min 1 each)3, regained on a critical hit with a rapier
Weapon finesse rapier only, weapon focus rapier
Bonus feat every 4 levels
At 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, 19th, gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC
Charmed Life: Useless, used as fuel for Vengeful Heart(See below)3xday
Improved critical Rapier
+1 to hit, +2 to damage with a rapier, increasing by 1 for every 4 levels past 5th
Oppertune Parry and riposte: Can use an attack of oppertunity +1 panache to try and parry a blow, can use an immediate action to make an attack roll (NOTE: Happy to trade this out for the samurai's resolve feature if this will bog down combat too much)
Vengeful Heart(Trade out Derring do, and dodging panache): (3xday, needs a use of panache or charmed life to use) Standard to remove fatigued, shaken, or sickened, or immediate action roll twice and take better save for fort/will, or immediate action to gain diehard
Precise Strike: Add lvl to damage as precision damage, or half level to damage as non-precision
Hilt bash(Replace menacing swordplay): Can half precise strike to do non-precision.
Kip up: At least 1 panache: stand as a move and not provoke, use 1 panache to stand as a swift
Swashbuckler's Initative: 1 panache, add 2 to initative

Skills Ranks Stat Class Misc Total[/b]
Bluff 5 -1 Y 0/2 7/9
Acrobatics 5 5 Y 0 14
Stealth 5 5 Y 4 18
Knowledge Nobility 5 2 Y 0 10
Perception 5 1 Y 2 11
Slight of Hand 5 5 Y 0 14

1st: Fencing Grace
Swashbuckler: Weapon Focus(Rapier)
Swashbuckler: Weapon Finesse
3rd: Combat Expertise
4th: Combat Reflexes
5th: Butterfly Sting
Swashbuckler: Improved Critical Rapier

Golden Scaled Kobold: -1 to cha checks against other reptilians, +2 to diplomancy/Bluff against non-reptilian humanoids
Earning your freedom: +1 to Will
Mark of Slavery: Activates when a skill check fails
Life of Toil: +1 to fort

Draconic, Common, Osirini

+1 Buckler(1155)
+1 Mithral Chain Shirt (2250)
+1 Cloak of Resistance (1000)
Masterwork Rapier (320)
+2 Dex Belt (4000)
Sleeves of many garments (250)
Light Crossbow

Murder Table:
Rapier=BaB+Dex+WeaponFocus+Masterwork+RapierTraining+Size(d4+Dex+PreciseStr ike+RapierTraining)15-20x2=
Light Crossbow: +10(1d6)

You see a very strange sight before you. A little reptilian creature wearing flamboyant clothing, with a tiny rapier by it's side. It can't be a kobold, kobold's don't fare well in the sun, and they know better than to come into cities. This small guy is walking around like he owns the placee, and seems to have no problems with the sun. Besides, his scales glimmer gold, which despite his abrasive sounding voice, somehow puts you at ease. But how did this creature come to be?
Yantuk was born a slave, sold as an egg to those who would raise the small reptile. His early years were neither kind, nor gentle, only managing to survive by being so decidedly non-descript that many eyes just glazed over him. Although like many of his kin, Yantuk was exceedingly weak when compared to humans, he was suprisingly clever, picking up several languages easily. He was sold around from master to master, some taught him how to read, others punished him if they caught him doing so. And so the years went by, and Yantuk was resigned to his lot in life.
One day, everything changed for him. Yantuk got his grubby little claws on a copy of the teachings of Desna, who supported freedom above all else. Something within that work touched the little kobold, and for the first time in his life, he began to dream of his own freedom. Working with the other Kobolds in his slave group, he would practise fighting techniques scavanged from whatever manuals he could obtain, learning how to work together in a pack. It was around this time that he started painting his scales a gold color, to better represent the dragon that he felt most kin to. The effect of this was twofold: first he lost the trust of his peers, due to his new coloration, and secondly after repeated coatings, he managed to permanently stain his scales a faded gold.
It was only recently that he managed to escape from the clutches of slaveowners. It was not a particularly daring adventure; one day when no one was paying much attention to the kobolds, he just left. But life as an escaped slave is not easy, especially for a kobold dedicated to freeing others from tyranny. Still, he managed to steal a few magical items on his way out. A passerby had once mentioned an effort in service of liberating the town of Kelemarne. Liberation was something Yantuk could get behind, and so he began his quest, as a newfound knight for justice.
At the end of the day, Yantuk is still a kobold, and suffers from many of the limitations of his race. Despite his skill with the rapier, a weapon commonly looked down upon by the people of this area, he is physically lacking. He has greed in his heart, a draconic desire for material wealth as well as an almost pathalogical need to be recognized for his hard work after so many years of being ignored. And his voice is grating to the ears of most people. But at the end of the day, Yantuk's heart is in the right place. Valuing freedom above all else, he seeks to provide it to those who do not possess it. When he fights alongside you, he makes an effort to create oppertunities for you to strike, instead of trying to steal glory for himself. And if you feed him, he'll be your best friend forever.