Yandara's page
7 posts. Alias of acidrica.

12th of Pharast, 4711 AR
Mood Music.
Petro Lorrimor, world renown professor, died in the year 4711 AR, roughly half a month ago.
His death was sudden, but few were surprised by the news. Professor Lorrimor was well known for his lust for knowledge and adventure. Nobody questioned it when they heard that he'd had an accident while poking around in the ruins of a long dead prison. Indeed, some were surprised to find out that he hadn't died years ago on one of his long trips. If anything, it was strange that such a well traveled man had met his end so close to home. Some whispered that his daughter, Kendra, should be grateful that she didn't have to travel across half of Golarion to retrieve his body.
Professor Lorrimor was a teacher to many, but a close friend to few. Besides his daughter, only five benefactors were named in his will.
The sky over Ravengro is overcast, though the morning began clear and bright. It is almost noon, and the entrance to the graveyard, known as the Restlands, is deserted save for one lone woman standing in front of a coffin. She's dressed in a simple black dress, her hair pinned up and her eyes red. She carries a handkerchief which she crumples and twists between bouts of frantically looking around, as if waiting for something to take her away from this pitiful scene she's found herself in.
A few drops of rain hit the lid of the coffin, causing the woman's face to contort in pain once she notices.
Each of the PC's were instructed to report to the Restlands at noon. You arrive in the order of your posting. If you wish, you may detail your journey to Ravengro, and your character's reaction to the notice of the Professor's death.

Westcrown, 18th Arodus 4711
In 4606, Aroden died. When Aroden died, so did Westcrown's very soul. At least, that's what some say. Westcrown used to be the greatest city in all of Cheliax, but when the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune moved Cheliax's capital from Westcrown to Egorian, much of it's prestige was lost. Those nobles who stayed were those content to waste away in their old, broken city. Trade flourishes, but trade is a small comfort to those who recall a time when Westcrown was great.
Westcrown suffers. It's people are aware of it every passing day, though many would deny it. Hellknights police the streets during the day, and shadow creatures stalk the night. Those who believe in the cause of good must live under the rule of those beholden to the church of Asmodeus. The dottari bicker amongst their groups instead of focusing on keeping the city safe. The mayor sits in his manor of luxury, caring not for the plight of his people. Walking reminders of the city's brush with Hell walk the streets, hated and ridiculed on the very basis of what they represent.
And in the dark parts of the city, a plot begins to take form. One that could very well shatter what little is left of Westcrowns spirit.
But luckily for Westcrown, other things are forming as well...

Wecome to the following:
Hu5tru - Imperia Sarini, LN Human Bard
PirateDevon - Irina Kayzeld, CG Human Ranger
Groth - Arkadi Spektor, LG Dhampir Inquisitor
There should be two to three other players also joining us. For the moment though, I'd like to go over a few things.
What I expect:
- I expect my players to post at least once a day during the weekdays, with allowances for life during the weekends. During combat, if it takes you more than 24 hours to post, I may take control of your character so that we can move things along.
- Please type your posts in this format: Thoughts = italics, Speech = bold
- Don't ruin the fun for everyone else. I love in party conflict, I really do, but please try to keep in mind that there are other people sitting behind the avatars you see, and they want to enjoy the game as much as you do. Don't make it your mission to ruin everyone elses day. I'm going to trust you guys on this.
- IC =/= OOC If a character says something hurtful to your character, please don't assume that the player has something wrong with you. On the flipside, if you have a problem with another player, don't use your character to passive-aggressively make jabs at said player. We should act like adults here. That's what the OOC thread is for.
- Please keep in mind that I'm fairly new at this. If I had loads of experience and ideas of my own, I probably wouldn't be running this AP. I'm going to try my hardest not to railroad you, but I'd appreciate it if you would be...gentle. If somehow you guys do manage to completely jump the rails though, the game -will- continue. I just may need to take some time to think of what exactly I'm going to do with you.
- Track your hit points on your sheet. I will be tracking them as well, but I may need to reference your sheets if I have to post from another computer.
- I prefer players to type at least a paragraph or two every post. One liners make me sad. I'll allow them every now and then, but if they are all you post, I may have a stern talking to you. If things don't improve after that, then I may have you leave the group.
- With that in mind, posting a one liner is better than not posting at all. If your character isn't doing anything, at least pop in and let us know that they're still there.
- If you can't post for more than a day, please let us know in the OOC thread!
- Have fun!
What to expect from me:
- I will be checking the thread multiple times a day, and posting at least once a day, though I may be a bit more erratic in my posting during the weekends.
- My timezone is EST, which is UTC - 5 hours. I post mainly during the day and night, though as my sleep schedule becomes more set in stone, I may post during the morning and night.
- I will be making maps in either maptools, photoshop, or a combination of both.
- If things aren't moving along due to the absence of a player, I may assume that their character simply isn't paying attention/doesn't have anything to say at the moment, and move on.
- If things are moving TOO fast, I may ask you to slow down. This may occur if I notice two of you posting back and forth rapid fire at each other, without allowing the rest of the party time to react.
- I am new at this. I may make mistakes. If I do, I will apologize, profusely. That said, what I say goes. I will not spend post after post arguing over a ruling. PBP games move far too slowly for use to waste time on that.
- I plan to run this game to 20th level, under the assumption that I will have enough experience by the end of the AP to come up with more ideas after said 'end' occurs.
- I have a secret. I draw. I draw other people's characters. I might draw the entire party at one point if everyone gives me permission.
- And finally, if at any point I find myself unable to post for a while, I will let you know. If for some horrifying reason I find myself unable to continue the game, I will let you know. I'll consider this a sort of 'social contract' that I have signed.
What I need from you now:
- I need a completed character sheet on your profile. If you need an example of how to do this, look at my character Rica Hismar. Please include appearance, personality, and history. Starting gold is average for your class, and you start with maximum hp. If you have any questions or concerns, post them here. I -will- be checking your sheets, so please don't try to get anything past me.
- Your character's campaign trait.
- A way other than these forums to contact you. This can be an email (which I'll need anyway if I decide to do maps with googledocs), an im screen name, or whatever. I understand if you're uncomfortable with giving me any of those though.
- Your time zone.
- A detailed description of your characters appearance, along with whether or not you're comfortable with me drawing your character.
Thank you for reading all of that, and thank you so much for being a part of this! I apologize for my long-windedness, but I wanted to get all of that out there at the beginning to avoid any possible conflicts/problems later on. If you have a problem with any of that, let me know and we can talk it out. :)
I will probably need at least a day or two to finish reading the first book of the AP. During this time, we'll get character sheets, questions, ect in order.

Wecome to the following:
Captaincortez - Adina Correll, CG Human Urban Barbarian
halplm - Jynerva, N Elf Witch
Tilnar - Dracius Ludio, NG Half-Orc Cleric of Shelyn
There should be two to three other players also joining us. For the moment though, I'd like to go over a few things.
What I expect:
- I expect my players to post at least once a day during the weekdays, with allowances for life during the weekends. During combat, if it takes you more than 24 hours to post, I may take control of your character so that we can move things along.
- Please type your posts in this format: Thoughts = italics, Speech = bold
- Don't ruin the fun for everyone else. I love in party conflict, I really do, but please try to keep in mind that there are other people sitting behind the avatars you see, and they want to enjoy the game as much as you do. Don't make it your mission to ruin everyone elses day. I'm going to trust you guys on this.
- IC =/= OOC If a character says something hurtful to your character, please don't assume that the player has something wrong with you. On the flipside, if you have a problem with another player, don't use your character to passive-aggressively make jabs at said player. We should act like adults here. That's what the OOC thread is for.
- In the interest of tailoring this game to the players, I am not going to have you automatically start at Vizio's Tavern (unless, of course, the majority of you want to). The game starts with your character being approached by a woman named Janiven, who will then try to convince your character to come to a meeting at said tavern. Now, I try my best not to railroad my players, but this AP absolutely requires that your character at least check the meeting out. After that, you can jump the rails all you want. I wouldn't bring this up if I hadn't had issues with it in the past.
- Even so, please keep in mind that I'm fairly new at this. If I had loads of experience and ideas of my own, I probably wouldn't be running this AP. I'm going to try my hardest not to railroad you, but I'd appreciate it if you would be...gentle. If somehow you guys do manage to completely jump the rails though, the game -will- continue. I just may need to take some time to think of what exactly I'm going to do with you.
- Track your hit points on your sheet. I will be tracking them as well, but I may need to reference your sheets if I have to post from another computer.
- I prefer players to type at least a paragraph or two every post. One liners make me sad. I'll allow them every now and then, but if they are all you post, I may have a stern talking to you. If things don't improve after that, then I may have you leave the group.
- With that in mind, posting a one liner is better than not posting at all. If your character isn't doing anything, at least pop in and let us know that they're still there.
- If you can't post for more than a day, please let us know in the OOC thread!
- Have fun!
What to expect from me:
- I will be checking the thread multiple times a day, and posting at least once a day, though I may be a bit more erratic in my posting during the weekends.
- My timezone is EST, which is UTC - 5 hours. I post mainly during the day and night, though as my sleep schedule becomes more set in stone, I may post during the morning and night.
- I will be making maps in either maptools, photoshop, or a combination of both.
- If things aren't moving along due to the absence of a player, I may assume that their character simply isn't paying attention/doesn't have anything to say at the moment, and move on.
- If things are moving TOO fast, I may ask you to slow down. This may occur if I notice two of you posting back and forth rapid fire at each other, without allowing the rest of the party time to react.
- I am new at this. I may make mistakes. If I do, I will apologize, profusely. That said, what I say goes. I will not spend post after post arguing over a ruling. PBP games move far too slowly for use to waste time on that.
- I plan to run this game to 20th level, under the assumption that I will have enough experience by the end of the AP to come up with more ideas after said 'end' occurs.
- I have a secret. I draw. I draw other people's characters. I might draw the entire party at one point if everyone gives me permission.
- And finally, if at any point I find myself unable to post for a while, I will let you know. If for some horrifying reason I find myself unable to continue the game, I will let you know. I'll consider this a sort of 'social contract' that I have signed.
What I need from you now.
- I need a completed character sheet on your profile. If you need an example of how to do this, look at my character Rica Hismar. Please include appearance, personality, and history. Starting gold is average for your class, and you start with maximum hp. If you have any questions or concerns, post them here. I -will- be checking your sheets, so please don't try to get anything past me.
- Your character's campaign trait.
- A way other than these forums to contact you. This can be an email (which I'll need anyway if I decide to do maps with googledocs), an im screen name, or whatever. I understand if you're uncomfortable with giving me any of those though.
- Your time zone.
- Where your character lives within Westcrown. I can help you with this if you have no idea.
- A detailed description of your characters appearance, along with whether or not you're comfortable with me drawing your character.
Thank you for reading all of that, and thank you so much for being a part of this! I apologize for my long-windedness, but I wanted to get all of that out there at the beginning to avoid any possible conflicts/problems later on. If you have a problem with any of that, let me know and we can talk it out. :)

Hello all! It seems I finally tricked myself into running a pbp game. This will be the first pbp game I've ever run, and the 3rd game I've run over all. I'm looking for players who can post at least once a day during the weekdays. I'll be a bit more lenient on the weekends because of my own busy schedule on those days.
Please apply with a full concept. I want to see race, class, alignment, history, personality, and motivations. I'm not looking for an essay, but I do appreciate a well thought out character. Please also put your application under a spoiler. I do -not- want to see your builds yet, just concepts. An example of your writing is also appreciated, but not required. A link to previous games you've been in is fine for that.
I'll be picking four to six applicants. Characters will be 20 point buy and will be allowed two traits, one of which has to be a campaign trait from the players guide. All base classes save for Ninja and Samurai are allowed, as well as all released archetypes. Tieflings are also allowed, but I'll likely only be allowing one into the party. I will consider all alignments save chaotic evil, but more work should be put into 'selling' me on an evil character (an extra section on what I can expect from them, and why I should let you play an evil character would be wonderful). Please read over the players guide and make sure that your character can work in a group within Council of Thieves. I will expect paladins and clerics to have at least a basic knowledge of their chosen deity. Access to Faiths of Purity, Faiths of Balance, or the AP article of your deity is a plus, but not required.
My roleplay style will be a mix of heavy RP and combat. I prefer players who can type at least a paragraph or two per post. I'm not yet sure when I'll close applications, but I assure you this will not be first come, first served. Take your time with your application.
I'll be choosing characters based on diversity, how much they interest me, and what they will contribute to the group. Diversity is good, as is possible conflict (though not to the point that it splits the party). I probably won't chose characters that are too similar to one another, so keep that in mind. If I want to know more about your character, I'll probably ask some questions to give your character a better chance of getting in.
Apologies if that made no sense, as this is my first time doing this. Please ask if you have any questions!
This is very relevant to my interests, since I'm the artist in my current Pathfinder group, as well as the GM. I've looked everywhere, but I haven't found any info as to whether or not elves can move/wiggle their ears. Any help at all would be appreciated.
...and yes, my group is silly.

Hey there! I recently started running a table top game, which has sadly cut into my time to do pbp (If I'm in a game of yours already, don't worry, I already dropped the games that I knew I didn't have time for), and has also made me a bit anxious, since this is the first game I've ever run (Council of Thieves) , and my party is...strange, to put it lightly.
What I'm asking for is permission to watch and learn from one of the pbp adventure path games on the message boards. I'd normally just dot a random game, but I'd also like to have permission to ask some questions about how you're running the game, and what changes you've made to the adventure path. I'm hoping to read through the adventure path as you run it, and hopefully learn how to be a better DM from that (and a Council of Thieves game would be doubly awesome, though any adventure path will do). I'm not really asking for someone to actively tutor me (I'm not that crazy), I'm just looking for a dm that wouldn't mind me watching their game and maybe sometimes pm them about how they've been handling things/changes they've been forced to make.
I'm...kind of worried that made no sense at all, but that's the best way I know how to put it. Hopefully I posted this in the right place!

So there's this table top game I want to join, and one of my ideas for a character was a male elven inquisitor of Calistria that tends to focus more on the vengeance part of her portfolio. My GM said that this would be fine, but I need to do some work on his backstory and such to help 'sell' him on it.
Seeing as Calistria seems to be the main elven deity, I think having an elf focused on her in her vengeance aspect instead of another deity makes a fair amount of sense. I'm thinking of having him be chaotic good, but I'm afraid that I might be pushing it as far as how far away he's getting from her tenants.
I'd really appreciate some help as far as...whether this is doable or not. The game is pretty fluff heavy, so not worrying about the fluff isn't really an option (and I wouldn't want to do that anyway). One of my ideas was that the inquisitor was raised in on of her temples, but is actually asexual, so he strives to uphold her other values besides pleasure (to an unhealthy degree) in order to make up for his lack of lust. I'm open to any and all thoughts though, including 'this is a horrible idea and you should die'.