
Yandara's page

7 posts. Alias of acidrica.


Male Elf Cleric 1

"Sadly, I do not. I could make maybe two of them flee in fear, but other than that, I do not see how we could cause them to leave without also drawing out our quarry."

Male Elf Cleric 1

Yandara gives a nod. "If worse comes to worse, and he tries to use the children against us, I'm willing to protect them while you three fight, and give my assistance as I can. I wouldn't put such a vile act past that slime."

He then turns to Zellara with a smile. "I truly thank you for this opportunity."

Male Elf Cleric 1

Ease pbp combat? Yay~

I'll have to reply tomorrow, since I'm stuck at a friends house now with hail and thunder and such. If anyone lives down in the South East USA, be careful! We had no warning on the hail down here.

Male Elf Cleric 1

"Pleased to meet you. My name is Yandara. Seems our host has a thing for cards..."

When Zellara enters, he sits down at the table and listens to her speech quietly. As she speaks, he hides his mouth behind his clasped hands, but if anyone cares to look, they can see he's smirking.

When she finishes speaking, he pipes up as well. "All I -need- to know is where to find him, though other information would be're right though, there's no guarantee that the guard wouldn't just let him free. We have to take this into our own hands."

Male Elf Cleric 1

Diplomacy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Yandara enters the building, dressed quite obviously in some sort of priestly vestment. A wooden holy symbol depicting three daggers arranged in a circle, pointing outwards hangs from his neck. As he enters, he eyes the three others in the building, and gives a slight nod.

"Seeing as this home is filled with types such as yourself, I'll assume I'm in the right place," he mutters with a playful smirk. He plucks the card he was given from his pocket and holds it between two fingers.

DM Austin:
Excuse me, but could you tell me what the name of the card I got was? Thanks. :)

Male Elf Cleric 1

Done! Sorry it took so long, I got stuck at my friend's house last night, and couldn't borrow their computer.

Male Elf Cleric 1

And here's his stats so far. I have to run and eat, but I'll be updating them throughout the day, and I'll let you know when I'm done. :)