Spell Sovereign

Yalkom's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


The spell Shadowbard is missing style in its school/level line: should be <p class="stat-block-1"><b>School</b>.

The spell Brow Gasher has in its school "necromancer:" instead of "necromancy;"

Spell malfunction, has a school that is outside the classical: "transformation". I think that it should be "transmutation".

Link: Malfunction.

Furthermore, the "Level" is not in bold type (<b>Level</b>)

Current description:


School transmutation [variable]; Level sorcerer/wizard 6, summoner 6
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one siege engine of any size
This spell functions like energy shot, except it can target siege engines of any size, not just Large siege engines.

MISTAKE: This spell refers to another version, "energy shot" that should be "energy siege shot". Moreover, the link to the other spell is missed.

The link to Agressive Thundercloud (and greater) in http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/indices/spells.html has a spelling error: a 'g' is missing in the name.

Link copied: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedClassGuide/spells/agressiveThund ercloud.html

Thank you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love this kind of contest that Paizo runs, but I have to point out that Pathfinder has a lot of followers in no English-speaking countries, like me (I am from Spain).

I suppose that thousands of people would be very happy if they could participate in this kind of contest in his mother tongue. I know that this could be a titanic task, but you can open some of these contests for those other languages of interest for your sales or those that some of your staff speaks.

Well, just is only my opinion.
Thank you for this awesome work. Keep going!

P.D. I am going to participate of course.

I'd like to try amor and dmg reduction, but I see that defense (DC to hit) is poor because is almost the same to hit a 20th level figther than a 1st level one, just like before the change. Expertise in combat/defense should improve by levels as the attacker's base attack bonus. I am thinking in a half of the attacker's base attack bonus to be used as "defenders's base defense bonus", and some new feasts.