
Xugor Frothar's page

No posts. Organized Play character for MIB.

Full Name

Xugor Frothar Khrome


Kellid Human


Barbarian (Savage Technologist)/Brawler/Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter)/Vigilante







Special Abilities

Fast Movement, Rage, Brawler's Cunning, Martial Flexibility, Martial Training, Unarmed Strike


Chaotic Neutral




Realm of the Mammoth Lords


Common, Hallit, Giant


Rebellion Leader

Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 7

About Xugor Frothar

"The Tree of Liberty must be watered with blood! Blood is the price of liberty! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!" - Xugor Frothar Khrome

Xugor Frothar Khrome is inspired after the Warhammer 40,000 Khrone Berserkers who worship Khrone, the Chaos God of BLOOD AND BATTLE. Xugor is willing to do almost anything to spill blood, spread freedom and cause anarchy (not necessarily in that order)!

Warning! This character is a MURDERHOBO!!!


Intended Build:

+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Level 1 - Barbarian (Savage Technologist)
Level 2 - Brawler
Level 3 - Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter)
Level 4 - Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) +1 Str
Level 5 - Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter)
Level 6 - Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter)
Level 7 - Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter)
Level 8 - Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) +1 Str
Level 9 - Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter)
Level 10 - Vigilante [Avenger Specialization]
Level 11 - Vigilante [Avenger Specialization]

Level 12 - Brawler +1 Str
Level 13 - Slayer (Covenbane)
Level 14 - Slayer (Covenbane)
Level 15 - Slayer (Covenbane)
Level 16 - Slayer (Covenbane) +1 Str
Level 17 - Slayer (Covenbane)
Level 18 - Slayer (Covenbane)
Level 19 - Slayer (Covenbane)
Level 20 - Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) +1 Str

1) Berserker of the Society (Combat)
2) Indomitable Faith (Faith)

1FS. Skill Focus (Perception)
1. Toughness
2B. Improved Unarmed Strike
3B. Power Attack
3. Iron Will
4B. Combat Reflexes
5. Extra Rage
6B. Intimidating Prowess
7. Cornugon Smash
8FS. Skill Focus (Intimidate)
8B. Improved Critical (Bardiche)
9. Weapon Focus (Bardiche)
11B. Weapon Specialization (Bardiche)
11. Dazing Assault

12B. Anatomical Savant
13. Improved Initiative
15. Extra Rage
16FS. Skill Focus (Survival)
16RCS. Gory Finish
17. Heroic Will
18RCS. Shatter Defenses
19. Defiant Luck
20B. Pin Down

Social Talent:
10. Companion to the Lonely (Ex)

Vigilante Talent:
11. Shield of Blades (Ex)

Slayer Talent:
16) Ranger Combat Style (Ex) - Menacing - Gory Finish
18) Ranger Combat Style (Ex) - Menacing - Shatter Defenses

Main Skills:
- Intimidate
- Perception
- Survival

Intended Items:
Weapon - +1 Impervious Cruel Ghost Touch Furious Adamantine Bardiche
Armor - +1 Bloodthirsty Deathless Light Fortification Mithral Agile Breastplate

Belt - Belt of Physical Might [Str & Con]
Body - Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes or Robe of Eyes 120,000gp
Chest - Snakeskin Tunic 8,000gp
Eyes - Lenses of Detection 3,500gp
Feet - Boots of the Cat 1,000gp
Hands - Gloves of Dueling 15,000gp
Head - Buffering Cap 2,000gp
Headband - Headband of Inspired Wisdom
Neck - Swarmbane Clasp 3,000gp
Shoulders - Cloak of Resistance
Wrist - Armbands of the Brawler 500gp or Seducer's Bane 9,900gp
Ioun Stones - Dusty Rose Prism 5,000gp

Favored Class Bonus: Fighter (+1 Hp per level)