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9 posts. Alias of Doug Hahn.



About Miloș Blackwolf

sheet is here

Five Questions:

1. His father, the Voivode Mihnea.
2. He belongs to a loose alliance of noble families known as the Order of the Black Wolf. He is opposed to the guerillas and assassins of the League of Light.
3. An old tutor, Jeshamin. Mihnea hired Jeshamin to ensure his son had a real education - but not an education in the real world. Jeshamin befriended the boy - but when the contract ended took her money and ran.
4. Robert, son of Math. Robert is a second generation vampire hunter. Imbued with divine power he killed two nobles of the Order of the Black Wolf before perishing. Somehow he returned as undead, and then against all understanding killed a third noble.
5. Milos desperately wants to see the storms driven away, the deserts banished, and the days when vampires could hunt their human cattle in peace restored. More personally he would like to disperse the predjudice it seems so many feel city dwellers towards his kind. Mundanely - there are few books in the mountains, and the recent events have dried the sparse supply to nothing. Milos would desperately love to borrow (or buy, if he can) some volumes of fiction.


Milos is the eldest son of the vampiric Voivode Mihnea. Milos' loyalty to his father is absolute. His father is one of a loose alliance of vampiric 'nobles' ruling the isolated 'kingdoms' far to the north. This alliance goes by the name the Order of the Black Wolf, and Mihnea styles himself Blackwolf.

Milos grew up as the richest child in his area - which consisted of a few hundred terrified 'serfs' that were a combination of cattle and slaves for his father. He liked the serfs, as well as the local wolves, bats and rats with whom he could also speak. His father organised a tutor for him at age sixty, when he feared his son would end up a provincial barbarian. A young scholar, Jeshamin, was employed from far to the south. note: assuming Jeshamin was 20, that would make them 83 now. Jeshamin formed a friendship with the boy, but had not known what he was entering when he arrived. When the contract expired he fled with his money.

Milos spent thirty years forging a strange link with the powers of undeath, and ended up self-initiating as a cleric.

When the Storms came, and the land died, Mihnea took the serfs into his castle. Slowly their population has dwindled, and it has become all too clear that the ecological disaster will destroy the Order of the Black Wolf in time. Milos was sent to the south, to find whoever was fighting this disaster and assist in whatever way possible.


Milos sees the world as divided into
(A) the Vampires
(B) The ones Milos can talk to, who display Personality
(C) The ones Milos can talk to, but who just exist.
(D) The ones he cannot talk to.
There's a few crossovers, but he genuinely does not see a problem with eating a Serf. If a Serf fought back, and displayed wit and courage, then he would be treated with more respect. Wolves, bats, rats and people all tend to be pack animals. It is the leaders and the loners that are to be respected.
He is provincial enough (his father forbade teaching the realities of the world) that he does not see the evil in this. He admires the southeners who wrote the books he read, but they would be category (B) people to be feted and conversed with, not category (C) people who are little more than animals.


Windrunner - his horse.
Milos loved his horse. He taught him to fight (well, he had a man teach him to fight for him) and felt a true bond. When it panicked and struck out at his father Minhea ordered Milos to kill him. When Milos - griefstricken - did so, Mihnea rewarded him by giving Milos a spell to raise it back to service.
Winderunner is a Bloody Skeleton of a War Horse. He has a Military Saddle, Saddlebags and Studded Leather Barding formed from his own boiled skin. This barding is hung and stuffed so that the horse almost looks like a normal horse... albeit eerily quiet, unflagging, with glowing red eyes, and leaving bloody hoofprints wherever it walks.
By my calculations 899 gold plus the disguise.