Milos is the eldest son of the vampiric Voivode Mihnea. Milos' loyalty to his father is absolute. His father is one of a loose alliance of vampiric 'nobles' ruling the isolated 'kingdoms' far to the north. This alliance goes by the name the Order of the Black Wolf, and Mihnea styles himself Blackwolf.
Milos grew up as the richest child in his area - which consisted of a few hundred terrified 'serfs' that were a combination of cattle and slaves for his father. He liked the serfs, as well as the local wolves, bats and rats with whom he could also speak. His father organised a tutor for him at age sixty, when he feared his son would end up a provincial barbarian. A young scholar, Jeshamin, was employed from far to the south. note: assuming Jeshamin was 20, that would make them 83 now. Jeshamin formed a friendship with the boy, but had not known what he was entering when he arrived. When the contract expired he fled with his money.
Milos spent thirty years forging a strange link with the powers of undeath, and ended up self-initiating as a cleric.
When the Storms came, and the land died, Mihnea took the serfs into his castle. Slowly their population has dwindled, and it has become all too clear that the ecological disaster will destroy the Order of the Black Wolf in time. Milos was sent to the south, to find whoever was fighting this disaster and assist in whatever way possible.