
Xorn Terel's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


I am almost done building Xorn to 20th. Really close to ironing everything out. My deadline for completion is end of the month but hopefully will be done sooner. May the best Cleric/Warpriest win!!

Wanna open the group here, or are we still waiting?

Xorn here. Just brushed up on the campaign setting and beginning to review character info.

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New face to go with the new name

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Greetings Captain.

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That is an excellent question! Being accounted for. With the proper application of the force I am in your mind so.... yes. I'm accounted for.

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All Hail Maelstrom Wanderer!! The greatest douche commander that isn't banned in the multi-player or 1v1 format that most people can stand to lose to without getting shot at for bringing him to the table on principal.

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Oklahoma-brother present and accounted for.