Xiviar's page

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Thank you very much!

Looked in barbarian archetypes and it seems that savage barbarian is the one I need!

Thanks again


Just two quick questions :)

Verdant Bloodline arcana activates with personal range spells, does that mean only in case of spells with "you" as target, such as "Shield", or also in case of touch range spells cast on yourself, such as "Mage Armor"?

I am running a campaign in a tropical rainforest-like setting.
The villain is an evil verdant sorceress acting as a false druid, I want to make her bodyguards be some sort of primitive warriors (think of Zulu Impis or Mayan Holcan)... basically with shields and spears but no armor.

Are there any particular fighter archetypes or feats that suit that kind of build? (Shield and no armor). I can't seem to find one.

Thank you so much!

Hi all,
Does the telekinetic fist ability (wizard school:transmutation) benefit from these combat feats:[Point Blank Shot] and [Arcane Strike]?

I know for sure that these feats apply to ray spells, but not sure about telekinetic fist.

Is there any way to use a summoner's eidolon as a mount before reaching Summoner Level 8th (required for large size), other than playing as a small race or via reduce person spell?

Thank you guys, you gave me great insight!

It seems that extra arcane pool points are quite expensive! Considering ring of arcane mastery for comparison I think 8000 gp should be a fair price for the suit. He could get a +2 armor and a +2 headband of Intelligence for that price, which would mean just 1 arcane pool point less but a lot more bonuses. Still he would have to fill two slots instead of one, thus it seems a fair trade IMHO.

Hi everybody,

A magus player of my campaign has taken the craft armor feat and wants to forge a [+1 suit] granting him 2 extra arcane pool points. He asked me about the price.

I think a 2 extra arcane points bonus roughly equals a +1 ability, thus toatal price should be

4000 gp + masterwork armor cost (like a +2 armor)

Seems fair? He argued that he should get a little discount because Arcane pool is a class restricted ability, what do you suggests?

Thanks in advance!

I wanted to start a new thread, but I think I can post here.

How about use-activated items (i.e. infinite charges) with powerful low level spells?

For example, take cure light wounds: an use-activated item should cost:

2000 x caster lvl x spell lvl = 2000 x1 x1 = 2000 gold

which is ridicolously low for an item which, basically, allows full-healing to all party after every combat. (As a GM I wouldn't even allow an item like that, since it breaks the game mechanics).

How should be handled?

(By the way, hello to everyone) :)