Xervish's page

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Howdy first time posting on the forums sort of been afraid of getting trolled but I have no one else to turn to. Anyways I was wondering if the community could help me with a dilemma involving Seekers of Secrets, which is part of the Pathfinder Chronicles.

I was wondering what Resonant Powers method people use? Method 1 seems to grant fairly good abilities/boosts for not that much of an investment, though I do realize that you can only have one of these resonant powers active at a time. A certain ioun stone will always result in a certain bonus.

On the flip side there's method 2. You can roll for a random effect that may give an amazing boost to the PCs or hinder them, and I've seen method 2 ruin the mood for that session.

"Oh you rolled a 97...

...Your 10,000g ioun stone is ruined"

This happened to a friend of mine so it wasnt a surprise he got his character killed and started a new one the next session.
We've also played with this ruleset, but then purchased multiple cheap ioun stones and tried to hit the lottery for overpowered abilities. Considering you can buy cracked ioun stones for 200g (and sell them back after for 100g if you dont get what you want) and just keep replacing the stone until you hit something decent on the chart seems easy to abuse to me.

So what method does the community use? Personally I find method 1 to be more stable and fun, but am I wrong? Should I go back to playing method 2 instead? I appreciate the time you took reading this and any advice given.