
Xaos_Bob's page

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MisterSlanky wrote:

I made the comment because of the recent MPAA decision to rate all movies with smoking a minimum of "R".

Except that they didn't decide that. If a film shows "pervasive" or "glamorized" smoking (unless it's in an historical context), the rating may take a hit. The MPAA isn't handing out automatic Rs on smoking, though there are probably plenty of people who would support that.*

So, give the lady a cheroot! Side by side with a certain pipe-smoking mage from forgotten lands. Or realms. :D

*Me? I think it's censorship, plain and simple. While fewer Americans may smoke than did twenty years ago, we still smoke. Everywhere it hasn't been banned. And sneaking them in some places where it is. The MPAA is not our nation's moral authority, and smoking isn't a moral issue anyway.

Jonathan Drain wrote:
Consider that the same move away from heavy armour occurred in history when guns became more commonplace, so that being slowed down by your armour became a greater problem than the added protection the armour gave.

Actually, it was the fact that heavy armor didn't stop bullets (or cannonfire, for that matter) that phased it out of use, not mobility issues. Why wear protective gear that no longer protects?

Instead of a max Dex quality, a Dex penalty worked fine in one campaign I played, while allowing half a character's Str bonus to increase the max Dex worked well in another. An idea I'm playing with for my next campaign is a combination of the Dex penalty (for all types) and a bit of DR (for the medium and heavy stuff).