
Xanda's page

185 posts. Alias of Sunset.

About Xanda

DM Sothal's Kingmaker PBP - Charcter Write Up

Full Name: Xanda

Race: Half-Elf

Classes/Levels: Sorcerer 2

Dragon Blood Line/Dragon Disciple (Bronze)

Gender: Female

Size: Medium

Special Abilities: Keen senses, Low light vision,

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Calistrra

Languages:Common, Elven, Draconic

Constitution:13 -2 points, Blood Drain
Charisma:17 (+2 for 1/2Elf)


Character Background:
Xanda's mother is a ranger, who's current duties are to patrol the border of the Elvish nation of Kyonin. On the Western most edges where the great forest meets the great body of water that is Lake Encarthan. It was upon these shores, amongst the rocks and spray of a small secluded cove, that Xanda was born.

Growing up amongst the shallows and tide pools Xanda's power manifest early in her life. Something that revealed that her other parent was not Elvish. As her body developed she noted the differences between heself and that of her more willowy mother. Some times, when smugglers or adventurers came into the pairs territory Xanda could see that she was subtly different to them as well.

Then came the evening when her mother determined Xanda was old enough to confide the nature and truth about her parentage. Her mother explained the forces of love and the power such had over people's decisions. Now Xanda understood why her mother haunted the edges of her people's realm.

It was when Xanda over heard the telling of events happening in the realms known as "The Stolen Lands" that an idea came to her. Here sounded a place where an individual cold carve their own identity into a new land. Some where a unique individual could establish themselves as 'The norm'. Xanda also remembered her mother saying in which direction her father had gone.

Now she searches for him, eventually meeting up with the group somewhere in the Narlmarches.

HP: 14 Combat Damage: HP TOTAL:
AC: 12(16*) (Dex:+2,Mage Armor: +4*)
Touch: 12(16*), Flat Footed 10(14*)

BAB: +1 Init: +2

Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +3

CMB: +1 CMD +13

SPD: 30ft

Physical Description:

Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 102lb
Hair: Dark
Eye Colour: Brown
Currently wearing: Clothing.
Melee;Att:Elven Curved Blade +1 Dam: 1D10 (X2/18-20[17-20)

Melee;Att:Short Spear +1 Dam: 1D^ (X2/19-20[18-20)

Ranged;Att:X-Bow(L) +2 Dam: 1D8 (X2/
Ranged;Att:Dagger +2 Dam: 1D4 (X2/20)

Starting Traits and Feats:


Trait: Anatomist; You know where to aim your blows to strike vital organs and you gain a +1 trait bonus on all rolls made to confirm critical hits.

Trait: Calistran Prostitute; +1 to Gather Information and Sense Motive checks.

Feats(Sorcerer): Cantrips, Eschew materials, Blood-line Power:(Claws; you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Each of these attacks deals 1d4 points of damage plus your Strength modifier (1d3 if you are Small).

Feat:1stLvl(General)Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Elven Curved Blade.

Spells per Day:
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
(U) (5)

Spells Used:
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

Spells Known: (CL 1; concentration +5:
0 Lvl: Disrupt Undead, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Dancing Lights,Detect Magic,

1 Lvl: Mage Armor*, Endure Elements, Colour Spray,

Skills: Trained


HandleAnimal: +4=(=1R,+3Cha)
Gather Information: +2=(+1T,+1Wis)
Perception*: +5=(+1R,+1Wis,+3R)
Profession*(Dress Making):
Ride: +3=(+1R,+2Dex)
Sense Motive*: +2=(+1T,+1Int)
SpellCraft*: +6=(+1R,+2Int,+3C)
*Language: Common, Elven, Draconic

Equipment: (Starting Money: 250 Gp)


Horse(Light): 75 Gp
Cart: 15 Gp
Barrel(X2): 3 Gp
Bit & Bridle: 2 Gp
Riding Saddle: 10 Gp
Clothing: 10 Gp
Bed Roll: 1 Sp
Blanket(Winter): 5 Sp
Belt Pouch (X2): 2 Gp
X-Bow (light): 35 Gp
Bolts (50): 5 Gp
Short Spear: 1 Gp
Elven Curved Blade: 80 Gp
Dagger (X2): 2 Gp

Gallon of Ale(In one Barrel): 2 Sp
Water (In one Barrel)

Money remaining: 10 Gp

Quit Character Building Info:

Combat Casting: You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled.

Elf ranger, like her mother would be an option. Maybe half-elf, if her father wasn't elf (Which lead to him being exiled, while the rest of the family wasn't)?