
Wryth's page

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Yeah I played a Lawful Evil paladin using the Unearthed Arcana rules, if you can get a hold of them its realy cool, instead of the Aura of Courage you get an Aura of Despair(all enemies within 10ft get -2 to all saves), etc... Its a shame he died... damn evil party members looted him and left his corpse in the woods following a nasty encounter with lycanthrope highwaymen... oh well you play in an evil/fun game its too be expected haha

I've had a couple of games playing one at low level and yeah it was a realy fun character to play, I had an elven warlock fighter channeling his blast through his sword(concentration needed). A tortured warrior exiled from his homelands for treating with dark powers.

Its a class I wouldn't let a couple of my players use(I DM normally)due to some of the abilities they can obtain, but with a good role playing flair it's got some cool possibilities in the character development/story side of things, eg where do you receive your eldritch powers from, how do they affect the character as a campaign continues. Otherwise yeah the nuke from fingers thing is cool too lol