WrathOfKaos's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Just checking if this was seen.

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Please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path, and Starfinder Adventure Path.

Thank you.

I received the email confirmation.

Thank you.

Hi, I ordered the adventure path subscription and thought I picked it to start with “Hellknight Hill” but the confirmation email says it will start with “Borne by the suns grace”
Can I have this changed to start with the new pathfinder 2nd edition path?

Order #7980176


Could you cancel my subscriptions for "Pathfinder Adventure Path" and "Pathfinder Modules"

I will keep the "Starfinder Adventure Path"

Thank you.

Any word on ship flip mats? I'm just starting a skull & shackles campaign.

Vic Wertz wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Over three months down the line and still no word on a new ship-themed mat? I understand these things take time, but three months represents many missed opportunities. Perhaps Paizo should have an "evergreen" list of flip mat themes that are never allowed to go out of print, and throw "ship" on that list? Just sayin.'

We work more than three months in advance, I'm afraid. There *is* a new ship-themed Flip-Mat on the schedule for early next year.

And yes, we do have a list of themes that we do want to keep alive (ships, taverns, dungeons, etc.); we just failed to notice how quickly this one was selling out, so we didn't have a replacement lined up in time.