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Where's the space ships?


I got this because it is Starfinder compatible. I figured that would mean all aspects of Starfinder would be in here, particularly since it takes the players to 5th level.

This isn't the case though. No space flight nor combat. No vehicle interaction. Ain other words a huge part of what makes Starfinder appealing is ignored for the first five levels in this campaign arc.

Without those aspects it really just feels like a standard dungeon run, with a bit of tech thrown in. Iron Gods already does this.

Additionally, I felt the start is too cliche. At this stage in my gaming life, I've seen this pop up too many times. With such a huge potential in the system for completely fresh campaign concepts, I think this is a missed opportunity.

The authors acknowledge the problems that can arise from the introduction and general theme of the game. They also provide advice on how to handle it. This is a good step and I admit I like seeing these pieces of DMing advice in published materials.

Apart from those issues, I found it well written encounters seem interesting. Unique settings to the Paizo ones, new critters to use, and a nice blend of action and roleplay potential. The use of early linear path quests combined with a more open adventure in the second half of the game makes it a good match for players looking to do more than shoot and scoot in a game.

I will use this as encounters and adventures individually, but I don't see my group getting into this for the campaign aspect. I'm hoping the next issue addresses what I've mentioned here, because at least this campaign looks to be taking the players all the way to twenty! I haven't seen that since the days of Dungeon magazine.

I would recommend this for groups newer to the roleplay hobby though. The DM advice throughout the book is really quite good. The NPCs are interesting and the general concept of the game follows a fairly standard trope in sci fi with its Gates between worlds.

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Our Price: $26.96

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Great start to a new edition


Art and layout - a step away from shiny pages, and it works well. The art is beautiful, catching the feel for enemies and locations in a way that makes them useful as stimulus during game play as well as inspiration for DM's .

The layout is clear, using chapters and sub chapters to give DM's clear idea of objectives they can use in each session. Creatures encountered and rewards gained are clearly outlined. It is very easy to reference and use during game play.

Plot - fairly typical for this genre, but then as a first launch module,typical is not a bad thing. A nice sequence of linked locations with a strong theme running through it makes sure the players know what they're after all the time. Locations vary as the game travels right along the sword coast of Faerun, giving a nice mix of combat situations that require different tactics to survive. The entire game starts with a bang too, which gave my players a real sense of desperation and danger. I haven't seen players scared for the characters in a long while, and this one really had them playing carefully and thinking outside the square to avoid serious consequences.

The biggest stand out for me is the sheer volume of roleplay opportunities written into the game, and the great amount of freedom for both players and DM's to use in how the game is tackled. Entire sections are described where combat is not necessary to resolve the issue, if that's what your players prefer. Given the fairly deadly nature of combat in 5 th edition, this is a great option. The writers have also provided DM's with a myriad of interesting NPCs to help flesh out sections of travel as they see fit. More NPCs than required, and with enough interesting back story to determine the best fit for your group.

This is a feature that I haven't seen done well in a long time. It makes the whole module feel less railroady.

Progress can be tracked via xp or using chapters as appropriate points to level up. For me, the milestone level up option has always been great, as tracking xp for my group and I is tedious.

Overall- a great production. Well worth the purchase and a great way to start my 5th ed experience.