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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Essentially can an earth elemental (lets say friendly for the sake of argument) carry someone underground. Obviously they won't be able to breathe without precautions, but otherwise is it possible?

Follow up: What spells/items would make it possible?

Example scenario: A halfling wizard has an earth elemental familiar.

Well Earth Elementals could come in any shape and you could just use earth mold(You cause shapes, colors, or both to appear on the dirt or stone) Technically it's magic material but you could allow it since it's his familiar it would only last a hour but that should be plenty

i was thinking (it may need a few turns) open the pouch the uses are backfire their poison, bomb, platinum etc (now you might say but those are attended items well they aren't since they aren't in control of them like you could take a single arrow from a quiver my DM said i can Rip someones eye ball out from their head (one at a time) unless they are holding onto it and only as a gag thing for fun or he said i could make a blood clot in someones brain (he said this when i got my prestige class(wizard-2 druid-2 mystic theurgist-1)) and our campaign is about death and most/all of us will be dead at the end or steal the bullet out of someones gun

Well you could find a druid (possibly a side quest) find a master druid
for a quest to destroy a plagued forest (possibly a treant) and get the druid to wood shape you a iron wood armour of your choice and you say your character is the "Queen of the jungle" so wood armor would be good
also it's a level 6 druid spell so if you have a druid you can do it that way and it lasts a day so just get him to do it every day for you (unless he needs it i think he can cast it 6 time anyways or for 6 days if so he cna just cast it every other day 1 you 2 him etc) so that could increase your AC a little bit and it will preserve your DEX since wood is lighter than iron and it also stays with your characters name the queen of the jungle