
Wolfmane's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


I'm almost done, just tweaking a few things and trying to come up with an authentic Brevic name! I should have my completed submission in no later than 48hrs

@ Wastrel, thanks for the warm welcome!

I've starting putting my character together, so far he is a hot-headed but lovable craftsman with lofty dreams of joining the ranks of the Aldori Swordlords. I'm taking my time putting everything together, but I'll post a completed profile up in a day or so.

This is my very first post, I've followed a few play by post games but never delved into it myself. I've recently relocated very far away from my usual gang of players, and as I'm yet to find a group I thought I'd finally give this a go. Before I get too far into attempting to make a character, how do you feel about newcomers?

I've never played Kingmaker, but I have an idea for a native Rostlander. He'd most likely be a fighter. I love the idea of working together to build a kingdom, and these intrigue rules seem super interesting too.