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Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I really want to play my next game as a Green Knight; however, I wasn't really feeling the nature aspect of the archetype from Ultimate Wilderness, so I made a few changes to make it more fey inspired.

my ultimate goal is to convince my GM to let me play it, however he really doesn't like OP classes or characters.

I was wondering if you lovely people could make a few suggestions on the class changes.

I re-introduced banner and dropped beast tongue and woodland stride. this however, along with the lvl 1 ability I created, is a large increase to combat ability, but i'm not 100% sure how large?

I feel like the original archetype is extremely weak trading speed, damage and utility for the ability to act for a few turns at 0hp - hopefully the changes bring in a bit more choice and make the characters progression smoother .

If the class Is to powerful I was thinking of changing Heart of Oak to an ability which adds intimidate and knowledge planes as class skills and gives a +1 bonus to them.

Heart of Oak: The Green Knight can sacrifice hit points to boost attack or damage. The ratio of hit points to bonus is 1:1 and a maximum of the green knight’s class level can be sacrificed (maximum of 20). For example – at LvL 10 a Green knight may sacrifice 10 hit points give +3 to Attack and +7 to Dmg. Any combination is possible, as long as it totals less than the Cavalier class lvl. Hit points are sacrificed before the attack is deemed successful or not. These bonuses are not affected by any other feats or skills that increase dmg or attack and are merely added at the end.
This replaces tactician.

Implacable Knight (Ex): A green knight gains Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats.
This replaces mount.

Nature’s Servant (Ex): A green knight must select the order of the Green or order of the blossom.
This alters order.

Ferocious (Ex): At 3rd level, a green knight is not staggered when below 0 hit points. At 9th level, taking actions when below 0 hit points does not cause her to lose hit points.
This replaces cavalier’s charge.

spontaneous Healing (Ex): at Lvl 5 The Green Knight gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As per the alchemist discovery
This replaces expert trainer

Stalwart (Ex): At 9th level, whenever a green knight succeeds at a Fortitude or Will save against an effect that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead negates the effect.
This replaces greater tactician.

Oaken Vitality (Su): At 11th Level you gain Fey Obedience without the need for pre-requisites
This replaces mighty charge

Take Their Heads (Su): A green knight’s blade is blessed by mighty fey powers and unerringly seeks out foes’ necks. At 17th level, any slashing weapon a green knight wields gains the vorpal weapon special ability.
This replaces master tactician.

Indestructible (Su): At 20th level, a green knight is virtually impervious to death. She gains a +6 bonus to her Constitution score. In addition, the green knight becomes immune to death effects and to effects that would kill her without reducing her to 0 hit points, unless the effect involves decapitation. If she is decapitated, the green knight can continue to act normally. Reattachment requires the head and body to be joined and the application of any effect that restores hit points.
This replaces supreme charge.

I really want to play my next game as a Green Knight; however, I wasn't really feeling the archetype from Ultimate Wilderness, so I made a few changes.

As I’ve never played a Cavalier before I was wondering if you lovely people could make a few suggestions/ try to powergame/ tear apart, my creation.

The idea is for the class to be balanced, add a bit more Arthurian flavour and be able to flitter around death (without the need of a GM who likes to target tanks who don’t deal much damage and have poor CC)

(as a side, has anyone actually played as a Green Knight? I can find very little first hand experience from players online)

Heart of Oak: The Green Knight can sacrifice hit points to boost attack or damage. The ratio of hit points to bonus is 1:1 and a maximum of the green knight’s class level can be sacrificed (maximum of 20). For example – at LvL 10 a Green knight may sacrifice 10 hit points give +3 to Attack and +7 to Dmg. Any combination is possible, as long as it totals less than the Cavalier class lvl. Hit points are sacrificed before the attack is deemed successful or not. These bonuses are not affected by any other feats or skills that increase dmg or attack and are merely added at the end.
This replaces tactician.

Implacable Knight (Ex): A green knight gains Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats.
This replaces mount.

Nature’s Servant (Ex): A green knight must select the order of the Green or order of the blossom.
This alters order.

Ferocious (Ex): At 3rd level, a green knight is not staggered when below 0 hit points. At 9th level, taking actions when below 0 hit points does not cause her to lose hit points.
This replaces cavalier’s charge.

spontaneous Healing (Ex): at Lvl 5 The Green Knight gains the ability to heal from wounds rapidly. As per the alchemist discovery
This replaces expert trainer

Stalwart (Ex): At 9th level, whenever a green knight succeeds at a Fortitude or Will save against an effect that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead negates the effect.
This replaces greater tactician.

Oaken Vitality (Su): At 11th Level you gain Fey Obedience without the need for pre-requisites
This replaces mighty charge

Take Their Heads (Su): A green knight’s blade is blessed by mighty fey powers and unerringly seeks out foes’ necks. At 17th level, any slashing weapon a green knight wields gains the vorpal weapon special ability.
This replaces master tactician.

Indestructible (Su): At 20th level, a green knight is virtually impervious to death. She gains a +6 bonus to her Constitution score. In addition, the green knight becomes immune to death effects and to effects that would kill her without reducing her to 0 hit points, unless the effect involves decapitation. If she is decapitated, the green knight can continue to act normally. Reattachment requires the head and body to be joined and the application of any effect that restores hit points.
This replaces supreme charge.