
Witch Doktor Jakuul's page

6 posts. Organized Play character for Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

About Witch Doktor Jakuul

Witch Doctor Jakuul aka Jakuul the Half-Breed
Player: Xaaon
PFS#: 2555-2
Faction: Cheliax

Race : Half-Orc
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 186#
Age : 17
Eyes : Brownish Red (Red under Mutagen)
Hair : Bald


Class: Alchemist level 1 (Orc Alchemist Favored +1/2 bomb damage)
Align: Neutral
Size: Medium

Deity : Pantheistic (Patronless)
Speed : 30
Hand : Right

Ability Scores
14 STR (+2)
14 DEX (+2)
12 CON (+1)
18 INT (+4)
10 WIS (+0)
8 CHA (-1)

Total Level: 0 Extra Feats: 0
XP : 0 Next: 3

HP : 9 (8+1Con)
Init : 2 (+2Dex)

16 Full AC 10+4Armor+2Dex
12 Touch 10+2Dex
14 Flat: 10+4Armor
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SAVES Ability
Bonus Mod Magic Luck(sacred tattoo)
Fort (Con): +4 = 2Base+1Con+1Luck
Ref (Dex): +5 = 2Base+2Dex+1Luck
Will (Wis): +1 = 0Base+0Wis+1Luck
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Melee: +2 [0BAB+2STR]
Range: +2 [0BAB+2DEX]
Bombs: +3 [0BAB+2Dex+1Alchemist]
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CMB: +2 [0BAB+2STR]
CMD: 14 [10+2STR+2DEX]
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Weapon: Heavy Flail Weight:10#
Move Name Type:B Atk:+2 Damage:1d10+3 Crit: Range:
Attack Martial +2 | 1d10+3 | 19-20/x2 | Blunt | - | trip/disarm |
Charge Martial +4 | 1d10+3 | 19-20/x2 | Blunt | - | trip/disarm |

Weapon: Cestus Weight: 1#
Move Name Type Atk Damage: Crit Range Type Special
Attack Simple | +2 | 1d4+2 | 19-20/x2 | - | P or B | always armed
Charge Simple | +4 | 1d4+2 | 19-20/x2 | - | P or B | always armed

Weapon: Bombs Weight: N/A
Move Name Type Atk Damage Crit Range Type Special
Attack Special | +3 | 1d6+4 | 20/x2 | 20ft | Fire | Splash 5

Weapon: Dagger Weight: 1#
Move Name Type Atk Damage: Crit Range Type Special
Attack Simple | +2 | 1d4+2 | 19-20/x2 | 10ft | P or S |
Charge Simple | +4 | 1d4+2 | 19-20/x2 | - | P or S |

Armor: Armored Jacket Weight: 20#
AC MaxDex Pen. SplFail Speed Special
+4 | +3 | -2 | 20% | 20ft | Move action to don/remove



Darkvision 60ft
Scavenger (replaces Intimidating) +2Appraise/Perception
Orc Blood
Sacred Tattoo (replaces orc ferocity)
Chain Fighter (replaces orc weapon familiarity)

Accelerated Drinker
Scholar of the Great Beyond
+1 to knowledge (planes) & (history), knowledge (planes is a class skill)

Class: Throw Anything
Class: Extra Bombs (replaces Brew Potion in PFS)
1st: Medium Armor Proficiency

Class Feature
Bombs (8/day), Extracts, Mutagens, Alchemy (+1/level bonus/ID Potions)

Formulae Notebook:
cure light wounds
enlarge person*
bomber's eye
disguise self
touch of the sea

Formulae Prepared:
(1+1):enlarge person, cure light wounds

1:1+1 (DC15)

SKILLS 4+4/level
(Max Rank = Level, Class Skills get +3 bonus with at least 1 Rank)

Key Total Ability Class Misc
Ability Mod Mod Ranks Skill Mod
+ 3 Acrobatics 1Rank[+2Dex] (-2 armor)
+ 6 Appraise [+4Int+2trait](scavenge)
- 1 Bluff [-1Cha]
+ 2 Climb [+2Str](-2 armor)
+ 9 Craft:Alchemy 1Rank[+4Int+3Class+1Comp]
- 1 Diplomacy [-1Cha]
+ 6 Disable Device^1Rank[+2Dex+3Class]
- 1 Disguise [-1Cha]
+ 2 Escape Artist[+2Dex] (-2 armor)
+ 2 Fly [+2Dex] (-2 armor)
- 1 Handle Animal^ [-1Cha]
+ 0 [b]Heal
- 1 Intimidate [-1Cha]
+ 8 Knowledge:Nature^ 1Rank[+4Int+3Class]
+ 8 Knowledge:Arcana^ 1Rank[+4Int+3Class]
+ 5 Knowledge:Planes^ [+4Int+1trait]
+ 4 Knowledge:History^[+4Int]
+ 4 Linguistics^ [+4Int]
+4/+6 Perception1Rank[+0Wis+3Class] +2Hidden
- 1 Perform [-1Cha]
+ 0X Prof:_____^ [+0Wis]
+ 2 Ride [+2Dex] (-2 armor)
+ 0 Sense Motive [+0Wis]
+ 2X Sleight of Hand^ [+2Dex] (-2 armor)
+ 8 Spellcraft^1Rank[+4Int+3Class]
+ 2 Stealth [+2Dex] (-2 armor)
+ 0 Survival [+0Wis]
+ 2 Swim [+2Str] (-2 armor)
+ 3 Use Magic Device^1Rank[-1Cha+3Class]

^Trained only *Class Skill
Languages: Common, Orc, (Bonus: Gnoll, Giant, Draconic, Abyssal)

GEAR (Weight):
Armored Coat (50gp) 20#
Heavy Flail (15gp) 10#
Cestus (5gp) 1#
Dagger (2gp) 1#
Alchemist's Kit (25gp) 5#
Explorer's Outfit 8#
Formulae Book (15gp) 3#

Adventurer's Sash (20gp) 3# Loaded: 27.5# Move action to drop
-Trail Rations [10 days] (5gp) 10#
-Rope, Hemp (1gp) 10#
-Flint&Steel (1gp)
-Scroll Case (1gp) 1/2#
-Chalk, 5 sticks (5cp)
-Grappling Hook (1gp) 4#
-Inkpen 1sp
8sp, 5cp

TOTAL WEIGHT: 75# (47.5 after dropping Adventurer's Sash)
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LOAD: Light Medium (-3) Heavy/Max (-6) Lift (x 2) Push/Drag (x 5)
58# 59-116# 117-175# 350# 1050#
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Jakuul the half-breed, looks almost completely human, which is odd for a half-orc raised amongst orcs. He was constantly picked on, beaten and chastized, he learned to scavenge on the fringes of his own society, many times he was put in irons with the other slaves, just for fun. Eventually it became too much for him to bear, he escaped, picking the lock on one of the shackles, but his own was rusted shut, so he had to carry it for weeks, he learned to use the makeshift weapon, and realized he liked the feel of a chain weapon. When he was scavenging he first discovered the volatility or certain chemicals, when he reached human society, he was still an outcast, not used to dealing with civilities, he is brusque, rude and downright lewd at times. He is learning to deal with the laws of mankind, he has adopted Cheliax as his homeland, the tribe he had lived with was close to Cheliax anyway. He understands the use of devils, and the worship of Asmodeus, but doesn't pay homage to him or any god specifically. Instead relying on his own skills that he's developed with Alchemy. Now he learns to bring out the latent orc blood in his veins, one day he hopes to return to his old tribe and live amongst them again, as their king.

Recently the Pathfinder Society has gotten wind of Jakuul's abiities, and he has been invited to join the Society. Jakuul having never been part of a group was hesitant, but he had heard of the adventures, the ruins and the magic which could be gained from such explorations. He has joined, and prepares now for his first foray.
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150 gp Total starting wealth