I'm working on a shoulder wounderous item that is essentially a small bolt thrower mounted on the shoulder that fires at whatever you are aiming as a swift action.
basically it would be a small repeating hand cross bow with a set bolt clip, after that it needs both the wearer and an ally to spend a full round action reloading it. However as it fires as a swift action it cam be used to get a shot off during high speed pursuits or keeping the fire on opponents while using your hands for something else.
The base modal would be a small hand-crossbow (1d3) with no BAB and 5 shots
Upgraded modals could be found or modified for an addition price.
I was thinking 5,000gp for the base modal with an additional 5,000 gp for a BAB increase (So one that fires two shots would set you back 35,000 gp)
10,000gp for an additional 5 shots after the basic clip, and possibly the ability to use a larger crossbow modal for a 20,000gp every step up.
Thoughts are really appreciated, especially about the pricing.
Pros: Gives you essentially an extra attack.
Allows you to run and shoot
Cons: Provokes an attack of opportunity if point blank
Very low damage
5 shots and then you need to get a friend to help you reload.
BAB costs extra