Wild Elf

Wintersbane's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

I would allow the +3 to hit and if the melee attack missed the AC but hit the touch AC, then I'd have the spell go off without the weapon dmg. But that's just me.

Grand Lodge

Are there going to be any elves with the elven curved blade? I'd love to get a ranger or a fighter with that weapon. I'd judt like to see what the curved blade looks like.

Grand Lodge

I'm buying the three book set. The rules don't look that different from 3.5 rules to me. The way you play your character seems different but the actually rules just seem clearer to me.

Grand Lodge

I think that's a funky looking halfling druid.

Grand Lodge

If you're giving +2/+2/-2, it should be +2STR/+2CON/-2CHA or-2INT but a plus to WIS doesn't make much sense to me. The 3.5 PHB gives them +2STR,-2INT and -2CHA. Maybe they should get a minus in both but I think Paizo is trying to be consent in the bonuses in all there races. If they're going to be like half elves then maybe they should get a +2 in any of their physical stats but not to their mental stats. I think the best choise would be +4STR/-2INT/-2CHA for half orcs.

Grand Lodge

I was wondering if any of the adventure paths in Pathfinder are going to be set in Eberron or Forgotten Realms? If they're all set in Greyhawk, I'm not really interested. I know I could change them but I'm a lazy DM. :)

Grand Lodge

I believe that with two weapon fighting, you get full strength bonus with your primary hand and half strength bonus with your off-hand attack. I didn't look this up but I believe it's right.

Grand Lodge

I think that a feat on how to construct one and then a feat to destroy a construct isn't too out of the question. Make sure that they're not fighter feats and don't throw in too many constructs into the game. I don't think that's too out of the question because you'd have to wait until higher levels to have access and it wouldn't matter as much then.

I let my players roll 4d6 six times and let them reroll all ones. That gives them much above average stats.

Grand Lodge

I think if maybe one of the characters studied how to combat or even construct a golem, then I might consider letting that character get a crit on a construct but not all of them, unless they all did it, of course. Maybe you have been using constructs too much recently. How do you let them roll up stats? I usually don't have a problem with low stats in my game.

Grand Lodge

I'd like to see some major cities in the major kingdoms of Faerun, like Silverymoon, Arabel or Zhentil Keep. You really don't see too much of the more evil cities. But Neverwinter's a good idea too.

Grand Lodge

That's very petty, Sean. I personally loved Wil Save and to compare it to Polyhedron that took up half the book compared to one page is wrong. I thought it showed that a gamers life has more to do than just D&D. I wish Wil would come back.

Grand Lodge

I just wanted to say that one of the things that I greatly look forward to are the articles on the Forgotten Realms and Eberron worlds coming up. I've been a loooong time fan of Forgotten Realms and is still the only game product that I buy regularly. Recently I've also been buying the Eberron product as well, even though I'm not running or playing in it. It's that good. It's a good idea to support these game world in Dungeon and Dragon magazine to help their sales. The more information on a world, the more real it seem to me. That's one of the main reasons I dislike Greyhawk compared to Forgotten Realms, not as much coverage of the world. But that's just my opinion.


Grand Lodge

I plan on renewing my subscription because each Dragon I've recieved in the past 6 months has had something that I've used in my game I'm running. Guy does have one good point though. Several of my issues have been quite late but not recently and one didn't arrive at all but I did recieve a replacement with no hassle or cost to me.

On subscriptions,maybe you could offer a better renewal rate for current subscribers to help encourage renewing subscription or long time subscriber discount.

I truly enjoy and look forward to seeing each and every Dragon that has appeared in my mailbox. Keep up the good work, Erik. Huzzahs!
