With a tired smile, Winter dips her head in acknowledgement. I wish it were more...keep in mind I can provide healing if you need it at any time. Though its nearly impossible to tell day or night in this place, I'm sure they have to sleep, right? Perhaps your contact there may know if they have a schedule. As for the dark pit, it could be that the earthquake or whatever it was caused that, and there's just a large cavern under us. If that's the case, there may be nothing of worth down there. I think that the right course now is to get these people out, and that is only done if we get rid of the vile yellow mist. If Zandalas has these poor people that spout the stuff up with him, then that's where I'd go.
Winter nods, her fiercely distrusting eyes still focused on the cultists. Please, be as careful as you can in this place. I know there's nothing resembling safety here in this place, but I'll do my best to keep this people unharmed physically and mentally as long as I can. With that, she and Captain York lead the prisoners away.
Ulfric nods after giving the men a hard stare for a few seconds. After that acknowledgement, Captain York nods to Campus and begins to take action, only to be stopped a moment later by Winter. Winter comes forward to look at the men, and her typical firm but caring nature doesn't show at all. Instead, anger and perhaps disgust show in her eyes. It's not safe to have these three so far from our main encampment. They'll stay with us, under constant guard. York changes gears immediately, obviously well used to following Winter's orders. As the men are ushered away, Winter turns to you. It's going to take two men to watch them. The attacks here have slowed due to your explorations...for that I thank you. But, I fear we don't have much longer. The patients are beginning to lose what piece of mind they had left...and some were fairly far gone before this madness. Have you made any progress into finding a way out?
Winter nods, though her expression is not nearly so positive as she looks back to the chapel and the mostly sick, hurt, or mentally unfit people within. She leads you into the main chamber and to a small area in which you can rest. After a quick examination, she sits back with a sigh. Health: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 I'll have to wait for the symptoms to show themselves before fully determining what it is you have, but it looks it could be a long term issue. I unfortunately don't have the ability yet to purge you of this malady, but with some treatment can help your own body to fight it. Anything else you want to tell Winter?
Winter follows the group to the door, Captain York in tow. She sighs as she sees the group setting up to go. You did much good last night, you don't know how much it helps them to see such able adventurers as yourselves actively trying to help. Thank you for that. Is there anything I can do for you before you set off? 200 XP awarded in campaign thread for providing aid to the needy Varinder's absence is felt - the gnome had opted to stay and heal in the makeshift camp, claiming that he was of no use out there with the evils of this place.
Winter nods to Cerio. Of course; any who would battle this darkness and try to find a way out is welcome in this place. Captain York will find you a dry pallet and what meager blankets we can gather. I'm sorry, Cerio, but our supplies are a bit lean right now. Campus feels that Winter is mostly genuine, though something always nags at her...possibly her own unwarranted suspicions getting the better of her. Winter's brows furrow as she considers the new information. I see...Lowls again...by the Lady's grace, I wish I knew what part that man played in all of this. It is near evening, not late, but it's been a long day. You'd have some time to work with those that need help, and still be able to get a full night's rest. Are you setting watch?
I had hoped that you'd find more in Doctor Losandro's office...may Pharasma guide her, but you've little to go on. It sounds like you've the East ward and the Northern Halls left to explore. If life before this madness is any indication, there will be a significant number of people there...former patients mostly, and the ward nurses and doctors. Do you tell her of Handout 1?
Winter nods the affirmative. Yes; I'm sorry Cerio, for you weren't with this group so have missed some what we found. See, this Zandalas fellow was a patient here, a quiet man who suffered from horrible nightmares. He was a poet and artist whose art was disturbing. Now, we've heard from...sources...that he was involved with something called the Orpiment. That must have been the cultists you encountered - their Apostles in Orpiment. I can't remember if everyone filled in Cerio on where/what this place was, but if not, it's safe to say that the subject came up - you're in the Briarstone Asylum, a hospice stuck on a rock sitting in the Danver river, in Ustalav
Winter seems to squint a bit as she follows Cerio's ramblings; she obviously hadn't expected a deluge of details from one so new to the party, but she adjusted quickly. At the question, she nods, then shakes her head, then offers a slight shrug. Well...yes, and no...we heard sounds from creatures before that were copycats of some of the people we knew. When we... She smiled and looked to Ulfric and crew. ...well, when they defeated the majority of them, well we had no encounters. But, now...the noise was a particularly disturbing sound....perhaps like a heavy form covered in some sort of fluid dragging itself across the floor. Oozing sliding, maybe? She shakes her head and looks down to her hands, which fidget. I'm sorry...I don't mean to make light of it...the whole situation is just so strange. And, now a cult? A cult to whom, I wonder, and what do they want?
Winter nods quickly, and leads the group into the main chapel. For Ceerio, it was all new, as Winter whisks them past men and women that look to be hastily dressed in some basic armor and wielding crossbows. There's a barricade to the north in the second chamber, and a dark, rubble-strewn hallway beyond. The main chapel is rather large, and brings to mind a camp for stragglers and vagrants in a large city. Improvised pallets are clustered beneath sculpted divinities, and cooking fires burn beneath cracked windows in this chapel. Panes of violet and blue stained glass form spiraling patters between prisonlike bars, while dozens of candles flicker from modest alcove shrines. One prominent statue is of Pharasma, but there are smaller, candlelit shrines to many deities. The people, perhaps two dozen in all, seem downtrodden, and more than one has a distant look, as if not seeing what was right before them. Winter offers a simple meal of salted meat and pickled vegetables, no doubt looted from the stores of the kitchens. She addresses Ramul first. Not as of yet, no, though we've heard some peculiar sounds from the northern corridor. They were sounds that something....living....should not make. Still, we've seen no one from that direction, and our guards are ready. As you've seen, the terrible eye did not return, and we've removed the curtains so that the more curious can cease their questions about that area. Thank you again for your help with that abomination She turns to Campus. So, you've found proof that something within has caused this madness? Have you found anything out about yourselves, or why you were here? Winter offers a wry smile to Ceerio, and she glances aside at Ulfric, perhaps recalling that he just vouched for the man. Yes....ah, nice to meet you. I'm, by default, in charge of these people here and, hopefully, eventually getting them to safety? Is your past as unknown as those of my friends here?
Wait! Winter rushes forward, shock and concern evident on her face. She looks at the door, then at the pile of ash on the floor, and shakes her head. Look, I appreciate what you want to do - I, we - all of us in fact, have been waiting for something to help us, and we didn't know what. I think that our fates lie with you, and with however you can deal with what you'll find beyond that door. Please, know that this chapel will always be open to you. While we can't offer much in the way of arms or those to wield them, we can offer food, safety, and shelter should you need it. Please, come back here whenever you need respite. Until then, this way will be barred and guarded. When you return, use the phrase "The river flows as judgement is made." Anything you want to do before moving on?
Winter looks from Campus to Ramul, and sighs, apparently thinking that you were going to do this no matter what she said. Very well, please give me a few moments to make arrangements within the chapel to try and keep everyone as comfortable and calm as possible. She leaves for a few moments, then returns with Captain York and two of his men, all three wielding crossbows. She offers a shrug. May as well help you, in the hope of getting this done as quickly as possible. Its in all of our best interests for you to get past this wall, in any event. Fire at will - AC is 10, but it's a wall and has the properties thereof - so harness 10, and ranged attacks do half damage before the harness is subtracted. It's going to be really hard to hurt it without some special attack.
Winter narrows her eyes as she stares at the door. A pass phrase or action, perhaps...it may have something to do with its question...though I don't know how to tell or show it what it is either. I mean, of course...we don't know either. Physically, it seems to have taken on the tough exterior of the wall itself, so if it can be damaged, I'd imagine we'd have to use whatever would typically damage a brick wall. She winces at her own words. I hate guessing about something so...pecuilar. The wall does its part when confronted by Klassalka's anger....it just stares.
Winter shakes her head. I doubt it would have an effect; I examined it as well, and attempted to use the power of Pharasma to send it away, to no avail. We have tried physical damage only; once it first issued that hideous sound, we left it be, so as not to disturb the former patients. They're unstable at best. I don't think that would be wise; the walls that run through the center of the Asylum aren't as strong as they once were. Whatever damaged the structure of the Asylum did its work well, and we've had more than our fair share of bumps and bruises from crumbling foundations or loose bricks. It could be that there's a mundane way to force the thing to leave, but I've never seen its like.
Winter shakes her head slowly. No, as far as we know, we've explored to the limits of our reach, given the barriers I told you about. I've no idea where Zandalas is, but can give you a rough map of the asylum and pinpoint the Doctor's office. I've only met her once, and in passing, but I, and many others here know the grounds rather well. I fear that the only way to move in is to pass the eye, or clear the rubble. And, we've tried the rubble with several able bodied men...it's quite insurmountable the task.
Yes, good cleric, the mist keeps us in here, as in we can't break out through the windows. The rubble to the north keeps us trapped there, and this...thing...keeps us trapped to the east. We're blocked in at every turn, by different obstacles. Were you to find a way past this thing, I have no idea what you'll find. It could be that there is no way past the mists...or maybe there's no outside world left to go to - I simply don't know. But we both know we can't stay here. And, getting past this wall is our best bet, as far as I can tell. It was here from the first sign of trouble, but has since grown and continues to do so. She looks towards the curtain in thought, then nods to it. If you do get past it, perhaps the office of Doctor Losandro could provide some insight. If nothing else, she kept records of patients, so it may be that you can rebuild some of your memories there. Unfortunately, her office is in the center of the Asylum, but ic could be that there's some knowledge therein to help us.
Winter sighs, and lowers her eyes, almost sheepishly. This place is full of such mysteries - the fog, the nightmares, the crazed patients, the creatures, and now this wall. Even the tremors here that served to damage some of the crumbling walls you've seen may have not been normal geological occurences. No, Cleric Campus, nothing about this place is now normal; we're just trying to keep it together for as long as we can. She lowers her voice, almost conspiratorially. When I first came here, I was a healer, yes, and working for the Royal Accuser. I was here to investigate why the count of Versex, Hasterton Lowls, abandoned his duties. It was said that he had regular business here at Briarstone. It certainly seems coincidental that such investigation and this madness we find ourselves in came at nearly the same time. Look, I'm sorry I can't tell you more...I just know that, as you said, we cannot stay here. We need a way out. That...thing in there... She points at the curtain. It may be barring our way out of here for all I know. If there's a way beyond it, then I think it should lead towards the asylum's entry hall.
Winter sighs deeply, and nods, her eyes downcast. She leads the group away from the wall, and pulls the curtain back across the disgusting eye. I'm sorry...this isn't the type of thing that would come up when first bringing in new survivors. The situation here is not good, and many of the people here - yourselves included - are patients. This sort of thing... She gestures at the curtain. ...this can drive a mind teetering on the brink over into a dark abyss. She leads the group away from the curtain, as Captain York sets to calming down the patients. The truth is...I, I don't know what this thing is. We've left it alone and it hasn't bothered us, save for being so incredibly disturbing to look upon. Please don't tell the others of it - I don't want to upset the children any more than we already have. As far as I've seen, its nearly impenetrable - it basically is the wall. But...I think there's more to it - based upon what I know of the original layout of the asylum, I think that there used to be a door there - behind that...thing. I think that it's a ward of sorts to keep us from going into the rest of the asylum. Now, though, I'm not sure if that's for our good or someone else's
As if he had called her, Winter comes running. She immediately puts a hand on Ramul's arm. She looks into half-elf's eyes without anger. Please, Ramul, I'll explain. Ulfric, if you'd stay your hand as well and come with me, I'll be happy to fill you in. Already, the effect of the odd wall's voices can be seen in the chapel. One patient has to be restrained so that he doesn't gouge out his own eyes. Another goes into terrible convulsions, while several cry out in anguish.
Winter inclines her head to Ulfric. Of course. The guards at the barricade will of course watch, should you need assistance. You can, and I'd suggest you do, rest anywhere within this chapel. You should be able to find floor space, and ample blankets to keep you warm. Should you need anything, let me know as I make my rounds. So you know, mamy here report nightmares when away from the chapel. Under the open arms of Pharasma thpugh, the dreams are banished.
Winter seems to consider what Ulfric and Ramul said, then nods with a sigh. As I said, our situation here will not last. You sure seem able enough, perhaps if you can find us all a way out of this nightmare, I'd see to it that the Royal Accusers offer you and handsome reward. There's so much to it though...whatever nightmares you've seen in this place must be found elsewhere as well. Then, there's the way you must go... She shakes her head. Rest first, and help these people, then I'll show you where you'll need to go. Looking at Ramul, she continues. the accuser that sent me left the asylum before this madness occured, though some of my aides may still roam these halls.
Unfortunately, Miss Huhl, while there's a river nearby, we cannot access it from within our small domain here. So, we rely on the little rainwater we can collect from the cracked windows...which doesn't exactly provide the most potable water. I try and supplement that with some minor cantrips, but I'm the only one here with any particular abilities in that area. At least...until now. She glances at Campus specifically, knowing her to be a cleric at least in name. Turning to Ramul, Winter continues. I came here to help a Royal Accuser investigate the current strangeness in Thrushmoor. I am a sister of the Maiden't Choir Cathedral in Caliphas, and we're often called on to help the Accusers. As for the Orpiment, I have no idea...this must be a new cult that I've never heard of. I've never laid eyes on this Zandalas, but some of the other survivors worked here before the uprising, and they had. They say that Zandalus was a quiet man who suffered from horrible nightmares - a poet and artist whose art was disturbing, but who always seemed peaceful enough himself. All of that apparently changed, though. DC18 Knowledge local: You know a bit about the Royal Accusers - they are secretive agents of the Ustalavic crown warranted to enforce laws and exact justice without regard for the nation's baroque hierarchy of titles and rank. They have a reputation for harsh justice, acting on matters of national importance, and quietly ending noble dynasties.
The woman sighs and nods. I'd wager that's a good as I'll get, then. Very well...after we talk, I offer you whatever rest this place will give you, and whatever food we can spare. In return, I will have some odds and ends for you to help with - cooking, breaking down furniture, caring for the sick. If any of you have any particular skills that would help, please let me know. Now...as to your question, good Cleric - I'll start at the beginning. You are in Briarstone Asylum, a hospice stuck on a rock sitting in the Danver River - a convenient place to forget inconvenient people. Your reasons for being here are you own - I wasn't intimately involved with any of the patients while I was here, prior to the madness. This place wasn't a torture pit, as most seem to make asylum's out to be - in fact, the doctors here were very concerned about learning more about diseases of the mind. They were doing good work. If you were patients here, there must be some record of why you were committed, though where that may be, I don't know. A few days ago, there was an uprising, led by a patient. It was unlike any riot I've ever heard of, though. It was more like a religious movement. Most of the northern halls are now held by robed patients who call themselves "Apostles in Orpiment." Those we've encountered are fanatically devoted to a patient named Ulver Zandalas. DC10 Know geography or local: You know that Briarstone asylum is in Versex county in Ustalav...though you're unsure why you know that.
Sighing in exasperation, Winter looks at Campus with a dark look. I see you haven't tried, or you wouldn't ask. She looks at the windows, then closes her eyes as if in remembered pain. It's as if the outside world has turned against us. I don't know if it's just Briarstone Isle, or if it's the whole world, but the hospice is surrounded by some repulsive vapor. Worse, the weather beyond is like nothing I've ever seen - thunder like laughter, rain like blood. And that's to say nothing of the shapes that scamper and flap within, vague forms that know when we sleep. Things are terrible here, but at least here we can see doom coming. She shakes her head to break the spell of her memories, then looks at Ramul. With a genuine smile, she nods her head. You have my thanks, and I can assure you that the evil is out there...not in here.
Winter sighs, and nods. Yes...many here have gaps in their memories, though some of course weren't quite right to start with. I, fortunately, have none...and it's a good thing I see, as we've much to discuss. She nods her head slightly at Varinder, though the thick charm that the gnome attempts doesn't come out quite well enough to urge a smile. Well met, all of you...will you walk with me? Not waiting for an answer, she turns and puts her hands behind her back as she walks among her "people." She glances aside at Klassalka. I fear, miss Huhl, that we're not very well off with food, and have many mouths to feed. But, we feed those who help with the work. There's much to do here, and few hands to do it. She gestures to indicate some of the survivors who are splitting wood from furniture, while others cook at small fires, sew linens together from old scraps, and care for their wounded or sick. As you can see, our situation here isn't tenable. We've managed to pilfer enough food, linen, scrap wood, and supplies to build a modest refugee camp. But, food is dwindling, the water we collect through the windows isn't reliably potable, and our privy situation grows wose every day. She stops before the statue of Pharasma, and turns to you. We need help. I'm willing to answer all of the questions you may have, but first I have to ask you for a promise...an oath. She directs the last at Ulfric, specifically. I need your help; these people need your help. I need each of you to promise to help with our needs however you can - cooking, firewood, medicines - we need anything you can give. Do we have a deal?
I'm Winter Klaczka, a leader of sorts among the survivors here. Welcome to what's left of the people - workers and patients alike, that had the misfortune of being in Briarstone Asylum when this madness began. My thanks for taking care of those creatures...we'd had more than our share of trouble with them. Her eyes don't show happiness or thanks...they're hard and judging, as if she still wonders if she can trust any of you. Now, can you tell me who you are, and how you came to be here? |