
Winston Myzauri's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Calixymenthillian.

Sovereign Court

Please could you cancel my subscription for the Pathfinder roleplaying game, the shipping and customs fees for the Beginner's Box are a little too much for my taste.

I'll be back for the Bestiary 3.

Sovereign Court

I started a subscription to the Pathfinder Roleplaying game last weekend in hopes of catching the July shipment for the APG, but it seems I've missed it and the next shipment isn't going to be until September. As a result it will be quicker for me to get the book from my FLGS, so please could you change the first book of my subscription from the APG to the Bestiary 2. Thanks.

Sovereign Court

Leaving the Grand Lodge not long after dawn, it takes most of the morning to cross the vast city of Absalom and find the ship you are to board. The sun is almost at its peak by the time you finally arrive at your destination.

The Copper Griffon is a medium sized vessel, with twin masts and a modest figurehead depicting its namesake. The crew lounge lazily on its deck, its cargo already loaded, “You the passengers?” yells a scruffy lad leaning against the port-side railing as you approach.

Sovereign Court

The Song and Rose playhouse is a small, two storied building near the gates to the Ivy District but still within the Foreign Quarter, some say to avoid the need to join the Performer’s Guild. The wooden doors to the establishment stand open, and a queue of patrons is forming for the evening performance of what the posters outside advertise to be a hilarious, yet tragic comedy by the ‘renowned’ Chelish playwright Julio Valari.

Sovereign Court

The Crimson Coin is one of many drinking establishments in the Foreign Quarter, but unique in the fact that by law it is the only tavern in the quarter where bets can be placed on the gladiatorial matches held at the Irorium. It has a large central taproom and several private rooms containing comfortable seating, and tonight, the night before you face the admission tests to decide whether you will be accepted as initiates of the Pathfinder Society, you have each found yourselves with an invitation from a fellow applicant, to meet in one such side-room:

“My fellow aspirant,
“I am sure that you have been most busy with your preparations for tomorrow’s tests. Yet I implore you to set aside a brief few hours tonight in which to meet with those other hopefuls who shall stand beside you for our, I have no doubt successful, endeavours on the morrow.
“If this suggestion finds you receptive, I invite you to join me in a quaint little watering hole I have been known to frequent not terribly far from the Grand Lodge, I shall have ready for us a private room in The Crimson Coin at the eighth bell.
“Yours in eager anticipation,
Lathario Gellent.”

Entering the establishment, the main feature that grabs your attention is the large roped off section in the centre of the taproom, containing a deep pit. Few patrons are paying it much attention, as the pit is currently unoccupied, but the dried blood splattered around suggests the purpose that it serves.

A long wooden bar runs the length of the far side of the room, behind which several men and women pour drinks for the revellers packed before it and the serving staff who carry trays to various tables about the room.

Sovereign Court

Welcome to the out of character discussion thread for the Introduction to PFRPG play by post. Please check in here to confirm that you’ve finished your characters.

I’m hoping to get started tomorrow, but if anyone needs extra time, let me know and we can wait a little longer.

Sovereign Court


This thread got me thinking… how many people are on the site who aren’t yet familiar with the Pathfinder system? I imagine there must be a few, so I figured it might be a good idea to run a PbP to get them up to speed—So, if you’re out there and are interested in trying out Pathfinder, please post here and I’ll see about putting a game together.

I’d like at least three newbies, and once those are signed up maybe a couple of more experienced players to round it out a little (and help me out a little when it comes to explaining the rules).

As for the game itself, I’m thinking of setting it in Absalom, with all players being initiates to the Pathfinder Society (Yeah, it’s a bit clichéd to have in game training at the same time as the introduction to the rules, but I think it works.)

Sovereign Court

Rumours abound about the Arcanamirium and the magical experiments performed by the wizard’s within, some say they hear the cackling of demonic creatures at night, bound within the heart of the school, others claim to have seen the twisted products of the wizard’s transmutations soaring high above the rooftops of Absalom. But such rumour is quickly dismissed, or course, as the Arcanamirium is one of the most respected magical institutions of the entire Inner Sea, and would never involve itself in such disreputable activities.

You are now presented with the chance to see the inside of the prestigious school for yourselves, you have been called to the main meeting hall of the Pathfinder Lodge to receive a briefing from the Venture-Captain Adril Hestram – all you have been told so far is that you will be asked to go to the Arcanamirium to perform some discreet task for the school’s wizards.

On your way to the meeting hall, some of you may have found yourselves surreptitiously given notes:

Fellow Free Citizen,
My heart is chilled by the latest news from the Arcanamirium. You’ve heard, or will soon, that the animal handler for the
Arcanamirium, Lemedor, is missing. He’s a longtime agent of our cause and though his mind was destroyed by magical means in service to our nation, he still feeds us important information about the practices and alliances of Absalom’s oldest wizard school. As a fellow Free Citizen, it is our obligation to make certain that his service lasts for years to come. Ensure that it does.

Secondly, the son of an important scion of House Arionne of Cheliax attends the Arcanamirium as an apprentice. Though a minor house in Cheliax, Arionne is a den of vile slavery and must be stopped. Lemedor informs us that most of the Arcanamirium’s trash is dumped into the sewers below—it would be fortuitous if an object of House Arionne were to be found there. Locate one and you will do our great nation a great service. May your efforts in peace and freedom bear great fruit!

Captain Colson Maldris

Servant of the Satrap,
I write you in the earnest hope that your dealings are profitable this day. It has come to my attention that you are to undertake a mission that will take you into the Arcanamirium. Oh, what an unbreakable bastion we have found the Arcanamirium to be! It’s as if they find honest profit and a desire for wealth insulting. Please find in the enclosed packet a small token. I wish you to place this item in an area where many docents, or teachers, of the Arcanamirium might congregate. Worry not what the token’s purpose is—know only that it will gain us an advantage in our future dealings with that school.

Also, we seek easier access to the facilities of the school for our own purposes. Since the robed docents and their servile students find bribes to be to be so repellent, we need another strategy. Look for something that might gain us better access to the school—keys, building plans, sewer diagrams, that sort of thing—and bring them to me. Who knows what myriad advantages we might have with free reign over the Arcanamirium?

Kind Regards,
Pasha Muhlia Al-Jakri

Servant of the Satrap,
I write you in the earnest hope that your dealings are profitable this day. It has come to my attention that you are to undertake a mission that will take you into the Arcanamirium. Oh, what an unbreakable bastion we have found the Arcanamirium to be! It’s as if they find honest profit and a desire for wealth insulting. Please find in the enclosed packet a small token. I wish you to place this item in an area where many docents, or teachers, of the Arcanamirium might congregate. Worry not what the token’s purpose is—know only that it will gain us an advantage in our future dealings with that school.

Also, we seek easier access to the facilities of the school for our own purposes. Since the robed docents and their servile students find bribes to be to be so repellent, we need another strategy. Look for something that might gain us better access to the school—keys, building plans, sewer diagrams, that sort of thing—and bring them to me. Who knows what myriad advantages we might have with free reign over the Arcanamirium?

Kind Regards,
Pasha Muhlia Al-Jakri

Agent of the Empire,
We have them this time! An agent of Taldor—invited to the Arcanamirium—ha! No need to skulk in through a back entrance, no climbing the walls, no magical secrecy—you can waltz right in. While in the school (or under it) find a better way for our agents to penetrate that place and tell me about it. Greedy wizards—share your knowledge with the Empire!

Alas, it won’t all be the thrill of the hunt while exploring beneath the wizard’s school. One of our agents, as he fled the red-robed guards of the Arcanamirium, disposed of a scroll case in the most convenient manner available to him—he tossed it in the sewer. Since you’ll be mucking about down there, keep an eye out for a scroll case bearing my crown-and lion sigil. Our agent was caught and killed—otherwise I’d kill him myself for being such a careless fool.
Keep your eyes as sharp as your blade!

My Sincerest Gratitude,
Baron Jacquo Dalsine

Agent of the Empire,
We have them this time! An agent of Taldor—invited to the Arcanamirium—ha! No need to skulk in through a back entrance, no climbing the walls, no magical secrecy—you can waltz right in. While in the school (or under it) find a better way for our agents to penetrate that place and tell me about it. Greedy wizards—share your knowledge with the Empire!

Alas, it won’t all be the thrill of the hunt while exploring beneath the wizard’s school. One of our agents, as he fled the red-robed guards of the Arcanamirium, disposed of a scroll case in the most convenient manner available to him—he tossed it in the sewer. Since you’ll be mucking about down there, keep an eye out for a scroll case bearing my crown-and lion sigil. Our agent was caught and killed—otherwise I’d kill him myself for being such a careless fool.
Keep your eyes as sharp as your blade!

My Sincerest Gratitude,
Baron Jacquo Dalsine

The main focal point of the meeting hall is the imposing table occupying most of the centre of the room, resting on the table are five glasses of clean water; clearly the Society spares no expense for the comfort of its agents.

Adril Hestram is nowhere to be seen.

Sovereign Court

Here's the OOC thread for the Eye of the Crocodile King pbp, please can everyone check in here with your characters. Assuming everybody's ready by then, I'll be starting the IC thread on Saturday night (GMT)

Sovereign Court

I've just noticed that the page label at the top and bottom of each page don't have an indication of which posts are visible on that page any more.

I found that it was pretty useful for keeping track of whether any new posts had been made while I was browsing the previous pages of a thread, is there any particular reason it's been removed?