Horgus Gwerm

Winston Gwerm's page

57 posts. Alias of Klokk.

Full Name

Winston Gwerm




Rebuilding Kenabres Info



About Winston Gwerm

Character Creation Rules:

20 Point Buy
1:1 Cost Ratio
20 Max Atribute before Racial Bonus's
Any Race that can survive within Kenabres (no tieflings)(3pp is Allowed)
1 Trait (No Campaign Traits)
1 Disadvantage, if you want a 2nd Trait(This one can be a Campaign Trait)
NPC's Classes Only 3PP are Allowed
Level 5 Characters
Everything has max HP
To Reflect your Noble or Mercantile Backgrounds you each have a stripend of 4000 Gold Pieces to either outfit yourself or purchase teams/buildings with. If you buy anything you need to pay full price for the teams/buildings. You can keep at most 10% or 400 Gold Pieces at Start of Game. Anything above 400 GP in your coffers will be lost.

While there wont be ALOT of combat as were more focused on the Downtime Rules.. A couple of things you should know about combat

Critical Hits
There is no confirmation of Crits, there are no feats that add to anything to do with critical hit confirmation roll.
Examples of how Critical hits work against AC 21
Roll 20 with a Rapier +0 Hit = Miss
Roll 20 with a Rapier +1 Hit = Critical Hit, Roll total once Multiple total by Crit Modifier
Roll 18 with a Rapier +3 Hit = Miss
Roll 18 with a Rapier +4 Hit = Critical Hit, Roll total once Multiple total by Crit Modifier

Critical Misses
There is no Automatic Dropping of weapons, the chance of dropping your weapon is based on its quality.
1d02-----|Common Weapons
1d04-----|Masterwork Weapons
1d06-----|+1 Magical Weapons
1d08-----|+2 Magical Weapons
1d10-----|+3 Magical Weapons
1d12-----|+4 Magical Weapons
1d20-----|+5 Magical Weapons
Each roll of 1 with the same weapon in combat will increase the chance of dropping the weapon. So on your second 1 with a Common Weapon and on your 20th 1 with a +5 weapon you will drop it, unless you have a weapons chain on your weapon.

*Note: You can be as creative as you want with your Race/Class choices, pending that it will be able to pass the detect evil test. If you are evil and your try to enter the gates, you will be slain first and then questioned via speak with dead as to your reasons for entering Kenabres. You will be allowed any Class from Level 6th and Above. 3PP is Allowed at that point.

3PP = Means that is is available on d20pfsrd.com website or i have a copy of the pdf/book its from.

Here is the City information for the Ruins of Kenabres.

Ruins of Kenabres:

LG Large Ruined City
Corruption: +2 Crime: -3 Economy: -3 Law: +6 Lore: +2 Society
Qualities Insular, Racial Intolorant (tieflings), Strategic Location, Tenacious, War-Torn
Disadvantages: Devasted
Danger: +20
Government: Overlord
Population: 6520 (6061 Human, 312 Halflings, 66 Half-Elves, 81 Other Races)
Notable NPC's
Queen Galfrey (LG Female Human Noble )
Warden Irabeth Tirabade (LG Female Half-Orc Paladin )
Magester Quednys Orlun(LG old Male Human Wizard )
Treasurer Horgus [b](LN Human Noble)
[b]Base Value:
4,400 Gold
Purchase Limit: 10,000 Gold
Spellcasting: 4th
Minor Items: +1 Halberd, Ring of Minor Fire Resistance, Ring of Sustenace, Scroll of Raise Dead, Scroll of Restoration
Medium Items: Lesser Rod of Maximize Metamagic, Stone of Good Luck, Wand of Cure Serious Wounds(48charges)
Major Items:
Devasted: Over half the city has been destroyed and fully half of the population has been killed. Economy: -6, Society: -4, Danger: +10, Reduce Base Gold & Purchase Limit by 60%, Spellcasting: -3
Government: Queen Galfrey is the legal Queen, with the attack by the demons and subsuqesent destruction of over half of the city and almost all leadership slain. Queen Galfrey has promised whoever can do the best job of rebuilding Kenabres the title of Lord Governer of Kenabres.
Tenacious: Kenabres refues to be beaten, it still serves as a bastion of Law and Goodness. Corruption: -2, Crime: -2
War-Torn: Kenabres has been fighting against the Worldwound since the first days of the War. This long protracted war has affected the Economy. Base Value: +10%, Decrease Purcahse Limit: -20%
Strategic Location: Located on the eastern border of the Worldwould Kenabres has served in the fore-front of the Crusader. ------>

Recovery Points:

+1 Recovery Points per
Total: 0:100
Construct Rooms: Each 500 GP value of rooms.
Craft Magic/Mundane Items: Each 1000 GP Value of Goods/Magic Donated
Donate Gold: Each 2000 Gold Crowns Donated
Heal Others: Each full days spend doing do.
Construct Teams: Each 500 GP value of teams.
Worth an unknown but significiant amount of Recovery Points
Rebuild Cathedral of Saint Clydwell: 00.00%
Needs: 192 Goods, 14 Influence, 176 Labor, 22 Magic (Cathedral x2, Monument x1)
Rebuilt Fortess of the Kite: 00.00%
Needs: 660 Goods, 124 Influence, 592 Labor, 8 Magic (Castle x4, Monument x1)

[I]In Kenabres all people coming in are detected for evil by at least a pair of paladins. If evil they are questioned under detect lies. If the reason for the evil person visiting its a good or noble or selfless reason they are registered and freed. If not they are slain and buried in hallowed grounds.

Tieflings and anyone of Demonic blood are attacked upon sight. No quarter given, or asked by the crusader knights or paladin guards.

So basically nobody evil. Ive had to many campaigns spoiled by Evil Players that ive grown to disallow any evil pc.
All Creatures with 3 Intelligence or lower has a True Neutral Alignment (unless modified by class abilities)
All Creatures with 4 Intelligence or higher can not have a True Neutral Alignment.
Positive Energy IS = Good
Negative Energy IS = Evil

I don't think there are any other house rules.

There are A lot of guns:

All Siege Weapons are Martial Weapons.
All Early Firearms are Simple Weapons.
All Advanced guns are Martial Weapons.
Early Firearms & Ammo costs 10% listed price.
Advanced Firearms Cost 50% listed price.
Advanced Firearm Ammo costs 200% listed price.
Chance of misfire increased by 1.
+10 to Chance of dropping gun upon rolling a 1.
The Gunslinger loses the gunsmith class feature and instead gains the gun training class feature at 1st level.

But Firearms NEVER do a touch based attack, ever.

Downtime Prices:

10 Gold Earn Capital: Goods
10 Gold Earn Capital: Labor
15 Gold Earn Capital: Influence
50 Gold Earn Capital: Magic

Character Sheet:

Winston Gwerm
Male Azlanti Aristocrat 5 Artisan 5
Initiative: +2, Perception: +10
Leadership: 21
Weapon + Hit
+1 Magical Rapier +8 Hit 1d6+2 18*2 P Melee
+1 Ghost Touch Pepperbox Rifle +9 Hit 1d10+1 20*2 B/P 80' Misfire 2:20
+1 Magical Dueling Sword +9 Hit 1d8+2 19*2 S Melee
AC: 25, 12 Touch (2 Dex), Flat-Footed: 23 (10 Armor, 3 Shield)
Fort: 3, Ref:4, Will: 9,
Hit Points: 100
Armor Breakdown
+1 Mithril Full Plate +10 AC, -2 Armor Check, 3 Max Dex
+1 Heavy Wooden Shield +3 AC -2 Armor Check
+2 Dexterity

--------------------------Character Information------------------------
STR: 12 DEX: 14 CON:12 INT: 17 WIS: 14 CHA: 24
Languages: +3
Feats: [b] Brew Potion, Craft Magic Arms/Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, Eclectic: Two Favored Classes, Extra Traits, Leadership: 21, Magical Aptitude, Prodigy, Scribe Scroll
Dangerously Curious, Merchant, Natural Born Leader, Rich Parents
Disadvantage: Naive: -2AC vs Improvised Weapons or CMD vs Dirty Tricks
-----------------------------------Skills---------------------------------- -
Armor Check: -4 with Armor & Shield
Skill Name Total Stat Ranks Bonuses
Use-Magic Device 21 7 5 3Class 2Feat 1Trait 1/2L
Bluff 20 7 10 3Class
Knowledge: Arcania 18 3 10 3Class 2Feat
Knowledge: Local 18 3 10 3Class 2Feat
Appraise 17 3 10 3Class 1Trait
Intimidate 15 7 5 3Class
Profession: Merchant 15 2 10 3Class
Sense Motive 15 2 10 3Class
Diplomacy 15 7 5 3Class
Craft: Mechanics 15 2 10 3Class (9 ranks class ability)
Craft: Tailor 12 2 4 3Class 2Mastercraftsman
Craft: Armorer 06 2 1 3Class 2Smithy
Perception 10 2 5 3Class
Spellcraft 04 2 0 *Class 2Feat
---------------------------Class Abilities---------------------------------
Proficient Simple & Martial Weapons
Proficient with All Armors and Shields
Crafter's Art: Arcania
-10% Time to craft Scrolls, Potions, Wands
Empower Damage: +1/2 Damage from Magical Items of all sorts
Eye for Magic: Appraise Check vs DC 20 to ID magical properties, DC 15 w Detect Magic
Magical Essence: 3000 GP
Enhancement Pool: 5 (1/2L + INT) +1 to weapon/armor for 10 rounds.(can add speed to weapon or SR 8+HD to armor)
Cohort: Clockwork Mage (9/15)
Followers: 62 Followers
01 x 6th x01 Clockwork Soldier
01 x 5th x01 Queen Giant Ant
02 x 4th x02 Clockwork Swam
03 x 3rd x01 Clockwork Brain-Gear, 2 Drone Giant Ants
06 x 2nd x06 Soldiers Giant Ant
60 x 1st x60 Workers Giant Ant