
WindwalkerDM's page

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Hello all;

Been a DM for 15+ years now. Calling out for all the DM's and players alike now.

As a player, did you ever experience tension, fear or terror during your plays? Under which conditions did this happen to be?

As for DM's, did you ever hear your players catching their breath, turning pale with fear during your campaigns? What was the thing that caused this?

Maybe if we can collect these memories here under a topic, so that DM's that want some tension in their plays can make use of them.

Any other strange feeling / cause for these may also come in handy.

I wonder what makes players cringe... I know this is borderline subjective but... is the tension just limited to "save or die" dice throws? Just for the mathematical output of chance of success? Or is it the creature design, the temperature and illumination of the room played, the dm's voice... Let us find out.