Willie Walsh's page

57 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


*startles awake after a particularly loud snore*

Huh, what? Oh. Er, sorry about that. Ever since I left off henchwoman duties, I seem to be doing a lot of sleeping. Life just isn't as exciting now that I'm not helping with plots to blow up the universe. *sigh*

Interesting technique. I'll have to remember that.

Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
I like ginseng tea.

*shrugs* *Pours some gin into a cup of tea.*

Here you go. Closest thing we've got.

Sachiye wrote:
what's all this whispering I hear? and where's the damned tea? I'm temporarily blinded--- can someone help me out?

Here you are, dear. Drink up.

*chuckles* Oh, those were the days. All that pondering death and destruction. That was before I learned how to dish them out.

Lovely girl, very efficient, but a trifle high strung.

Mona & Cosmo's Mama wrote:

Thankee, dearie: I hate it when condiments hop away. Puts the tray of toads on the lazy susan, in-between the samovar and an empty snack platter.

I love your new do. Who's your stylist now?

Oh, one of the cultists. She has a real gift for it.

Well, this looks like a delightful tea party in the making. Oh, I think I see the toads over there, dear.

Little Yappy Mouse wrote:
Izkemina wrote:
Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
Captain Sarcasm wrote:
Yea, like THAT is going to work!
Well, I don't see why not.
Of course you don't. You never think things through.
~Sqeaks and jumps into your hair~


The shades and robots fall easily under the attacks. But the pieces of the goddess are still trying to coalesce into a solid form.

The bookkeeper may be dead, but the shades continue to attack Allura, Devlyn, and WJ, and the robots divide equally between WJ and Devlyn, shooting a constant stream of bullets with questionable aim. One of the bullets grazes LJ's leg.


Now that the book has been destroyed there are no further wards. Go ahead.

Warforged Jack wrote:
The Bookkeeper wrote:
The hag shrieks as she sees how close the dwarf has come. Her creatures didn't even slow him. In desperation she tossed down a handful of pellets. The pellets unrolled and grew until there were several robots standing there. They were not substantial protectors, but hopefully they would buy her a few precious seconds.

The shades scored a few hits but the celestial armor is strong in positive energy. The robots though, they will give the hag time. Time he cannot afford to give. He has failed twice before. He will not do so again.

He hurls his axe as hard as he can, aiming for the tome, hoping to break the ritual. And leaving only his hard fists and his armor to fend off the robots.

There is a wave of negative energy released as WJ's axe pierces the book, cutting it in twain.

The Seductress wrote:
Allura summons up the divine power within her and sends a stream of roilling acid at the Bookkeeper, striking the hag in her shoulder.

The hag shrieks in pain and summons forth more shades to harry Allura as she tries to complete the ritual in spite of her wounds.

The hag shrieks as she sees how close the dwarf has come. Her creatures didn't even slow him. In desperation she tossed down a handful of pellets. The pellets unrolled and grew until there were several robots standing there. They were not substantial protectors, but hopefully they would buy her a few precious seconds.

The hag quickly conjures up a half dozen shades to protect her from the coming assault, and tries to move even more quickly to the end of the ritual.

The hag pulled out a thick tome and began to read from it. She would occasionally pull out a small jug of some unknown substance and flick it over the girl chained to the altar. Lynora-Jill screamed as the slow process of ripping away her divine protections began. It was music to the hag's ears.

Ash, Bookkeeper1, and Izkemina step through the portal Ash created through LJ's mirror. The pause at the top of the stairs while the bookkeeper throws down a silence spell into the middle of the room where LJ and WJ wait by the gate. Ash and Izkemina both attack WJ as the bookkeeper heads menacingly towards LJ.

The Assassin wrote:
Poetry fades into a cloud of darkness. Before anyone realizes what is going on, she is standing behind the Bookkeeper. "Time for you to die for good," she says. Grabbing the woman by the arm, she triggers her death touch attack.

The Bookkeeper screams as her unlife is ended once more. One of the machines hums to life. If it is not stopped a new bookkeeper will step forth in a matter of moments.

The robot sizzles and crackles and it is destroyed by the dragon's mighty jaws. Two more robots finish their activation sequence and join the fight. Thanks to JH the rest were destroyed before they were fully functioning.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Hello? Anyone?

Sorry, I'm only running bad guys in this scenario. This battle may take some time as people are in and out quite a bit during the day.

A large robot finished its activation sequence and thunders towards the dragon, cannon blasting.
Crazed gnome cultists, all exactly the same, run around with explosives not particularly caring which side they're using them against. A hag stays towards the back casting spells to strengthen the cultists as they move to attack the heroes.

The Giggler wrote:

The Giggler returns, with a basket of goddess chunks

A tisket a tasket
A chunk of god in basket!

He looks around at all the clones

Oh me, oh my,
Has something gone awry?

Ah, you're just in time, the primary bookkeeper says, taking the basket and adding the pieces to the ones in the bag she is carrying. And with the last pieces we were waiting for. Well done. We have to go but feel free to stay if you enjoy slaughtering heroes.

With that Bookkeeper1, Ash, and Izkemina sweep out, leaving Bookkeeper2 and the cultists to buy some time.

"Begin sequence 11647 now" [i]the Bookkeeper rasps out.

Machines hum to life. Dozens of cultist clones begin to awaken. Large robotic sentries power up. Whirs and clicks continue in the bowels of the room.

Another bookkeeper steps out of her cloning chamber.

"Time for you to go, dears. I can handle things from here."

The Masked Titan wrote:
"There is power in the blood," Ethisa mutters. "These fools continue to seek the flesh, they should be looking for the blood."

"Very good. You are the first to figure it out without a map and a detailed set of instructions. The blood is key, but first we need the flesh. We are only missing one piece. And then it will be time..."

She cackles with glee at the thought.

Did you really think it would be that easy? The bookkeeper chuckles dryly. You have barely begun your service. You may as well accept that.

The Masked Titan wrote:
If I might offer a word of advice, you are going about this in the wrong way. Walks over and perches herself on the edge of the Bookkeeper's desk. Instead of trying to restore the darkness to Lynora, perhaps you should focus on turning someone much more powerful like her sister or her mother. Her mother would be a powerful ally, if you could convince her that you are working for the greater good.

The bookkeeper chuckles, a dry raspy sound.

I assure you, my friend, I am well ahead of you there. One of them is indeed already enmeshed in my plans. Which one, well, I'll just let you guess...

The bookkeeper looks up from her work as a shadowy figure enters the room.
"What is taking so long?" she asks sharply.

The figure laughs, her voice pleasant and feminine."Patience ugly one. You of all people should value the necessity for that. I have already begun to set things in motion. Just make sure that you have my payment ready when this is done."
With that the shadowy figure retreats and the bookkeeper goes back to her work.

The bookkeeper crumbles to ashes. In a dark corner of the records room a machine whirs to life.
"Commencing cloning sequence 17," a pleasant female voice croons out. Within moments the chamber opens and the bookeeper walks out.

"These assassination attempts are exceedingly tiresome," she says, sitting down at the desk and reviewing the notes of her predecessor.

The bookkeeper sighed. She had resigned herself centuries ago to the necessity of working with idiots, but it was still such a trial. Destroying the universe would be so much easier with a little competent help.

The bookkeeper calmly stands up from where she had been seated behind the enormous desk.

"Put my servant down please. I have agreed to alliance with your master. This is a severe breach of treaty, and an unfortunate misunderstanding. I assure you we are working towards the same goals. The destruction of all...life."

I'm signing off for the night and won't be back until late tomorrow afternoon. The bookkeeper doesn't want to tip her hand too soon, so won't take any actions that could be construed as an attack on an 'ally'.

The Seductress wrote:
I have set my sights on driving a wedge between Lynora and her paramour. I am also attempting to seduce the one called The Dalesman to our cause. Do you have any guidance on how I should proceed?

Get him to like you. Then get him to trust you. Plant some seeds of doubt. Bring the girl's goodness into question. Do what you do best, my dear.

The Mask wrote:
The Bookkeeper wrote:

The bookkeeper writes a note and places it on a plate. It vanishes in a puff of smoke and appears in front of the author of the note she received the next time that that person is alone and unobserved.

** spoiler omitted **

The strange wolf reappears again.

** spoiler omitted **

Once again the bookkeeper pens a note and places it on the plate where it disappears in a puff of smoke.


Foolish dracolich. There is no lust. My lady does not care about such things except as a useful tool to draw people in to destroying themselves. It was a red herring intended to trick the one who delivered the real curse to the girl. But I am happy to help break her spirit and have already begun my own plans along those lines. She loves deeply. That is where you can break her. It would be a shame if you decided to work against us since we want the same things in the end.

I know I'm making a change here, but it is consistent with GDK's character, and unlike the initial idea is much less likely to cross the PG-13 line that we really need to stick to on the boards.

The bookkeeper writes a note and places it on a plate. It vanishes in a puff of smoke and appears in front of the author of the note she received the next time that that person is alone and unobserved.


The note reads:
The dracolich is mistaken. What was given to the girl is both less and more than he believes. Do not tell him this. The removal of her holy protections are essential to our plans. It is imperative for the return of our lady that no harm come to the girl in the meantime, but we would appreciate anything you can do that will seperate her from her protectors so that we will be able to move when the time is right.

The hag rifles through the boxes in her desk before she finally finds what she is looking for. She pulls out the sheaf of papers and casts a quick summoning spell. A shadowy figure forms in a dark corner of the room.

Ah, there you are. I'm calling in your marker. You know what is required. Do not disappoint the goddess again.

The Masked Titan wrote:
I will aid you in your quest, if you will help me resurect the titans.

"My lady has always had a soft spot for the titans. They are so...destructive. You have an alliance, my new masked friend."

The Mask wrote:
Suddenly, an undead wolf appears. It runs to the Bookkeeper and drops a note at her feet. Then, it disappears. The note reads:** spoiler omitted **

I don't know why, but I'm having technical difficulties with that spoiler.

The Seductress wrote:

A sultry figure rises from a divan covered in the fur of some white beast.

Why must we always talk of death and blood and destruction. The surest way to bring the world into darkness is to take the hopes and dreams and desires of it's people and twist them to a darker aim.

Walks over and strokes the bookkeeper under the chin with her finger

Isn't that right my dear.

"You have always understood our aims well, my dear. Go. Go and confuse the heroes so they do not divine our true plans too soon."

The Assassin wrote:
Blood, let the blood of innocents awaken our dark mistress.

"Patience, my dear, patience. Your part will happen soon enough. You must not move against the other one until we have all the pieces. If she is harmed too soon then all is lost."

The Giggler wrote:

A slender man dressed in ragged fool's motley sweeps into the Records Room. His face is made up in the form of a clown, making him look almost jovial, if you didn't notice his flat, dead doll eyes. He sweeps up to the Bookkeeper and gives her a sweeping bow.

I hear you search for secrets dire
Dark things that most consign to fire

The skinny fool withdraws several round white shapes from a pouch and begins to juggle them.

Perhaps this fool can help your quest
By doing the things I do best!

The skinny man adds several daggers to the juggling routine. Upon closer examination, the round objects are small skulls.

"You look fit for the task" the undead hag says with a wicked smile. "Go forth and search for pieces of our mistress. Bring them back here to me. We must have all the pieces."

"Very good, very good. Keep at it. It will take patience and diligence to bring back our lady, but we must not falter in the task."

The bookkeeper places the pieces of the goddess into a special hiding place before handing the cultists back their bags.