Elvish Fighter

William Simpson's page

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Our party found a Magic Bane (human) strength longbow. Humans are my favored enemy. Do the bonuses stack? I say yes. My DM is not sure. He is leaning towards no, but can't sight a source for saying no.

I think the bonuses come from two different sources. Favored Enemy bonus comes from having studied humans,their strengths and weaknesses. I know where to hurt them, and how to interact with them. Bane weapons is a magical enchantment placed on a weapon by a wizard. It uses Summon Monster I, something the ranger cannot duplicate.

For the record, my character is a half-elf, so if I could not wield it because it burns or hurts my human side, I would understand that. Bane weapons could possess powers that absorb into the weapon itself. Also, it should be noted that I wield a great sword, and in 12 levels of play, have only used my bow about a half dozen times. However, I would like to hear some opinions, in case I wanted to add this ability to my favorite 2-handed weapon.

(From Locus Online)

Agent, editor, and publisher Glenn Lord, 80, died December 31, 2011 in Pasadena TX.

Lord is best known as a champion of the works of Robert E. Howard, and acted as agent for the Howard estate starting in 1965. Lord worked tirelessly to keep Howard’s work available, and brought many of his unpublished works into print. In his journal The Howard Collector (18 issues from 1961-73), Lord included rare and unpublished work by Howard, along with news, essays, and indices. He produced a special final edition of The Howard Collector in summer 2011. Lord wrote a landmark work on Howard, The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard (1976); co-edited Robert E. Howard: Selected Letters: 1923-1930 (1990, with Rusty Burke & S.T. Joshi); and edited Robert E. Howard: Selected Letters: 1931-36 (1991). He received a World Fantasy special convention award in 1978, was guest of honor at the Centennial Robert E. Howard Days festival in Cross Plains TX (2006), and guest of honor at PulpCon 36 (2007).

Glenn Richard Lord was born November 17, 1931 in Pelican Louisiana. He discovered Howard’s work in the early ’50s when he read collection Skull-Face and Others (1946). Lord devoted himself to collecting Howard’s fiction, poetry, and letters, eventually amassing a huge collection of Howard’s material, including hundreds of then-unpublished stories, most of which he helped shepherd into print.

I am trying my hand at PbP, since I do not always have time for a regular gaming (in person) session. I have already recruited 4 players. Three are from my regular gaming group, and one is a friend who lives out of state.

As the title says, this will be primarily following the Savage Tides Adventure Path, as outlined in the last 12 issues of Dungeon Magazine. However, there will be ample opportunity to explore other ruins and locations. One of these places will be Freeport, City of Adventure. We will be using the Pathfinder Rules, although I will accept some D&D 3.5. We will also be using the SLOW Advancement system, so as to prolong the campaign.

More information is available on my Obsidian Portal Website:

Go to Obsidian Portal

As I stated, I am seeking two players. Right now, the party has 2 fighters (Ranger and Fighter), and two healers (Druid and Cleric). So these two class types are closed. What the party needs is a rogue and a magic user. Preferably someone with diplomacy and charisma skills. I want to keep the party at 6 persons maximum.

Please send me a message or reply to this thread if you would like to be considered. I would like to start August 1st, with a small dungeon just to get everyone acclimated. Any questions, please ask.

Can someone explain why elementals have fewer hit dice in the Pathfinder SRD? For example, a CR 7 water elemental (Huge) has 95 hps (10d10+40). In the 3.5 SRD, they have 152 hps, 16d8+80 (152 hp). They also seem to have lost 2 points of constitution in the conversion. With the Pathfinder characters being beefed up (over standard 3.5 characters), does it make sense to lower the hit dice yet award the same experience points?

Does anyone know what happened to Sword and Sorcery Studios? They produced many good d20 products, including Scarred Lands.

Any chance of getting these into planet stories? They are sometimes hard to find in new paperback form. I order scifi for a public library, and I would like to order a new set. I understand from Wikipedia that the first 5 volumes are no longer copyrighted in the U.S.

I got a subscription notice on the 8th of April via e-mail. It said I had 2 issues left. Got another one on the 3rd of May. It said I was down to one issue. I understand one was mailed on the 23rd (still waiting for arrival). So I renewed for 12 issues. I checked today to see if it had gone through, but instead of having 13 issues (1 left plus 12 new), it said I only had 12. Did I lose an issue by renewing? Am I missing something?