Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() As Guard yells Whisper looks around in disbelief at Ardanto's foolish behaviour. As she can't reach him or their enemies she thinks on her feet and looks to Ardanto with wide eyes. Managing to raise her voice a little above her usual whisper she holds a hand out in the fighter's direction "Ardanto! Come protect me!" She pleads, blushing faintly at having to say the words but sure that playing on his desire to be a hero will potentially keep him in check. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Whisper smiles brightly at Guard as she notices him keeping an eye on her before looking between him and Ardanto. "I got lucky opening it, these are amazing locks.. maybe I should try the other two later.. so I can take the time, or maybe find the keys.. they're good locks.. I'd rather not break them" After what for her is a flurry of speech she blushes and looks away to the treasure "If that's okay.." ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Whisper looks thoughtfully at the lock on the seachest before looking to Ardanto and talking quietly "This is a good lock.. I can try to open it, but we may need to wait until a time when we're sure there aren't weird enemies around.." She tells him before digging out one of her lockpicks and setting to work. Making the occasional small surprised sound as she does well with a combination of skill and a little luck. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Nervously wrapping her cloak around herself Whisper looks tempted to say something but thinks the better of it, leaving it to the others to determine the best route and the marching order for their trek. Seeker: Spoiler: Added her Cloak of Elvenkind and 3 potions of Cure Light to her sheet and also knocked off all of her silver and copper to cover charitable contributions - hope this is ok :) ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Despite knowing Ardanto is looking over her to try to work out if she is wearing the armour or not Whisper can't help but blush as she's closely studied. "She did, yes. I meant to thank you sooner but I had a lot on my mind.." she confesses shyly "Are you sure you don't want it though? I'd hate for you to get hurt because I have this instead of you" ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Wordlessly Whisper leans against the warforged's chest as she looks thoughtfully up at the sky as though half expecting some sort of answer to just fall out of it. Despite remaining in silence she does smile a little, feeling better for knowing that whilst she felt a little lost she at least had a good friend beside her. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard/Thoven: Spoiler:
Whisper seemed unsure how to take the news, she seemed relieved that it wasn't anything bad but also confused and a little scared over what it could mean about her. She doesn't ask any more questions however and thanks them both for helpingher. Whisper is quiet, even for her, on the trip, seemingly having a lot on her mind. She looks at everything thoughtfully and seems a little lost but doesn't burden any of the others withher thoughts. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard & Thoven: Spoiler: Blushing faintly Whisper glances at Guard, glad at having the warforged there for support, before looking to Thoven again. nervously she tugs at the bottom of her shirt. "Well, my skin has been a little itchy lately, and.." With embaressment she pulls up her shirt to expose her abdomen and the tattoolike mark that has manifested there. "..this appeared.." ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Following Thoven inside Whisper clasps her hands tightly behind her, swallowing hard to try to get rid of the knot in her throat she speaks quietly of her problem. Guard & Thoven: Spoiler: "Lord Thoven, how much do you know of magical appearing tattoos? The dragonmarks and.. more taboo ones..?" she questions meekly. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard wrote:
Whisper cringes a little at Guard's speaking so loudly. Worriedly she looks around to make sure nobody is staring at them, the warforged and Snem were enough of a sight for most without making a racket. Silently she prays Thoven is home if only to get them away from potential nosey stares. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard: Spoiler: Whisper blushes faintly at the compliment. "You're special to me too" She replies in a near silent whisper before focusing entirely on the matter of visiting the artificer. "Alright, as long as we're quick. I'd really like to know what's happening to me.." ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard: Spoiler: WHisper blinks slowly at Guard's straightforward words, caught a little offguard by the bluntness of them. "But Guard.." She quietly objects "You're special, I'm not" She argues, seemingly very certain of her words.
"But if I can afford to get a cloak and the armour, I will.. and thank you for your advice and your offer of help.. should we go to the artificer first or to see Lord Thoven?" she asks, subconsciously resting her hand nervously over her abdomen. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard: Spoiler: Whispers eyes widen slightly at the notion of owning a wonderous item. "I.. I could have a cloak of Elvenkind? They look so nice.. but isn't that the sort of thing famous adventurers have?" She gushes a little before blushing "Maybe the chain shirt is a better plan.." ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard: Spoiler: Whisper hangs her head a little in shame. "They're not even my friends.. they're just people who have the life I once had so I know what it's like for them and know a little help can go a long way.." she explains sadly "I've never really had any friends" she adds a little pathetically.
"Besides" She quickly continues "I'd have no idea what to buy! ...healing potions for the others maybe.." ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard: Spoiler: Whisper watches Guard and Snem with an affectionate smile. "I'm glad we met" she admits easily "Maybe later I can show you where I live so you can find me if you ever need me for anything" she adds, actually a little suprised herself at the offer but at the same time happy that she's made it.
Walking along beside Guard she gives a little smile as he discusses what he plans to do with the money. "I think I'm going to help people with my money.. but I'm just not sure how best to help.. finding housing for people for the short term.. or giving out more food.. or just sharing the money. I mean I don't really need the money I have a home and can feed myself" She explains her plans with a vague dismissive wave of her hand. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard: Spoiler: Whisper gives an understanding smile as Guard silences himself on the matter of Ardanto. "I would really like that" She replies before looking around his work and looking a little guilty. "But I can wait until you're done for the day if you want.. I already feel a little better for just having told someone.." She murmurs before giving the warforged a loose hug. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard: Spoiler: Whisper pales even more at the notion of telling any of the others. She looks thoughtful for a long while before speaking up "I'd rather tell Thoven than Daurros.. Ardanto and Daurros still make me worry a little. They are too quick to resort to violence" She blurts out truthfully before blushing a bit at the idea she possibly said too much. "but I'd like it if you came with me" ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Guard: Spoiler: Shyly Whisper looks around to make sure nobody else is coming into the shop before nervously realeasing a composing breath. "I'm worried, my skin started itching and now.." Gently she tugs up the front of her shirt exposing her abdomen and the tattoo-like mark manifesting there. "I don't know enough about marks to know if this is good or bad and I'm worried.. I don't know who to tell or what to do.." She confides nervously. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Seeker: Spoiler:
Not entirely sure what to do in regards to the itching and the slowly appearing mark whisper tries to forget about it but soon realises she can't and goes on a hunt for help. Whilst she knows a little of marks she worries that it may turn out to be a 'bad one' and doesn't know enough to spot the good from bad with ease and wracks her brains trying to work out who to confide in before finally making her choice to see the party member that's become like a big brother to her. Pale with worry Whisper wanders to Guard's shop, entering with a shy smile at the warforged. "Guard" She pipes up quietly "Do you have time to talk?" ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() As with other downtimes Whisper disappears off without a word, happy to simply become invisible again. Slipping back into the shadows despite now having more than enough money to live somewhere better she starts making plans for how to use her money to better the lives of her neighbours and the homeless of the city. Seeker: Spoiler: She also spends more time with Lavinia, training her in the art of swordplay. She choses times to visit when she's sure Ardanto won't be around flirting with her. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() With a quiet whimper Whisper makes her way over to Finn and Ardanto, her face pale and her eyes wide as she checks on them both. "I'm so sorry I snapped at you both earlier.." she blurts out quietly, regaining a little of her confidence at seeing them both in such a state, her attachment to the group becoming glaringly obvious to her in the face of such grievous wounds. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Out in the corridor Whisper panics at the sound of a combat she cannot get near. "Fall back!" She calls to the group, actually managing to get near a yell in her desperation and with that steps back a little herself hoping the others will lead the combat back and to a bigger room. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Whisper looks close to tears as she looks between Ardanto and Finn and for a moment looks like she's about to object before simply shaking her head and falling silent. Wordlessly she starts to weave her way through the group and towards the front, resuming her role as checker of doors and opener of locks. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Snapping a little Whisper looks up at Ardanto, her eyes burning with quiet anger. "Sometimes people have no choice in their lot in life. Some people join organisations like this out of desperation.. I know I've been forced to consider it myself in the past.. That could have been me.. Besides, just because others will do unspeakable things I'm not going to use that as an excuse to sink to their level!" She bursts out in a blunt, hissed whisper. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() "...but.." Whisper starts to object in a tiny voice, wanting to help, but she's silenced as Thoven moves past her. Giving a small defeated sound at the realisation that getting into the room in her current state may involve a little tumbling and a chance of opening her wounds again she turns and faces the corridor behind them, holding tightly onto her rapier and keeping an eye out for potential incoming reinforcements. ![]()
Female Human (mostly) Rogue 2
![]() Whisper shakes her head slightly at the men's agressive demeanors, sure that the captive is about set for a nervous breakdown and collapse into complete uselessness. Shyly she pipes up, asking the questions she feels are important to be asked as soon as possible. "He stays with the guildmistress? Do you know if he's staying here right now?" She queries, toying nervously with her hair and looking as though she's feeling guilty for talking. "And is there anything we should know about the guildmistress? ..habits, whether she'll attack intruders on sigh or talk.. her name.."