Master Astrologer

Whimsy Chris's page

Organized Play Member. 1,043 posts (1,249 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 22 aliases.

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Will there be monsters in the playtest rulebook, in case we want to homebrew our own adventure?

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I was thinking of introducing Starfinder to my players with the playtest and this adventure. Is that a bad idea? This seems pretty lore heavy and galaxy shaking.

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Please tell me there's an Appendix N-style reading list in this one. I love reading lists and it has been sorely missed (by me, maybe others?) in 2e.

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RiverMesa wrote:
While a full-on "Lost Omens for 5e players" primer might be out of the question...

I'm surprised one of these hasn't been created by a community of 5e players who like the Lost Omens campaign setting. There are some important factors to consider when fitting your character into Golarion, particularly among races. For instance, in Golarion, elves are not ancestors of the First World, so Fey Ancestry doesn't make as much sense, but it would make some sense for Gnomes.

Maybe someday, I'll come up with a list of Golarion racial variants for 5e, complete with subraces based on Golarian heritages.

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Here is a list of 5e domains I came up with for each major deity for Pathfinder. It may not be an official list, but it has served my group well.

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As someone who primarily plays 5e and whose favorite setting is Golarion, this is one of the most exciting pieces of news I've heard in the RPG world. I hope it sells like crazy and Paizo decides to convert all the things (including a 5e version of Starfinder, but first things first).

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I love the pregenerated characters. If nothing else, I can shows these as a model for my players on how to design a character that fits in with the adventure. I’d like to see more of these for the Adventure Paths.

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I can’t wait for the Mwangi Expanse book!

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No literary lists in 2e? I miss the inspirational reading lists.

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The world of Bolla was once a thriving Earth-like planet, with an advanced ysoki race creating a near utopia. However, a druidic botanist created a species of giant, sentient trees, called the greenspear, with an unknown byproduct of supernatural powers to influence sapients. The greatest of the greenspears, the Blade, orchestrated an intricate plot to destroy the ysoki so that a new plant-based order could take over. A great magical battle flung Bolla into a planar scism that indeed destroyed all the ysoki, but also left the planet underwater. The greenspears eventually adapted, creating the scattered continents of kelp-like plants. Since then, an aquatic variation of skittermanders have called the planet their home, creating underwater civilizations, sometimes on the ruins of the exstinct ysoki civilization. Ghostly ysoki, confused and hostile, attack the world’s new inhabitants, as do rifti left over from the mass planar fractures of long ago. In addition, the skittermanders worship a great underwater tree they call the Grove of One. Little do they know that this is the Blade, which continues to plot for a plant-based world that it controls. Luckily, an astrazoan group of scientists who study interstellar threats has arrived disguised as skittermanders. They hope to study the cause of Bolla’s downfall and prevent any such occurrence from happening again, on Bolla or otherwise.

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The text states that "At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to Dexterity or an option from rogue's racket." Is this rogue racket option an additional racket from the one already given at 1st level. Or do you have to forego the Dex boost to get a rogue racket?

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I like the ramifications for the world, including if the PCs happen to fail. When I read the "What if Ileosa Wins" section of Curse of the Crimson Throne, I was suddenly inspired with all kinds of adventure ideas to deal with the heroes' failure. Of course, that's only for enterprising GMs who don't mind making up a new storyline. Different GMs read these APs for different reasons, not solely to run them. One reason is to gather ideas to create their own adventures and dealing with the failures of past heroes is aways an interesting launch for a different kind of adventure.

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The Gold Sovereign wrote:
But here it is, the animated Glob...

Awesome. Evokes the imagination! Now, I want a google maps version, complete with video images of particular areas. Make it so, Paizo. ;)

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Maybe a voice of a minority here, but I would gladly pay for a well-designed, professional 5e conversion guide, even in just pdf form, for each upcoming AP and setting guide. I prefer playing 5e for its rules simplicity, but love the complexity of the Pathfinder setting and stories.

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Anyone have an idea what "bakarang music" is? The Fushion Queen is described as playing bakarang music, and I couldn't find any reference to bakarang, in any of the Starfinder materials or in real life. I ask because I plan to play some club music during the scene for mood.