Painter Worshipper of Shelyn

Wendigo85's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

God I love you guys <3 you've made my year :D

The Exchange

Hey Ed, you have any idea what's up with Derrek's game at 10:30am? I'm signed up but haven't got any emails or links beyond his warhorn. If he isn't ready or something I'd like to play your game at 10 with Roshni.

Roshni Sharzad
Oracle/Bard 4

The Exchange

As its noon I'm going to be removing Grimor and Eydam from the war horn reg for the session. Ill be sending out confirmation emails tonight after work.

The Exchange

Thanks Blackwolfe, I'm really looking forward to GMing scenarios :) catch you next time.

The Exchange

How many would still be interested if I was forced to move this to 5pm EDT? I got in a car accident recently and a family member offered to take us to look at used cars Saturday afternoon.

The Exchange

How many would still be interested if I was forced to move this to 5pm EDT? I got in a car accident recently and a family member offered to take us to look at used cars Saturday afternoon.

The Exchange

I gotta apologize again, but I'm gonna need a response by 12 noon EST tomorrow from Grimor and Eydam or I am going to have to replace you guys with players with level 1 characters, I'd rather not have to replace anyone, but I might have to in order to run the scenario as written at level. I also need Grimor to sign up via warhorn if possible please.

The Exchange

Unless I get a response by tomorrow on whether or not the two of them have a level 1 character to run, then you're in willzilla.

The Exchange

I've gotta let you guys know this scenario is designed for 1st level PCs with no exp or prestige, so your 2nd levels won't qualify for this adventure as written :/ sorry to be the bearer of bad news. But if you have a 1st level you are welcome to play with that character.

The Exchange

Thank you again Sior, see you at 9am :)

The Exchange

Hey there fellows and/or hobo felons,

I was wondering if anyone was planning and/or would be willing to run a pick up game during those times listed above.

I have Roshni a Oracle 1/Bard 3 or I'd be willing to run with any pregen to gain the xp.

Thanks for the consideration,


The Exchange

Yes! A game I can finally play in, hopefully one more joins by tonight :)

The Exchange

Here's who's signed up so far via Warhorn, I'll be accepting 2 alternates as well in case someone has to cancel in the days leading up to the game. Here's what I've got so far for players.

David Wolfe with Sorcerer ?
Paul Jackson with Cleric ?
Steven B with Druid ? (Striker - Ranged)
Michael Riter with Sorcerer ? (Controller)
John Ulmer with Inquisitor 1 (Archer) Alsatius
Micheal Shaw with Summoner ? (Summoner)
Alternate 1:
Alternate 2:

If those besides John who've signed up could either post your character details here or email me at that would be most appreciated. Roll20 and Hangout's links will be provided by private message and email (where applicable). Thanks and have a great week.

The Exchange

Hello fellow pathfinders,

In your first mission as a Pathfinder agent, the head of the Grand Lodge sends you on a number of missions throughout the metropolis of Absalom, pitting you against traps,thieves, and even an unruly devil, all in the pursuit of knowledge.

Written by Adam Daigle.

Please include the following,
Character Name:
Token Image

Here's a link to my Warhorn page, hopefully this will be the first of many scenarios to come.

The Exchange

Got you preemptively signed up willzilla, I'll post an official sign up with links to war horn this afternoon after work.

The Exchange

Seems like First Steps it is :D I'll post info soon for it!

The Exchange

Is that a module Prethen? I haven't heard of it.

The Exchange

Unless anyone else feels like chiming in by tonight, I might as well run Intro First Steps :) I'll check back periodically to see if anyone's interested in anything else, but this seems like a good jumping off point.

The Exchange

I'm in EDT (UTC-4), I forgot to list it sorry sorry.

The Exchange

Hey there, Jessi here and I've been itching to run some bi-weekly society scenarios. I've got my eye on a few particulars at the moment but can't decide which to run, so I thought I'd come seeking some advice.

It's a toss up right now between, S00-04 The Frozen Fingers of Midnight, S01-33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (1-5), S03-00 Intro First Steps - Part I - In Service to Lore (1)(Being a new GM to the society I thought this might be fitting for my first official game), and/or S03-01 The Frostfur Captives (1-5).

Any input would be appreciated, and if you ladies and gents have any other suggestions, I'm open for anything 1-5 or 1-7.

Thanks, and have a great night.

(I'm going to keep this open for a couple days, then read through and set up the scenario via Warhorn/Roll20.)

The Exchange

/cry! Maybe I can catch you next time. I'm gonna be running a game on either Saturday the 7th or Sunday the 8th if you wanna check out my warhorn :) I'd love to give Meblo some hell :P Any suggestions for which scenario I should run? GM Overlord Arthur suggested S01-33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (1-5).

The Exchange

The 28th is Wednesday :P although if in fact that is the day, then I'd be up for playing potentially (depends on when I'm going to look at used cars). But I work Thursday :( so hopefully it was a mistype.

My character is as follows, in case of a Wednesday game:

Name: Jessi
Character: Roshni Sharzad
Class: Level 3 - Oracle 1 / Bard 2
PFS# 132759-2
Faction: Qadira

The Exchange

sounds good I'll email you when I get home thanks again.

The Exchange

Posting interest if you'd be willing to run with seven players. Oracle 2 here :)