
Welcome Rain's page

49 posts. Organized Play character for Nik B..


Kitsune, HP17/17 - AC 17, T 13, FF 15/ F +1, R +6, W +3/ CMD 14, CMB +1/ Per +4(LL), Init +5, Move 30ft

About Welcome Rain

PFS Details:

Player - Nik
PFS #41662

Female Kitsune Bard 2
Init +5; Senses LL Vision; Perception +4
S10 D16 C13 I10 W10 Ch18
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15. (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
Mwk Chain Shirt, Mwk Buckler
HP 17
CMD 14
F 1/R 6/W 3
Spd 30 (30) ft.

Rapier +1 (1d6/18-20x2)
Bite +1 (1d4/20x2)

Mwk Darkwood Comp Shortbow +5 (1d6/20x3)
Bite +1 (1d3/20x2)




Acrobatics: 9/3/2/4
Appraise: 0/0/0/0
Bluff: 8/4/1/3
Climb: -1/0/0/-1
Diplomacy: 9/4/0/0
Escape artist: 6/3/1/2
Heal: 0/0/0/0
Intimidate: 4/4/0/0
Know (Arc) 1/0/0/1
Know (Dung) 1/0/0/1
Know (Eng) 1/0/0/1
Know (Hist) 1/0/0/1
Know (Loc) 5/0/1/4
Know (Nat) 1/0/0/1
Know (Nob) 1/0/0/1
Know (planes) 1/0/0/1
Know (Rel) 1/0/0/1
Perception: 4/0/1/3
Perform (Orate): 9/4/2/3
Sense Motive: 9/0/0/0
Spellcraft: 4/0/1/3
Stealth: 6/3/1/2
Survival: 0/0/0/0
Swim: -1/0/0/-1
Languages – Common, Senzar, Tien


Save 0=14 /1=15

L0 (unlimited)
Detect Magic

Read Magic
L1 (3/day)


• Str: -2, Dex: +2, Cha: +2
• TYPE: Humanoid (Kitsune/Shapechanger)
• SIZE: Medium
• AGILE: Kitsune receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks.
• CHANGE SHAPE: A kitsune can assume the appearance of a single human form of
the same sex—this form is static, and cannot be changed each time the kitsune assumes
this form. A kitsune in human form cannot make its bite attack, but gains a +10
racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing from human to kitsune
shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, save that
the kitsune does not adjust its ability scores.
• KITSUNE MAGIC: Kitsune add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against
enchantment spells that they cast. Kitsune also gain the following spell-like ability:
3/day—dancing lights.
• NATURAL WEAPON: A kitsune has a toothy bite attack in its natural form. This
bite, [Bite, Toothy], does a base of 1d4 points of damage on a hit. This is a primary
attack, or a secondary attack if the kitsune wields a manufactured weapon.
• LOW-LIGHT VISION: You can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
• Automatic Languages: Tien, Senzar
• Bonus Languages: Aklo, Celestial, Common, Elven, Gnome, Nagaji, Samsaran,
Sylvan, Tengu, Wayang


• MAESTRO OF THE SOCIETY (Social: Bard): The skills of Golarion's
greatest musicians are at your fingertips, thanks to the vast treasure trove of
musical knowledge in the vaults beneath the Grand Lodge in Absalom. Studying this
knowledge gave you the ability to use your bardic performance an additional 3 rounds
per day. (PFCh: FcGd 63)
• REACTIONARY (Combat): You gain a +2 trait bonus to Initiative checks. (PFAPG


• TOUGHNESS: +3 hit points. (PFCR 135)

• SPELL FOCUS:EVOCATION: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select.


• FAVORED CLASS (Bard) : You've gain the following bonuses: Hit Point).
• BARD CANTRIPS: The bard can cast known 0-level spells without limit. (PFCR 38).
• BARD SPELLS: Arcane spells drawn from the bard spell list. Spontaneous
caster. Every bard spell has a verbal component (singing, reciting, or music). (PFCR
• BARD WEAPONS AND ARMOR: All simple weapons, longsword, rapier, sap,
short sword, shortbow, and whip, light armor and shields (except tower shields). No
arcane spell failure in light armor. (PFCR 35).
• BARDIC KNOWLEDGE: You add +1 to all Knowledge skill checks and may make such
checks untrained. (PFCR 35).
• BARDIC PERFORMANCE: Use the Perform skill to create magical effects for 13
rounds. Standard action to start, a free action each round to maintain. Only one
performance at a time. The targets must be able to perceive the performance. A deaf
bard fails audible performances 20% of the time, blindness causes visual performance
failure 50% of the time. Failed checks count against round limit.
- Countersong (Su): Counters magical effects that depend on sound within 30 ft.
Creatures use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw each round
countersong is active. (PFCR 36).
- Distraction (Su): Counters magical effects that depend on sight within 30 ft.
Creatures use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw each round
countersong is active. (PFCR 36-37).
- Fascinate (Sp): Up to 1 creatures within 30 ft able to see and hear the bard,
and able to pay attention to him (i.e., in no danger). The bard must also be able to
see the creature. The creature makes a Will save vs. DC 15. If a creature succeeds, it
immune for 24 hours. If it fails, the creature sits quietly and listens, for as long
as the bard continues to play and concentrate (up to bard's level in rounds) and takes
-4 on skill checks like Perception. (PFCR 37).
- Inspire Courage (Su): +1 morale bonus on saves vs. charm and fear and +1
morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls to allies who can hear.
Mind-affecting. (PFCR 37). (PFCR 35-38).
• VERSATILE PERFORMANCE: You can substitute your bonus in a performance skill
for related skills. You are versatile in Oratory. This gives you the following skill
bonus replacements: Diplomacy +9, Sense Motive +9. (PFCR 38).
• WELL-VERSED: The bard has a +4 save bonus vs. bardic performance, sonic,
and language-dependent abilities. (PFCR 38).


Mwk Chain shirt
Mwk buckler

Mwk dwd shortbow
P 20 CI durable arrows

Mwk Backpack
Bards Kit
Skeleton Key

Alchemical grease
Alchemist Fire
Alkali Flask
Healers kit
Holy Water

Wand CLW

Potion of Remove Sickness
Potion Spider Climb
Potion Touch of the Sea

Scroll of Alarm
Scroll of Comprehend Languages
Scroll of Detect Secret Door
Scroll of Identify
Scroll of Featherstp