Full Name |
Watson Dalimar Butheby |
Race |
NG Male Gnome Cloistered Cleric of Jaidi 1 |
Gender |
| HP 18/18 | AC 14; w/shield 15 | Fort +5T; Ref +4T; Will +9E | Perception: +7T; Low-light Vision | Focus Points: 1/1 | Hero Points: 1/3 | |
Size |
Small |
Age |
? |
Special Abilities |
(Eternally level 1) |
Alignment |
Neutral Good |
Deity |
Jaidi |
Location |
Absalom |
Languages |
Common, Gnomish, Sylvan |
Occupation |
Gardener |
Strength |
8 |
Dexterity |
12 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
18 |
Charisma |
16 |
About Watson Dalimar Butheby
"Pathfinder Society leadership, they say I've got this...whatchamacall it...synesthesia? No, that ain't it...amnesia! That's the one. That's why I keep goin' on all these adventures over an' over again with you young whippersnappers...they think if I keep doin' this, some day it'll click and I can move on!"
Watson Dalimar Butheby
Male Gnome Cleric (Cloistered) of Jaidi
NG Small Fey-Child Gnome (gnome, humanoid)
Senses Perception +7 (Wis +4 + Prof T3); Low-light vision
AC 17 (Dex +1 + Prof T3 + Armor 3)
HP 14
Fort +3(T), Ref +4(T), Will +9(E)
+2 Staff 1d4-1 B (Two-Hand d8)
+4 Sickle 1d4-1 S (Agile, finesse, trip)
+4 Fist 1d4-1 B (Agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed)
+6 Produce Flame 1d4+3 F 30 ft (Crit: Double damage & 1d4 Persistent F)
+6 Ray of Frost 1d4+3 C 120 ft (Crit: Double damage & -10 ft speed penalty for 1 round)
Divine Spell DC 17
+7 Divine Spell attack roll
Innate Primal Spell DC 16
+6 Innate Primal Spell attack roll
Str 08, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 16
Speed 25 ft.
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Fey-Touched Gnome, Razzle Dazzle
General Feats N/A
Skill Feats Forager
Class Features & Abilities Deity, Divine Spellcasting, Divine Font (Healing), Doctrine (Cloistered)
Class Feats Domain Initiate (Sun)
Skills Diplomacy +6(T), Medicine +7(T), Nature +7(T), Religion +7(T), Survival +7(T)
Lore Pathfinder Society Lore +3(T), Herbalism Lore +3(T)
Languages Common, Gnomish, Sylvan
Bulk (2/4/9)
Held/Worn Items Staff, Explorer's Clothing, Healer's Tools, Wooden Religious Symbol, Material Component Pouch, Holly & Mistletoe, Wayfinder (I)
Readied Items Sickle, Brass Ear
Stowed Items Adventurer's Pack, Holly & Mistletoe, Religious Text
Special Abilities
Edicts: Encourage hard work that benefits all, ensure the health of crops and vegetation
Anathema: Destroy healthy crops, waste food, refuse to help others in your community
Focus Spells (1/1)
Dazzling Flash
Healing Font (4/4)
Heal (1d8 / 1d8+8)
Cantrips Prepared (5/Day)
1x Daze
1x Stabilize
1x Shield
1x Guidance
1x Forbidding Ward
1st Level Spells Prepared (2/Day)
0x Ray of Enfeeblement
0x Temporary Tool
0x Command
0x Breadcrumbs
1x Magic Weapon
0x Create Water
1x Heal
Organized Play Notes:
Faction: Verdant Wheel
Level: 1
XP: 5
Reputation: All 5 (0), VW 5 (0)
School: Spells
- Default Item: Scroll of Heal (1st)
Promotional: Campaign Service Award (+1 Hero Point, can give 1 HP reroll to another player during the adventure)
GM Glyphs: 3
0 - Character Creation
1 - #3-Intro-1 (Play)
2 - Bounty 17 (Play)
All information updated as of 25 Feb 2022