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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Spoilers for Lords of Rust

I'm DM'ing a group through Iron Gods. Party just reached Scrapwall, so I'm looking ahead. I noticed the haunted canyon has a persistent mist. A few questions about this:

1) Is this mist also present within the haunted wreck interior?
2) As far as I can tell, only the wraith within the ship can see creatures through the mist. This is especially important for the poltergeists in the area since their only means of damaging the PCs are ranged attacks. Is this accurate?
3) If the PCs were to use wind based spells to try and disperse the mist, would it temporarily work? Say, Gust of Wind to temporarily see 60ft ahead of them? Although, Obscuring Mists says Gust of Wind disperses the mist in 4 rounds and Gust of Wind has a 1 round duration, so I don't even know how that works...
4) Are these mists treated as Obscuring Mist for concealment purposes? (20% miss-chance 5ft away, total concealment further away)

One of my players wants to be a Savage Technologist. Savage Technologists at 2nd level gets Sword and Gun, which states:

"When a raging savage technologist wields a one-handed firearm in one hand and a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other, she can make ranged attacks with the firearm without provoking attacks of opportunity. She also gains the benefits of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, but only if all attacks are made with those weapons."

So, his question was: does Sword and Gun count as Two-Weapon Fighting feat for the purposes of meeting feat prerequisites? In other words, could a Savage Technologist gain Improved Two-Weapon Fighting later down the line without having to actually pick up the Two-Weapon Fighting feat?

If not, is it a big deal if I overrule it? Thematic wise, it'd be kind of silly for the Savage Technologist to not get more attacks with the pistol naturally if he's able over time, IMO.