I don't really get the point of the whole discussion ( though the questions provided by the thread starter are legit, of course ).
"You are supposed to need at least 1 free hand and the kit in order to patch up somebody"
This could be ok, but unfortunately we are talking about a feat which "heal" somebody in 2 seconds.
So, arguing about the requirements ( in terms of free hands, free hand, or nothing at all ), because of "roleplay", falls into nothingness since you will do it in 2 seconds.
To me, it's simply a feat meant to give a "heal" to those who want to.
To make an example:
Want to sometimes heal your friend as a thief?
Level your medicine skill, and feel free to provide a small support when it is needed.
Talking about "how the heal happens", feel free to decide it by yourself ( adrenaline, some karmic touch, motivational/emotional, etc... ).
Or if you can't stand that somebody patch up a friend in a couple of seconds ( with or without hands ), just simply don't allow it to your players ( or simply don't take it ).
That said:
The only important thing, to me, is to check if the talent itself is balanced/unbalanced.
If it's unbalanced, it will be adjusted in the next errata.
If it's fine, it will remain that way.