Glen Wadleigh's page

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Twiggie14 wrote:

so far, so good on the alchemist stuff. The inquistor seems okey dokey and all, but a little to similar to the ranger. A little more melee focus would fix that in a jiffy.

I plan on adding on some alchemist levels to my half-orc eldritch knight build i currently have. The mutagens are really going to help.

also, i was a little confused on the amount of times an alchemist could use their bombs. Do they only have as many as they prepared for that day, or do they have unlimited bombs, taking a move action to create each?

1 per level of Alchemist + Int Mod

Glen Wadleigh wrote:

I was really excited about the Alchemist until I saw it

Here is what I see when I read it:

Bard Class - skills + 1 minute casting time - music effect + ranged sneak attack but limited to (1 per level + int mod per day) with a pretty good chance of hitting your party or other endangered NPC, and minus any inherent bonus you can get from using a magical weapon.

Plus you get bonuses to Alchemy and rate at which you produce it. Woot! The character is awesome at making items that are obsolete by the time character's reach 5th level!!!

It might potentially be interesting if you could use any of the spells from the list instead of only knowing a handful.

Plus No game system I have seen to date (except Gurps) really accepts the idea of potentially stockpiling potions and viable alchemical items.

Looking a little more I See nothing that justifies taking this character over Wizard. Excluding a few of the healing effects you would get a very similar effect by taking Wizard and role-playing that your spells are "elixirs" and taking a few reserve feats to simulate the "bomb".

You would outstrip the Alchemist in a level or two. Not to mention that you would then have access to item creation so you could make ACTUAL Potions!

What I am getting at is this classes "combat" role is very weak and its out of combat role is effectively non-existent. If he had more skills and Item creation (perhaps the ability to make single use items for targeted spell effects) then I could start seeing it as viable. Until then I would just flavor the actions of a Wizard or Bard and be much more satisfied with the resulting "Alchemist."

I was really excited about the Alchemist until I saw it

Here is what I see when I read it:

Bard Class - skills + 1 minute casting time - music effect + ranged sneak attack but limited to (1 per level + int mod per day) with a pretty good chance of hitting your party or other endangered NPC, and minus any inherent bonus you can get from using a magical weapon.

Plus you get bonuses to Alchemy and rate at which you produce it. Woot! The character is awesome at making items that are obsolete by the time character's reach 5th level!!!

It might potentially be interesting if you could use any of the spells from the list instead of only knowing a handful.

Plus No game system I have seen to date (except Gurps) really accepts the idea of potentially stockpiling potions and viable alchemical items.