
Wandering Nephilim's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 aliases.


It's good to know that Jesse's playing again and it looks like he's playing something fitting.

I've seen and played under DM's who have the Hackmaster, "I'm not doing my job unless every session has a TPK." I don't care for DM Fiat when it comes to those DM's.

However I think in most cases I support the fiat. Especially when it helps move the story along. While I don't think it should be done to the point in which it tickes players off, I tend to follow the school of thought used by Nathan Rice's character in Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising.

"Story trumps rules."

Though I will add that if you do someting drastic (say take away a cleric's power during a massive encounted like the film), you should also be willing to flub the rules to let the players live.

I also follow the idea that character's don't die (at least permanently), unless the DM allows it.

I just got mine in the mail from the Wizards Play Network yesterday. I was just wondering if anyone else has got it and had a look at it.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about the WPN released a 4th level The Village of Hommlet adventure. And yes it is set in Greyhawk (though it also keeps the Points of Light feel).

I have to say that though I don't haven't played any of the Temple of Elemental Evil adventures before, I'm familiar with them and I think the adventure is a nice tribute to them. It's actually inspired me to start doing a 4E game using adventures and locals from previous editions. I'm thinking about creating my own Temple of Elemental Evil for the heroic tier, followed by a Ravenloft extended adventure for the paragon tier.

I was in Stew's 2nd group that played this module. We had a great time. It wasn't a tpk like his first group, we only lost one character (and that was in the 2nd to last round of the final fight).

I agree with what he said about the Blind Peep Show. Luckily he had the faerie queen heal two of our pc's (myself and another) blindness.

As a side note, playing this and reading some other of the Pathfinder stuff has given me a desire to run a Pathfinder game, instead of the Eberron game I'd planned on running.

I'm definately looking forward to seing more Second Stringers and I'm sure Rouge's Gallery will be just as good.

Should the new copy shipped to me have arrived by now? I've recieved the two issues after it, but still have not recieved 353.

The site says that Dragon issue 353 shipped back on the 6th, but I've still not got my copy, 21 days after that date.