Corvin Tergsvor

Walthus Harrow's page

28 posts. Alias of Dragonserpent.

Full Name

Walthus Harrow




Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1












Taldane(Common), Halfling, Celestial

Strength 8
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Walthus Harrow


Senses:Low-Light Vision
Perception +5
Fort:+3 ;Ref:+7 ;Will+2(+2 saves vs fear)
AC:=18 (10 +3[Studded Leather] +4[Dex]+1[size])
Touch AC [15] Flat-Footed [14]
HP: 10/10 (1d8+1+1Favored Class)
BAB:+0; CMB:-2; Init: +6
Melee: Scimitar +4 (1d4+3, 18-20 x2, S) (1d4+4 nonlethal)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +5(1d4, 19-20x2, P) 80',(20 bolts in quiver)
Feats: Lucky Halfling
Traits: Blade of Mercy, Chance Savior
26 lbs. or less/27–53 lbs./54–80 lbs.


(Ranks + class skill + ability + Miscellaneous = total)
8 Points (6 per lvl +2 Int Mod)*(1 lvl)=7) *ACP -1 ranks+Class+mod+misc)
Acrobatics* (Dex) 1+3+4+1=8
Appraise (Int) 0+0+0=0
Bluff (Cha) 0+0+4=4 CS
Climb* (Str) 0+0-1+1=+0
Craft (Int) 0+0+2=2
Diplomacy (Cha) 1+3+3=7
Disguise (Cha) 0+0+3=3
Escape Artist (Dex) 0+0+4=4
Fly* (Dex) 0+0+4-1=3
Heal (Wis) 0+0+0+0=+0
Intimidate(Cha) 0+0+3=3
Knowledge (Arcana)(Int) 0+0+1+=1
Linguistics† (Int) 0+0+0=0
Perception (Wis) 1+3-1+2=5
Perform (Sing)(Cha) 1+3+4=8
Perform (Dance)(Cha) 0+0+4=4
Profession (Farming)(Wis) 1+3+-1=3
Ride (Dex) 0+0+4=4
Sense Motive (Wis) 0+0+0+1=-1
Slight of Hand(Dex)0+3+3=3
Spellcraft (Int) 1+3+2=6
Stealth (Dex) 1+3+4+4=+12
Survival (Wis) 0+0+0=+0
Swim* (Str) 0+0-1-1=-2
Use Magic Device(Cha) 1+3+3=7


Cantrips Known DC:13
Ghost Sound
Detect Magic
Read Magic
(2/2 per day) 1st Level Spells Known DC:14
Saving Finale
Cure Light Wounds


Battle Dance 7/7 rounds per day
Inspire Courage (dance) Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate

Gear on Person: Studded Leather, Scimitar, Light Crossbow (20 bolts), Traveler's Outfit, 2x Scroll CLW, 1x Scroll of Share Language, Belt Pouch, Backpack, (130gp to spend)

On the Story of Walthus:

Walthus was born 32 years ago to Drogo and Lily Ostgood, two indentured slaves who had served on the halfling crew of The Silver Arrow. The ship and crew were owned by the Chelish noble House Leroung, and flew under the banner of the house and also of the Cheliaxian empire. Lily and Drogo had a good life under their captain, who protected the rights and lives of his crew and only asked for honest work in return. Had the captain lived to a ripe old age instead of being struck down by disease, then the two halfings might have raised Walthus as a sailor, and lived peaceful happy lives. However, when the old halfling finally did pass, the new captain assigned to the craft by it's Chelish family was cruel, efficient, and vicious. Lily and Drogo kept their heads down, but when one of their close friends was tortured and sacrificed to Asmodeus, the couple decided to flee when the ship docked at Korvosa for trade. They were determined to make a good life for their child, and themselves, if they could. They fled out of the city, and against all odds, evaded capture. They decided to head west, keeping close to the Jeggare River where they could find food and fetch water to boil, using all of the tools they had learned at sea over many years, and every ounce of luck they had in them. It was the luck that saved both Lilly and the unborn Walthus. For along the road, as night fell, the halfling maiden collapsed, and would have died along with her unborn child to labor complications beside the river if it weren't for the panicked Drogo's encounter with the esteemed and knowledgeable albeit much younger professor Lorrimer. The man was able to pull enough medical knowledge from within him to deliver the child and save Lily. The child was born with flaming red hair and possessed a strange birthmark over his heart in the shape of a sun. He would later be named after the captain that had given his mother and father everything he could in life, Walthus. The professor recognized the red hair and birthmark as the blessings of Sarenrae, and quickly sent word to the closent agent of the Dawnflower he could, a shadowy figure that was rumored to wander the wilds of Varisia and have connections to the Cult of the Dawnflower. The rumors were very much true, and the ranger and professor decided to do their best to aid the family and new born child, who was very likely to be destined for greatness. The adventures that followed would perhaps someday become the stuff of legends, as the company of Sarenrae grew to include a varied group and culture of people who put their lives on the line for the fleeing Lily and Drogo and fought against the infernal forces that pursued them. Many years later, the company successfully arrived in Ustalav, free of their pursuers, at least for now. The professor met them in the small town of Ardis, having parted company and rejoined the haflings several times over the years of their escape. Lily and Drogo had most recently taken the surname of Harrow, and seemed to have finally escaped the notice of the slaver's and other enemies that had sought them for many years. It was possible that they might be one day called to arms again, but the family decided to find a nice piece of land in the Palatinates, where the people truly seemed to believe in freedom, and began to farm the land. Many of the company left over the years, called to adventure, but Lily and Drogo were aging, and desired nothing more than peace. The elven ranger decided to stay with the family, and continue the education of the young Walthus. Time passed peacefully since then, and the crops were plentiful and fair. The ranger and farm-hands were more than capable of protecting the farmland from the threats of the wild, and the blessings of Sarenrae always seemed to be over the land. Now many of the original company have grown old and settled all over Golarian, while some of the more long lived adventure's have continued their journey's. And so it was when Walthus and his family had received the summons to the funeral of the late professor to whom they owed everything. After great debate, it was decided that Walthus would go, after Lily convinced Drogo that he was far to old to be traveling, and the sun-touched halfling strode off towards the city of Ravengro.