Friendly Fighter

Walther Kane's page

21 posts. Alias of Almagafor.


Walther smiles at the woman, hands spread wide. "That was not very nice, here we were having a perfectly civil conversation and you knock him out. Maybe we all take it down a notch, and have a nice chat?"

Walther smiles, "Now as you can see, there appears to be a large pit in your yard. My friends and I just awoke down there, having been in Chi-Town when we found sleep. You can see what a predicament this has placed us in. Perhaps we started off wrong, I'm Walther, what's your name?"

Taking a look at his gun, want to know if its a laser, plasma weapon, or just good ole SDC lead? This guy look human? Anything stand out about him?

Walther looks over to whoever called out to him, looking instinctively for his opponents weapon. He puts his hands into the air and puts on a friendly expression.

"Shooting would be rather rude. Can't we be friends."

Walther wanders over to the woods and kicks a tree down, once its down he rips a number of the branches off so as to make it straighter, with more hand holds. He then drags it to the pit and lowers it in, calling a warning to the others as he does so.

Walther looks around for some rope or something to lower down for the others to climb out with.

Worse comes to worse, I'll just knock a tree down and let them climb out using the trunk

Walther looks Kip over, "Might be a bit dangerous to do so, might be better for me to climb out and haul you up." Walther begins to punch hand holds into the wall of the pit and drag himself up.

"Send that something on down then, 'fore I get froggy"

Walther stops after the first blow, "Lets hear it, then. Or do I need to come up there?"

Walther stands and tests the walls of the pit, checking to see how sound the structure is. His inspection culminates with his hand forming a knife edge and striking the pit wall with it as if to create a hand hold.

let's find out if this thing is a MDC structure shall we :)

Figure I'll kill off you D-Bees one delicious puff at a time.

Walther taps some ash off, "Walther the Seer, at least that's what my little chip says." Walther lifts a hand showing the tiny pinprick of a CS Psychic Registration Chip.

Walther looks around for a moment, "If we can find my ride I've got something artillery in there might even things up, whatever 'things' are."

Walther reaches into his pocket and pulls a cigar and lighter, he toys with it a bit before starting it alight. The fragrant fumes betray a higher quality cigar, sweet and not cloying.

He reads the note a few times before speaking, "Anyone know what this is about?"

I think we're waiting on GM to see where/when we wake up.

Everyone, I'm guessing?

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

From what I recall some of the Brubs can be a little Wild West-y, so not normal but not unusual

Walther's cigar droops a little when the elf speaks to him, something of surprise playing across his features. He quickly recovers and motions to the stronger ones.
"Those two are pretty good, I don't feel any magic or psychic ability but its not impossible for them to mask such things."
Walther's hand moves to his holster under the table and gingerly unbuttons it, "You getting anything?"

Walther's eyes take on an almost imperceptable shine as they play over the room, starting with the new arrivals.

See Aura sensitive power

Walther's face is shadowed as he watches the door from his spot on the wall, a lit cigar provides the smallest caress of light under his features. He's good looking, tall and blonde with blue eyes, he has some slight stubble along his chin and cheeks. Well-built, he obviously takes care of his body. He's dressed in blue jeans, black shirt, and leather jacket. Every so often you see a small twitch run along his hand or face, almost like a ripple on a still pond.

Walther leans forward into the light as the beauties enter the room, smiling slightly.

1d20 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6

Psychic probing later, don't have books on me while I'm at work. As far as knowing one another I'm good with it either way, of course no one is going to know who Walther really works for.

Check equipment, see if its good for "on assignment" work and if the experimental item is OK.


Just need to do gear.