Wallis's page

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Get bitten by a lycanthrope - lots of fun to be had going down that road :)
I have a wererat rogue...

Use magical device - good for when you dont have clerics/mages in the party.

I do believe that a couple of Dice makers produce blank dice - what about getting those and adding your own numbers?

Flood Season - just had our first face off with Triel which has left our HalfOrc dead. Our DM introduced a Necromancer to the mid island in Triels fortress so most of us have been drained of some STR attribute points.

The group consists of 6 player with two players not currently with us

Walls - Halfling/Wererat - Rogue 4
Angus - Celestial - Psionic 4
Tidral - HalfOrc/Dragon - Ranger 1/Favoured Soul 3
Ulrikstaal - Human - Paladin 4
Tersion Jnr - Human - Fighter 4
Arriane - Elf - Scout 4
Ispakka - Human - Monk 4

our psionic finished TE - two rounds!

the group I am in have recently started SCAP, currently rescuing the wands is our objective.
The party consists of the following - thanks to the allowances of the DM.

A Celestial - Elf lookalike psionic
A Wererat - halfling rogue
A Paladin
The son of the captain of the guard
Half Orc/Dragon - Favoured Soul of StCuthbert