Wacky-D's page

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Just last week my group decided to play Starfinder for the first time.

The GM ran the adventure, rules as written, but we--the players--were trounced. Thoroughly trounced!

All the NPCs had Attack Modifiers that were near double digits (the lowest at +8, most at +9). The best PC in the group was at a +6.

We paused and did the math and it seemed unlikely that all of the opposition had max starting attributes, specialization, and took solider as their class...and maybe a morale bonus, 'cause even all of that should be under the bonuses they all posed.

Now, it was only our first game. So I'm not going to accuse the module of doing something unfair for all NPCs involved. But did we miss something in the rules to this? I double check then, and even now right before posting, and it only says that the base attack is relevant Ability Modifier plus Attack Bonus for Class and Level.

I'm suppose to run Yesterday's Truth tomorrow and I'm already noticing that the first robot I came across has a slam attack for +6 base to hit and a ranged laser at +9. Its Strength offers only a +2 and Dex a +4. For a CR 1 creature it should be that good at hitting PCs.

Any advice would be much appreciated, especially if it can come before 4pm EST tomorrow, September 19th 2017.

