
Vulf Longfang's page

361 posts. Alias of Raventhorn.

Full Name

Vulf Longfang


Half Elf


Barbarian 1







Special Abilities

Rage, Fast Movement,






Common, Elven


Blade Dancer

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 13

About Vulf Longfang

Back story:

Born from the tragic and ill fated romance of a Wild Elf and a human forester Vulf was born into a world of violence and tragedy.
When his mother died in childbirth Vulf's father was killed by his enraged grandfather who thought his daughter had been raped.

Vulf was raised alongside the other children but he always felt as an outcast as the others went home to their families and he was forced to find shelter with his abusive grandfather.

Vulf was nurtured by the harsh lessons taught by his tribesmen. Hunting in the harsh terrain and learning the trade of a warrior through his grandfather and his violent teachings. Vulf advanced through adolecence and into manhood.

When he was what he thought was old enough Vulf tried to compete for the right to take a woman as his mate but was rejected harshly by the elders of the tribe. Thrown out of the clan and told that he could only come back after he has proven himself as a true wild elf.

Vulf now with only his leathers and his sword as his companions travels the lands searching for worthy foes to test his swordsmanship. To buy food Vulf has taken to performing intricate and tribal sword dances showing off his skill and martial prowess to paying crowds.

Recently he has overheard a rumor of a festival in Varsia where bouts of dancing and skill go unrivaled. intrigued Vulf has traveled there in hopes of finding work and perhaps finding a few foes that will increase his prowess and maybe find a way back to his tribe and a seat of honor among the clan.

Possible Plot Hooks::

1. To prove that he is worthy of the tribe Vulf is required to slay a large winged monster to help improve the tribes standing with the spirits of wind.

2. Also for every worthy foe Vulf slays, he must receive a tattoo symbolizing his foes spirit being taken in to improve his strength.

3. EDIT:Vulf might begin to question if he really wants to go back to his tribe and wish to find a place to belong somewhere else and with who. Atm so far its with Zelaria subject to change as story progresses.


Vulf appears as a very lean muscled medium sized man. His dark hair is tied up into a long braid that has never been cut since childhood according to his tribes ways. His hard green eyes see through people in way that is often unnerving to foes. His upper body is displayed proudly as he has a multitude of tattoos all crisscrossing, swirls, of ebony tribal patterns. these tattoos among his people are only given to those who have hunted or killed a worthy foe that is of note. His neck, chest and arms and pieces of his face are all decorated with these tattoos. At times of high emotion or when the battle fury descends upon him the tattoos change to an archaic icy blue as the spirits of his people awaken and attack his foes in battle with him.


Vulf Longfang
Half Elf: Favored Classes Barbarian and Fighter
Medium Size

Touch:13 Fl:12
Armor: Leather +2
Speed: 40/45'


Base Attack: +1
# of Rage rounds available:5


Single Blade: +3 1d8+3
Full Round Attack: +1 1d8+2,+1 1d8+1

Raging Attacks:
Single Blade: +5 1d8+6
FRA: +3 1d8+4, +3 1d8+2

Special Abilities: Ancestral Arms replacing Skill focus gaining the prof. for Double bladed sword.

Traits: Fencer and Warrior of Old

Feat: (free feat)Wind Clan, Feat Two weapon fighting

Skills: (The ones I trained)
Acrobatics: +9
Climb: +6
Know Nature: +4
Perception: +6
Perform Dance: +2