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![]() I don't think this has come up before... Echo spell states "you can cast it ONE additional time during that day." Spell perfection states "if you have other feats which allow you to apply a set numerical bonus to any aspect of this spell (...), double the bonus granted by that feat when applied to this spell." So if I echo my spell perfection spell do I get to cast it two additional times? Is the no recasting rule sidestepped as you have two divergent 'echos'? I'm not convinced it works this way, or that it doesn't. ![]()
![]() If you have a very high caster level, say 50-200, what spells really benefit? Obviously many spells benefit from spell penetration and increased ranges etc. but many are capped - like 10d6 for Fireball. So Destruction isn't capped, Dispel Magic will just work, Swarm Skin becomes more interesting, Summon Monster has minutes durations, You can Animate a lot of big things. Slay Living and Finger of Death pack a might punch on a passed save. - what else is there lurking out there? Cunning and clever! Not so worried about which class the spells come from at this point. ![]()
![]() We are fighting a BBEG who is possessing bodies so when we defeat him he can just escape to another. We don't know exactly how he is doing this - though it might be some blessing of an divine-like entity (He's a fighter when we first met him). At 16th level we are looking like we'll be encountering him again soon and we'd like to keep him locked down this time. We have access to the cleric, wizard, witch, bard and alchemist spell lists. We know he has an ally who can cast at least resurrection. He also seems warded from our divinations to locate his actual body So what to do? ![]()
![]() I want to use Symbol of Mirroring and I wanted to double check it works. Once triggered does it effect every creature that comes within 60ft of it, allies and enemies alike? Thus making a banner of it not so useful (unless the entire party has True Seeing). If you had a permanent one on a book page could the party activate it, pop it in a bag of holding, kick down the door and benefit from it for several rounds? How long would they have to wait until they could use it again? ![]()
![]() So we’re looking at playing Skulls & Shackles at some point and we were throwing around ideas for characters and the DM has approved me playing a Monkey. It’s be a reincarnated human with; Size:Tiny
on top of standard human traits. However I’m not sure where to go for class. We know we’ll start off with minimal to no equipment and that morally dubious is the order of the day. The DM has said that I can’t speak but my vocalisations are sufficient for spellcasting if I choose to go that route. Background will involve being force reincarnated by a powerful witch. I’m leaning towards sorcerer but I’m open to suggestions. The character will have a STR of 3 and the carrying capacity of a tiny creature which is going to scupper many martial ideas, as does 0ft reach – and miniature bows don’t seem to really ‘fit’. Whilst this character is always going to be concept heavy I don’t want to be entirely ineffective. Rogue seems like another good concept fit but damage output is going to be poor and reach is an issue. Monk does too, I'm just not sure what the character would do in combat. So class ideas other than sorcerer? Or if I go sorcerer any suggestions for bloodline/spells/feats/etc? More Info: Starting at 1st, 20 point buy. ![]()
![]() I have a half formed build that runs wizard 11 and then into a 1 level dip to pick up the Coven Witch Hex – which also appears as the bloodline arcane of Accursed Sorcerers. I’m wondering how to make the most of this. Witch has the Intelligence synergy, means my familiar won’t miss out on a level of familiar stuff and increases my spell list a bit. Sorcerer is Charisma based, but for only 1 level this isn’t much of an issue - since the build has leadership in it (and a familiar) I’ll be wanting a reasonable Charisma anyway. I could also go for a Crossblooded Archetype and pick up a second bloodline arcane and replace the level dependant 1st level bloodline power from Accursed – though it’s got to be worth the -2 to will saves. So Witch or Sorcerer? If Crossblooded which bloodlines shine? And what spells/feats/items are worth picking up? Build Info: The build isn’t very set in stone yet – even school hasn’t been settled on but I’m leaning on a conjuration/transmutation based spell list that focus on creating/altering stuff not creatures – though summon monster builds always have a draw but I’m worried about excessive creature clutter. The only thing set in stone is that it must be Wizard 11. Cohort will either be a Witch, Accursed Sorcerer or Hexcrafter Magus. (I’m pretty sure My DM would say yes to a Cohort Hag right up to the point he reads the Bestiary entry for Covens - of course that wont stop me.) ![]()
![]() If you want to use your followers for more than static jobs in fixed locations how do you go about keeping them safe from all the mid level peril? Say for example you are a witch and you have as many witch followers as the Gm is generous to permit (as many with the Coven Hex as possible). The caster level bonuses can make a big difference to the duration of buffs you might cast. This is just an example - they might all be entertainers who put on shows to keep you entertained each day once the fighting is over and the casters want to rest. Ring gates look like a good option but 100 miles can quickly become an issue at mid levels. A Rod of Security also lets you 'store' and move them easily, but it can only be used once a week so has limited use. Also both these items are really quite expensive - multiple rods are out of the question. The Create Demiplane line of spells looks like it has potential as does Mage's Magnificent Mansion - but not till high level. an Instant Fortress fails to impress. So any clever ways of having them around but not so vulnerable to the wake up call fireball? ![]()
![]() I've seen a few threads covering the Circlet of Persuasion and concentration checks but this question is about how it interacts with spells that call for a check based off the casters charisma. Various charm spells are an easy call however... Quote:
Is this one of "the wearer's Charisma-based checks."? To me it seems like it is. Chain of Perdition is worded a little differently... Quote: The chain can perform the dirty trick (blind or entangle), drag, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers, using your caster level in place of your Combat Maneuver Bonus, and your Charisma modifier (sorcerer), Intelligence modifier (wizard), or Wisdom modifier (cleric) in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. Which would make think me this this isn't the wearer's check but the chain's - or is this being overly pedantic? ![]()
![]() I know generic 'cost of a feat item' has been covered and dismissed as an impossible question due to the huge variance in the effects of different feats but... How much would you price an item that grants a metamagic feat – unlike the rods you’d have to provide the increased spell slot, but it would be unlimited use. The only feat granting items* (that don’t do other stuff) are the various Ioun Stones (endurance, alertness, weapon proficiency) at 10k for an unslotted item and Gloves of Arrow Snatching which are 2/day for a feat with prerequisites at 4k for a slotted item. (So 10k for unlimited use by the formula??). I can’t think of any immediate reason to charge differently for a +1 or +4 level adjustment metamagic item. So 5k for a slotted item that grants one stated metamagic feat? 12.5k for one that grants 2? Does that sound fair? And double cost for those metamagic feats with prerequisites? I’m assuming an unslotted item would just be twice the slotted version – but how about a book (Like the Tomes and Manuals) that grant the feat but are one shot? The way the Tomes pricing scales isn’t very helpful for extrapolation. Of course it’s ultimately up to the GM to permit and set the price of such items. *That I can find with a quick skim. ![]()
![]() With the lack of any clause the returns the corpse to it's original form should it return to life this spell looks like it could be very abused. First off the easy case of a human corpse that has been sculpted into a troll and then Raised. What happens to the creatures abilities and powers? Secondly does 'Any spell or effect that targets the corpse (such as speak with dead or raise dead) treats it as if it still had its original appearance.' prevent multiple castings to make colossal or diminutive corpses? Thirdly can you use Magic Jar to possess your barbarian mate and then from his body cast Possess Object to leave his body 'effectively dead'? (the wording of Magic Jar implies a death like state so it's unclear if you could target it as a corpse). Then get your Imp familiar to UMD a wand of sculpt corpse him into something more useful. What happens to his abilities and powers? If you repeat this trick the next day does it count as a different corpse and thus allow you circumvent the size restriction in the second point and allow a huge form? (And so on). By the way, shouldn't the range of Magic Jar be 'Personal' not 'One Creature' ![]()
![]() I have an vague idea about using the Cohort from Leadership as a Jeeves-esque butler. But that's about as far as the idea's progressed. I'm not looking for someone who has much/any offensive combat potential (Our DM doesn't like it if cohorts clutter up our combat since we have a 6 player group as it is), or indeed a heal/buff bot (though that might still happen a bit). Survivability will be nice (though readying 'Move away from danger' every round should help) but I'm mostly looking for 'useful to have around'. Class wise I'm leaning towards cleric but I'm not settled. I have no ideas for feats and am open to suggestions for ideas about spell selection and equipment. (If you don't know who Jeeves is then this will help a little... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYf5YPNnfRY ) ![]()
![]() Lesser restoration states; "Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subject's ability scores or..." Which I see as intended to dispel things like Ray of Enfeeblement. However then it gets odd. Beast Shape II (Large creature) gives a -2 penalty to dexterity, so I assume this can be also be dispelled, - as would a whole host of other polymorph effects. Wildshape is Supernatural so not vulnerable to Dispel Magic, I'm guessing Supernatural powers are not vulnerable to any form of dispelling? Magical Grappled effects? Entanglement effects? What about paralysis? That reduces your Dexterity to 0. Sleep? The Int/Cha decrease from casting Contact Other Plane? Reincarnate (as say, an elf) is instantaneous so I'm guessing that's safe. Feeblemind lists specific spells that can end it and Bestow Curse specifically states it can't be dispelled so both are out as well. Touch of Idiocy reduces three of the targets ability scores but I'm going to assume the 'one of' means one or more, not only one. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() I've done a search and found various topics about this but couldn't find an answer to these particular questions. 1)If my oracle of life puts on a Ring of Revelation (RoR) with the Channel ability in it (a revelation he doesn't have) can he use UMD to try to trick the ring into working at a higher level than he is? (So if he gets a 25 on his UMD he channels for 3d6 even if he is only 3rd level. 2) If so, if the same oracle then took the Channel revelation as part of his class would he no longer be able to do this? 3) Later he finds a RoR with the Stone Mystery revelation 'Acid Skin' in it. When would he roll his UMD to determine how much acid resistance he receives? Could he keep taking it on and off until he got a UMD result he liked? |