
Vokialus's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 Organized Play characters.

Dark Archive

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I really hope that this book will explore the Nagaji theme more fully. Something thematic like the First Mother's Fang is sorely missed.

Dark Archive

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Alex Speidel wrote:
It's not the Sky Key, it's a new key :)

*sounds of frustration*

In that case, can you tell me how the case with the Heavenly Key ended after 7-00? I know there was also a scenario for lube for him in Season 7, but other than that, nothing.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wait.. It's REALLY continuation story of Sky Key (6 year PFS1) or am I confusing something?

Dark Archive

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Berselius wrote:
What in the name of the Inheritor is Baronet Ghazolain involved with that can terrify a 70+ year old spymaster on another continent? o_o

Great Old Ones,for example.

Dark Archive 1/5 ***

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This is great, but I don’t understand why not to add this for, for example, fractional scenarios. Okay, suppose you put them in the dustbin of history, but don't they deserve that we can proudly say: “I was a member of the Exchange!”?