
Voadkha's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (177 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 28 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Dark Archive 3/5

If your cleric is neutral, particularly if they worship an evil god Darchive is likely to be one of the better factions 'theme-wise'. Alternately if your cleric is a goody two shoes they might focus on the... lip service (remove the dangerous artifacts from circulation) reason d'etre of the darkive rather than the power-grubby reality...

Fluff aside I recommend that you take a look at the faction cards (both for whether or not the boons would be useful for the character and also to see if your character is likely going to ever be able to accomplish faction card tasks).

Dark Archive 3/5

I'm a super huge fan of allowing characters to grow organically. So kudos on your decision to make a shift.

As for the type of shift my suggestion is to consider the style of your campaign. Is it requiring you (and your companions) to pull out the stops to stay alive? (i.e. is the SUBOPTIMAL choice of multiclassing cleric/warpriest going to cause significant risk? )

If so consider either retraining to all warpriest (i vaguely remember that retraining an archetype wasn't an option?).

Flavorwise I think multiclassing is the way to go...


Dark Archive

If he is merely tiny riding 'in the open' on the back of a small familiar then the monster can definitely take an AOO at the Wizard.

I vaguely remember there being a rule in 3.5 about a small (or tiny?) person riding a huge (or large; i.e. 3 size categories different) mount gaining actual cover... and it was the all the rage for halflings to ride elephants.

Dark Archive

I've preached for years that Asmodeus and Sarenrae are just two aspects of the divine. Cleansing fire and all that. I'd love to play a paladin of Asmodeus.

Dark Archive 3/5

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I would totally love to slow level progression down. I've seen entirely too many level 3 and 4 characters whose players seem completely oblivious to the most fundamental aspects of the game (initiative, action economy, skill DCs).

One idea would be to allow replay of scenarios at reduced (slow play) rewards. One thing that 'always' frustrated me was when you accidentally played a scenario that would have been "perfect" for a different character... too late!

Dark Archive

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Sorry to necro this thread but I only discovered it this evening and I've been "mulling over" a similar concept master necromancer with a massive army for over 20 years and actually put the first significant effort into building the army all day yesterday.

One thing I discovered was this variant Skeletal Champion that has the super awesome ability to control skeletons.... You just need to ensure control of the champion and you can have a metric butload of skeletons under your indirect control.

I personally don't think CL bumps, necessarily, bump your max controlable HD pool but if they do then having your familiar cast Animate Dead (and Animate Dead, Lesser) from a Ring of Spell Storing (minor) will certainly let your familiar have it's own two pools as well. The Ring limits the CL of the spells to the min caster level which is lvl 5. Assuming you're able to fill the ring while not wearing it your familiar can ALSO have two HD pools of 20HD each.

Without a desecrate and CL shenanigans you'd be limited to a max size of 10HD which allows:

Akylosaurus are 10 HD Huge creatures with 27 Str and make great bulldozers.
Wolly Rhinos are only 8 HD and only Large but are even stronger at 28 Str.
Hill Giants are large bipeds with 10 HD and 25 Str

Also, you can Imbue With Spell Ability and it can cast Command Undead for one additional minion.

Lastly, if you DO use Desecrate to make things interesting (+2 Hp/HD), don't forget that you can get the portable Altar of Urgathoa

Dark Archive 3/5

Thanks for the answers and everyone's comments, especially Vic Wertz for treating my questions with respect.

Even the posts that chastised me for what they perceived as baseless fears were useful reminders that the PFS community has numerous people that, apparently, know nothing of Living Greyhawk.

Lord John Greyhawk... Spelljammer holds a special place in my heart and I periodically wish Paizo would quit teasing me with what I consider some direct tie-ins!

Dark Archive 3/5

Perhaps I'm still suffering from the psychological scars caused by the destruction of LG but the new Starfinder button showing up filled me with dread.

Has there been official word from Paizo concerning whether or not the release of Starfinder will coincide with the death of Pathfinder (and more specifically PFS).

Has there been any announcement that PFS is intended to be "phased out" in the near future? Do they have at least a tentative commitment to continue PFS through Season 9 and into Season 10?

Dark Archive 3/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Work it out between the players. it has to be targeted to hurt undead. A channel burst can either be to heal the living or hurt the dead, so healing party members with a channel won't hurt him.

First, I want to say that I'm psyched that I get another opportunity to address one of my heros, even if it appears I disagree. Really, it's just that I'm so very frustrated because of what I perceive as ambiguities in another thread that 'everyone' else seemed to completely understand.

This thread about Dhamphir and NEA raised the question about NEA and it was my understanding that "the devs" decided that we were supposed to effectively ignore the fact that "dhampir are alive" and treat them as dead for ALL purposes.

I originally just assumed that dhampir were always treated as undead. THEN the coherent arguments raised by (i think) Kitsune Knight swayed my opinion and I became enamored with the complexities and newfound (potential) power of my dhampir boon... and then it was "clarified" by the devs and I appear to be the only one that was further confused.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's fun when you start reading a thread thinking, "Wow, what an articulate request for advice, I'll see if I can help." and end the thread thinking, "Wow, the guy doesn't actually want help, and insults people that make accurate and polite, suggestions about how his choices to ignore some rules would mitigate some of his problem."

There are a lot of Saints on the boards today that are willing to put up with that kind of attitude.

Thank you, to all the Saints.

Dark Archive

Bigdaddyjug wrote:

Don't blame the program if people don't know how to use it or ignore the error codes it throws up. If I sat down at your table with my iPad, and you told me I couldn't play unless I had another character sheet, you better believe Mike Brock would get an email from me immediately.

Here here!

I came across this thread while researching a question about Darkleaf and was, frankly, appalled that someone was so rabidly and (apparently ignorantly) anti-hero lab.

I can confirm that there are DOZENS of mistakes/traps that ignorant (not stupid just ignorant) people will often accidentally make when using HL. The game has grown so complicated over the years that new people joining the game often don't know enough to notice when something is off.

Additionally, I would wholeheartedly support Quendishir if he were to demand that the player prove they own a copy of every resource their character was using and disallow them based on the high probability that if they don't understand HL enough to ensure it's generating situationally correct numbers then they are probably also not in compliance with Paizo ownership rules.

However, I'm a little sad that Paizo leadership didn't come down hard and censure the "if you use HL you can't play at my table" attitude. Completely unacceptable in my book.

Dark Archive

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It's your world and the ultimate bottom line is that if your 6 players like the changes then that is literally all that matters. It would frustrate me as it fundamentally buffs the power of martial characters (but simultaneously debuffs full bab characters, particularly the fighter and monk's 'unique' status as having the most feats) with rogues getting by far the most love. It wouldn't surprise me if you have 6 people, all wanting to play two weapon fighting rogues...

As for the group world building session.... it sounds interesting... but time consuming. Assuming you have sufficient time and creativity to synthesize a reason for 6 people from what might be "literally" 6 opposite sides of the world (hah! north pole, south pole, underdark, orbit, equatorial western and equatorial eastern jungle) it sounds like it could be a really enjoyable first session.

Good luck.

Dark Archive 3/5

I too played this for the first time yesterday and enjoyed it. I always try to play a scenario before I prep it (because it helps me run things to have an example (both good and bad) from which to deviate, and also because it helps me not worry so much about my inner metagamer rearing it's ugly head.

This one, from all I hear is so different... how many times should I play it before I run it?

Dark Archive

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Woo BigNorseWolf you're my hero. Not only for re-raising the issue (I know I've had a terrible time in the past finding games... (if only everyone used Warhorn!), but also because "My" local game is on your list.

Dark Archive

mdt wrote:
Thanks, but the Devs errata/FAQ'd the ability to be as I was arguing against. Basically, they've decided the Dhampir is Undead for targeting as well.

Sorry for the thread necro but I recently got a dhamphir boon.

The FAQ doesn't seem to change the RAW from what it was originally, but merely make it more obviously:

Nothing happens if the target is undead.
The opposite from the 'expected' (negative good/positive bad) happens if the target is living.

The FAQ doesn't mention targeting and thus it seems like mdt and Kitsune Knight had it right originally.

What am I missing?

The way I see it:

Case one: Dhamphir walks around and looks human. He's only affected when he's targeted as human (and receives the opposite effect).

1a) Evil cleric sees a party of Pathfinders and tries to hurt them channeling negative energy to harm living. All but Dhamphir are hurt, Dhamphir is healed. Evil cleric: Hmmm, that Pathfinder has NEA.

1b) Evil cleric sends in his pack of ghouls to deal with the party of Pathfinders. The ghouls start to get hurt. Pathfinder cleric channels positive energy to harm the ghouls. Dhamphir is unaffected as are all the other Pathfinders. A couple of the ghouls are almost destroyed. Evil cleric channels negative energy to heal up his ghouls. Dhamphir is unaffected as are all the other Pathfinders.

Case two: Dhamphir walks around and 'pretends' to be a vampire. He's completely unaffected if someone tries to target him with channeled energy as an undead.

2a) Evil cleric sees a party of Pathfinders and thinks they have an allied vampire (maybe the Pathfinder's have a necromancer with them?). Tries to hurt them with a channel negative energy, he expects the "vampire" to be unaffected. All but Dhamphir are hurt, Dhamphir is healed. Evil cleric now realizes the Dhamphir is not actually a vampire.

2b) Evil cleric sends in his pack of ghouls to deal with the party of Pathfinders. The ghouls start to get hurt. Pathfinder cleric channels positive energy to harm the ghouls. Dhamphir is unaffected as are all the other Pathfinders. A couple of the ghouls are almost destroyed. Evil cleric assumes that the Positive Energy channeling cleric must have used selective channel to avoid hurting the "vampire". He doesn't have selective channel and decides that he's willing to risk healing the "vampire" because he really wants to heal up his ghouls. He channels negative to heal undead. Dhamphir is unaffected as are all the other Pathfinders. Evil cleric is momentarily stumped... and then he realizes that the "vampire" must be alive.

As an aside. The change to channel energy (making it only affect living OR undead in a single cast) is my absolute least favorite change from D&D to Pathfinder. So frustrating.

Dark Archive

Yes. The Pathfinder community in the DC area seems to most heavily use Meetup to organize games.

I care more about Pathfinder Society than home brew games (mostly because my experience with home brew games has been abysmal... real life ALWAYS interfered with scheduling.)

The biggest/main group is plays PFS most Tuesdays at 1800 at Comics & Gaming in Fairfax.

There is a small group of us that started about 4 months ago using that meetup to organize PFS games at the Sherwood Regional Library most Saturdays @1145.

Farther afield there is a group that plays at The Haven in Frederick, MD and uses a different Meetup:

Good luck and welcome to NoVa.

Dark Archive

To put things into Pathfinder terms... this election is similar to voting for House Thrune, a rumpled pant-suit, and subjugation to Asmodeus and oh lets call it a Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral, Sczarni businessman with, apparently real, hair that looks like a toupee.

If only there were a viable third option!

Dark Archive 3/5

FWIW I did search for a more appropriate thread. But thanks for the answer.

Dark Archive 3/5

I've been running scenarios somewhat regularly for the last couple of years (only a 2 star GM) and suddenly with the inclusion of core reporting is "all screwed up."

Apparently, if one of my players (brand new people that don't really understand the reporting, or in this case 2 brand new people and one LONG time player that may have poor attention to detail) accidentally clicked on the wrong box and created their character with the core flag when they are in fact 'normal' PFS (rpg?) they block the GM from being able to report the event at all. Alternately, my assumption that the RPG box is for 'normal' PFS and the PRC stands for "core" is incorrect.

This is incredibly frustrating, as it's taken me over an hour to attempt to report my most recent session. And I'm not 100% sure i did it right.

Dark Archive 3/5

I'm supposed to run this soon and I had a similar read.

If you eat your own you don't get the profane boon (and don't need an atonement). It's only if you eat someone elses that requires atonement (but you get the boon)...

I think a lot of tables (including mine when I played) got the boon for eating their own wafer.

Dark Archive 3/5

It seems many people are claiming that the new faction missions "couldn't be easier", or "you must be a moron if you didn't get your mission". My experience with the missions thus far is nothing short of frustrating.

1) I have members of all (or at least 7 factions)... and only ever received emails from two faction heads. What about the other 5? Now that I re-read them I _think_ they are pre-season 5 letters. I'm not sure.

2) I've thus far played 3 of the 5 new scenarios.
a) 5-02: I managed to (sheer luck) play with my Cheliaxan. However I'd only managed to get my hands on the short faction blurb vice the long and spent entire mission with my eyes peeled looking for artifacts of power. Missed out on asking about fortifications and weaknesses, something I would've enjoyed role playing. Frustrated.

b) 5-01: Kept asking if anyone knew which factions were supported by 5-01, no one knew, GM wasn't willing (I don't blame him). Played with Grand Lodge (aka 'wrong faction'). Had characters that were the correct factions that I could have played. Frustrated.

c) 5-03: Someone happened to know that it was a Taldor mod, party makeup "worked" that my Taldor PC was viable. Played, got boon. Frustrated that the other two mods didn't work out so well.

d) ACTIVELY TRYING to find out the faction opportunities for 5-04/5-05 and can't. Keep hearing that they are in the 'blurbs', have tried to find the blurbs (short of buying the mod) and can't. Frustrated.

Faction letters need to be easy to find downloads on the PFS pages.

I think non-members should be _able_ to get faction rewards from other factions... sometimes party composition drives character selection.

Table desperately needs a healer or an arcane and your only "correct" faction that is in tier is a BDF or vice versa.

My experience with new faction missions is just frustrating.

Dark Archive 3/5

Ian, I'm a old Living Grayhawk player that is hoping to start playing Pathfinder (with a 1st lvl character) at neoncon.

I signed up for "path 1" as mentioned by Rene with the exception of module #1 (which has noone signed up) and I don't see your name. Quite a few of the mods listed do not yet have sufficient people signed up/pre-mustered to make legal tables so I sure hope you are still planning on making it.

Cheers and hope to see you there,